Author Topic: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping  (Read 4764 times)

The Princess

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Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« on: June 15, 2009, 11:26:00 pm »

Chrono is a humble young man having grown up in the village of truce with his mother. Chrono is ten times  better than linky boy anyday. Chrono is a skill user of the katana and has some strong lighting magic. Chrono is obviously eager to go and participate at the fair. Fair is out of the ordinary it is observing  reality. Gato is a weapon and is a ladies man. Chrono is clearly stronger and quick witted.

Marle is a rowdy young girl. Marle is a girl crono meets at the millenium fair. Marle is the first person  to join the main character's party. Lucca is Chrono's best friend. Lucca is known all over truce as "the girl who makes silly inventions that never work. Lucca is impressed by marle's beauty and  the fact that crono was able to get her to come along with him. New Invention is a diamond in the rough.  The Display is a feast for the eyes. Chrono is invited to come try it out. The gate is open. Marle is sucked into The gate.

Chrono is walking you see his long hair move. Chrono is suddenly pulled back by someone. Lucca is astonished. Chrono is going to use lucca's teleporter to go find marle.

Chrono is a quiet teenager who is thrown four hundred years into the past. Monster is coming! Chrono is really gonna chew you out for this! Attack is upward. Monster is assaulted. Castle is located on a steep slope in a commanding position overlooking waterford estuary. Queen is most anxious. Queen is gone. Lucca is just an hour away. Lucca is only 10 minutes away. Lucca is understandable. Lucca is explaining away. Princess is missing!


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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 11:29:44 pm »
A modern epic. 8)

The Princess

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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2009, 04:04:14 am »

the following takes place after ayla returns from chrono trigger

Ayla is a cavegirl from the prehistoric era who joined up with the others for kicks. Ayla is the chief of the ioka village. Ayla is swimming in the pool alone. Ayla is pregnant. Baby is born. Baby is a genius. Baby is will of god. Baby is born with one hand? Baby is Nancy Sullivan. Nancy is no stranger to mixed wrestling. Nancy is about as spritual as a toaster. Nancy is blond. Nancy is a bitch. Ice age is a cool period in earth history. Ice age is about to descend upon the earth. Lavos is gay.


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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2009, 09:04:19 am »
This honestly has to be the best thing I've ever read.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2009, 12:13:41 pm »
This is very James Joyce, in the sense that it's very hard to tell if it's brilliant or retarded.

Leaning toward brilliant though.  :lol:

The Princess

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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2009, 12:22:44 pm »
thank you everyone i really apperciate the comments and stuff you guys gave me

im trying to keep the story short though b/c some people out their dont have computers and it would be harder for them to read


Robo is big. Robo is considered a cutting edge feat of technology by the scientific community. Robo is a very polite robot. Robo is found in the year 2300 ad in an abandoned dome. His lifelong fantasy is to create a homage to the various and cultured things he enjoys. Homepage is set up. Homepage is currently under construction. Homepage is the best website ever. Homepage is being moved. Homepage is a porn site by anonymous aug 5 2002 6. Porn is harming our kids. Kids is for parents. Parents is from the major sins. Sin is destroying.


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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2009, 06:25:01 pm »
This is terrible.

However, I do get some kind of sick enjoyment from it. Please continue XD.

I will never have the courage to post my equally terrible CT fanfiction here XD. It's so emo. At least I finally finished it and uploaded it... elsewhere. lol.

The Princess

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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2009, 02:28:47 am »
tthank you for the comments everyone this next chapter is about frog and nadises romance

A horrible end to Marle's marraige
Marle is in fact nadia. Marle is getting married to Frog. Frog is an explosive breeder. Overpopulation is a problem. Time is now overpopulated. Magic is back. Magic is gone from her marriage. Marle is quite the kinky wildcat! Marle is working on a book in which she tells the adventures of the Frog. Frog is sick. Marle is supposed to speak english but as he tries to talk to her she acts as if she doesn't understand a word he is saying. Marle is released and is able to piece together some kind of a life with her family back in birmingham.


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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2009, 02:30:22 am »
This is terrible.

you are a cold human being with a heart of stone


The Princess

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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 09:40:39 pm »
this next one is a little scary so cover ur eyes :shock:

why magus wanted to kill guardia
Magus is the story of a young. Magus is bent on destruction for reasons yet unknown. Magus is seldom seen around the covenant. The covenant is an umbrella organization of cooperating autonomous witchcraft congregations and individual practitioners with the power to confer credentials. Witchcraft is one of the more well known ancient pagan religions which has its roots in ancient folk ways and beliefs. Belief is the key. Key is hidden in the brain's immune system.

The Princess

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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2009, 11:23:36 pm »
this is the saddest chapter and deals with such as like death

tragedy at the fair
The device is not working suddenly. A mutant is under construction. Lucca is now a pure breed smooth coated collie. The dog is extremely sensitive to every thing around it. The dog is just having a bad hair day? The day is a worldwide event designed to increase awareness. Awareness is the first step to resolution. Lavos is standing on the right pad of lucca's teleporter at the millennial fair. Lucca is astonished. Lavos is so powerful. Lucca is dead. Chrono is successfully teleported. Attack is right on track! Lavos is dead. Revival is alive and well. Lucca is more like a home than a hotel.

The Princess

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Re: Chrono Trigger: time keeps on slipping
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2009, 03:29:33 pm »

Chapter Final

The Chrono Team is a commitee. The time has come. The team is committed to winning. Winning is a matter of strategy. The End of Time is panicked. Gaspar is a short old man with a white beard and a long nose. Gaspar is the guru at the end of time. Gaspar is speaking to the team. Melchior is now entering self. Melchior is more than a little tinged with sexual admiration. Gaspar is surprised at melchior's reaction. The other one is taking a hot shower. Squad is sent to Lavos. Squad puts up good fight. Squad is out of ammo. Hope is lost. Fight is shaping up. Lavos is like fighting a brick wall. The Team is dying. Lavos is threatening to blow up Guardia Castle. Angry feelings start to happen. Marle is improving a little! Marle is conscious of all the sounds around her. Her ice is harder and colder with a smoother surface! Lavos's defense is shaken to core! Marle kills the first Lavos! Ayla is present. Kick is taken and it is expected to beat the second Lavos. Beat is pumping. Chrono is functioning well. Slash is burned. Cyclone is a whirlwind zone. Confuse is kind of painful. Lavos is gone. Chrono killed the third Lavos! Party is founded. Party is still jumping. Everyone is there. Taban is shocked at how smoothly the telepod worked. Taban is also chairman of the newspaper's board. Kino is a man of many talents and likes to work with them all. Kino is in the bushes behind the pond. King Guardia is eager for celebration. Fireworks are really good fun.

End is here! Music is free for everyone.