Yeah, the Dreamcast controller was like two XBOX controllers slapped together...with a memory card in it for no good reason...add to that the cord plugs were too sensitive and popped out too easy...but at least vibrating was an optional doohicky (my hands throbbing is not immersive...if anything, it's the opposite), which made them the most durable of that gen...
I still say PS2 controllers are probably best, but I still think DualShock is stupid. I don't know why they didn't just take their controller design and slap a screen in the middle for the PSP...360 is ok, but I hate triggers. Shoulder buttons are quicker and thus, to me, better. The only advantage of a trigger is that it sort of simulates a gun better for FPSs, but I know I'm holding a controller either way and if I have a choice, I'd rather my gun have a hair trigger...
Nothing beats good ol' WASD and a kickass mouse (maybe one of them ball ones) though.