Chains of Fate, creator of the fan project Chrono Crisis, has released big news concerning his sequel to Chrono Trigger. It includes a few new screenshots and information. Rather than summarize, I'll let Chains of Fate speak for himself:
As far as the story goes, I've scrapped the whole Scenarios idea and put the story events on a set path. Instead of a Prologue, the game will start with my new characters in 1999 A.D. The events of the Prologue are still in the game, just take place later on. Here's the new introduction and a brief summary of the story:The Earth... She holds everything we know, everything we can ever hope to understand. She is marred with the scars of humanity, wounds from wars fought needlessly from era to era, dynasty to dynasty. I suppose it is natural to pray that time heals all wounds...But there are some things that even the long droning march of time cannot heal. We learned that as children. We witnessed the dreaded future sculpted by the extraterrestrial being known as Lavos, and gazed into the dying eyes of the people there... And saw nothing but bleak grey. Everything was grey. It was if Lavos had taken even color from the people of the world... But why? Why was our Mother Earth under attack from this horrific monster? What was... Lavos? And why could it warp the minds of whomever approached it? We tried to fight it... We chased Lavos through time, doing everything we could to tip the scales of fate in our favor. We risked everything for a future we could never hope to see. In the end, we emerged victorious, saving the future, and ultimately, we hoped, ourselves. It was such a long journey... And we were so young... If we had only known that the evils of the world didn't end at Lavos... If we had only seen the evils in our own kind... If we had only realized that by saving one future, we were destroying our own...
Now, nearly 1,000 years have passed since Crono, Nadia, and Lucca returned home from defeating Lavos. A mysterious new villain arises from the depths of time to send the world into darkness once again, and it's up to a new team of time travelers to set things right. The young Xavier Ashtear starts what becomes the next epic chapter in the Chrono saga, paving the path to the true future by uncovering secrets of the past. Our new heroes will discover the hard way that time is a very delicate thing... And that the slightest change can have great consequences... Consequences they never thought possible.
The game will span across all of the old time periods, as well as three to four new ones, and will introduce a large new cast of characters. There will be plenty of sidequests available, including a Help Center at the beginning of the game where you can volunteer to solve various problems in Arris Dome for some cool rewards. People will also start recognizing Xavier the more he helps around the city, making way for more quests. Some features include 8 directional movement, the caterpillar system, a custom menu, and the Tech Grid, which has yet to be added. The Tech Grid is similar to Xenosaga's Ether system. Characters will start off with one tech, and by using Tech Points they gain from battle and exploration, they will be able to learn new ones by branching off from the first one, but to your own discretion. For example, Xavier starts with the tech Kingspin. He has the choice of either learning Scan for 150 Tech Points or Air Raid for 200 Tech Points, and then can branch off further from the one he chose. It's kind of hard to explain. XDChains of Fate made the update at the ( ) RMXP forum, and new screenshots are posted there. Appropriately, I've mirrored them on the Compendium on the port of his January interview; you can find them here ( ). Don't forget that the Prologue demo is available in that interview. Good luck to Chains of Fate; watch for the future home of Chrono Crisis, .