Although CTDS has been out for MONTHS now, I am still shocked by the lack of respect it gets. Because I live in England, I wasn't entirely surprised beforehand, considering that the game had never been released here until CTDS. Back then, including me, there were about 3 other people at my school of 1600+ pupils that actually knew what it was. Now, despite the fact that ever since I purchased it I had been posting updates on facebook talking about nothing but CT, and that I have been playing it around school during breaks and such, I have managed to make 5 people more aware of it. Just 5. I'd still prefer CT in all of its 2D goodness to some crappy 3D RPG where the companies have focused so much time on graphical work that the stories suck ass. If you want an example, look at FF12.
The lack of respect that CT gets over here actually disgusts me. Some random dickhead saw me playing it and actually said to me, "That game is retarded". I just wanted to get up and beat that little fuckwit shitless. I mean, the nerve of that guy...
I'm only 16 myself, and I grew up in the 3D generation, but 2D games, mainly 2D RPGs, are still better imo. Even if my experience of playing CT is relatively short, It is still one of the best games I have ever played.
But hey, at least I've come up with a way to spread general Chrono awareness within a school. Actually just play the damn game in front of them. I mean, I've convinced one guy so much with 10 minutes of CT that he actually dreamt about it.
This needed to be said.