Author Topic: FlagBearer, Dario?  (Read 1569 times)


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FlagBearer, Dario?
« on: February 20, 2009, 08:16:54 am »
These lines are supposed to be after Viper receives the FlagBearer(Snakebone Battle Flag) tech.

Quote from: Barkeep
   How is it?
   Does it help?
   That flag was left in my
   hands by this one knight.
   He never gave me his name,
   but he looked very powerful,
   with a green cape gracing
   his shoulders...

From her description, the knight seemed to be Dario. But Dario seemed to be absent at that time. Even if he wasn't, couldn't the barkeep recognize him?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 08:18:54 am by utunnels »


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 12:44:42 pm »


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 01:41:26 pm »
Unless Frog was human, I doubt it.  The small detail that the knight was a humanoid frog would most likely come up in the Barkeep's little blurb there.  Who needs a name when it is a frog person?  "He didn't give me his name, but he was a frog-man."  Not many of those walking around.


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 03:26:53 pm »
Could have been Human Glenn.  I could have sworn there was a PSX ending where Magus lived yet Frog turned human. Am I mistaken on that?


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2009, 03:46:46 pm »
Could have been Human Glenn.  I could have sworn there was a PSX ending where Magus lived yet Frog turned human. Am I mistaken on that?
Well they don't show Magus in the anime ending, but Glenn turns human regardless of whether he lives or dies in the anime.


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2009, 05:08:41 pm »
If the item was literally left in the barkeep's hand, as the quote suggests, then Frog would have had to travel through time just to leave the some bloke this random item. Dario seems much more likely.


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2009, 09:41:56 pm »
Hasn't Dario been dead in that world for a while...? Maybe that's why the barkeep NPC didn't know exactly how one random knight looked...


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2009, 06:53:19 am »
 :lol: I'd say Human Glenn! Believe it or not, in time Magus's spell was reversed.


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2009, 11:09:24 am »
I'd really need to see that in game to get the full context, but I suspect your original supposition, utunnels, is correct. Let's go with the process of elimination

Knights (or people who could possibly be described as knights) that we know of:
The Unused Journey To the West Character

We can eliminate a few of them right off the bat. Marcy, even though she's a deva, is a she and the barkeep IDs the mysterious figure as a he. Turnip's cape is blue, and it seems like the barkeep would mention if it was a giant turnip. Cyrus is dead and has been for 420+ years. Obviously can't be Viper. Solt and Peppor lack capes and can't be considered powerful looking.

This leaves us with a better selection but we still have very little to go with. The Green Cape might seem important, but we can imagine that a character might not be wearing it when we see them in game (or it could be left over from an earlier design that was changed). Could it be Zoah? He looks powerful, but he lacks a cape. The cape might be explained away as something he wore at the time but discarded later. Though I'd say the lack of pants should have burned the memory into the barkeeps head, so Zoah's fairly unlikely.

Karsh is in a similar situation; lacks a cape (and a sword; knights are often depicted as using either lances or swords) but looks powerful (or at least mean). But considering he's famous, I'd also say he is unlikely.

Garai is very knightish, but also lacks a cape and seems far too famous to go unnoticed. Radius was a former deva and even if he looked powerful at the time and wore a green cape, he too is probably too famous to go unIDed.

Pierre is suitably knightish but doesn't look powerful and lacks a cape. He also seems to be new-come to El Nido at the start of the game.

Crono counts as a knight, would look powerful, but lacks a cape and has no particular reason to make a guest appearance in this fashion.

Glen is, of course, the quinessential knight, but he's out of time: he'd be around 400 years too early to deliver the flag to the barkeep.

There is the unusued Journey to the West Character, but we know nothing about him and my impression was that those characters never made it past the design stage.

Glenn lakcs a cape and doesn't appear too powerful, but he lacks the fame that would trouble other characters.

Which only leaves us with Dario. He's a knight, he's powerful looking, he has a green cape. The only objection, it would seem, is that he "seemed to be absent at that time" and that the barkeep should recognize him.

Utunnels, I'm not sure what you meant about Dario being absent at the time. Does the Barkeep say when he received the flag? If it was at an early date, Dario could have still been around and wouldn't have been famous at the time, so the Barkeep wouldn't have recognized him. Also, what world was this in? To my memory, Dario was attacked by Karsh before the dimensions split, meaning that if he survived in one dimension he should have survived in the other. He might have been a poweful but disfigured individual then, explaining why the barkeep wouldn't ID him.


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2009, 12:03:05 pm »
Quote from:
FlagBearer - Examine the tapestry on the back room of the bar in Termina (Home); an unlimited amount can be received by exiting and re-entering without stepping into the main bar area.
Yeah, it is in home world. Dario survived in home world and lived on the Forbidden Island for years.
The flag can be found after Serge regained his human body. The Dario side-quest is optional, so you can just leave Dario on the Forbidden Island.

The knight left the flag, so he must at least knew Viper (an Acacia dragoon or Viper's old friend from the mainland). Further more, he left the flag in the bar, can we assume that he knew the secret hideout in the bar? If he knew nothing about that, why could he leave that important item to a barkeep?


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2009, 01:44:50 pm »
Even though it could only be found after Serge regains his body, it might have been there before. So Dario could have left it quite some time ago, possibly before going to the Cursed Isle as a memento incase he didn't return?

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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2009, 07:04:25 pm »
However, when did the knight left it?

Quote from: Barkeep
  Sir Viper...!?
   You're alive?
   There's something that
   was left here for you.
   I'll open that side up,
   so come on in.

If Viper was still around, why did the knight didn't personally went to give it to him? Why bother asking the barkeep to keep it until Viper came for it? In that case, the knight came after Viper had gone to the Dead Sea, so it can't be Dario.


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Re: FlagBearer, Dario?
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2009, 10:08:50 pm »
Hmm, first time I saw that dialogue, I thought he must be Dario.
Now it seems some dialogue was cut during the development, we don't know enough backstory about Viper when he was in the mainland.
Or maybe another Dario travelled across dimensions to send the flag, but nothing supports that. :lol:

   As I close my eyes...
   A vision of the golden
   emblem, withstanding even
   the most biting of winds,
   comes back to life...
   Oh glorious days,
   come back to me
   once again...!!!