Hmm... I saw this on the mainsite a couple days ago, and was intrigued, but not insanely compelled to play it, since I don't particularly like normal WC3 although I play tower defenses on bnet occasionally, and after playing a really horrible Zelda Maul game a couple months ago I decided to start mapmaking again eventually (i briefly began to make a tower defense at the end of last summer), but after coming here I decided to eventually make a CT/CC-themed tower defense. I'm planning to start it soon after summer starts (I get out of school in 2 weeks, but then I'm going to France and England for about 2 weeks, so roughly around when I come back), and I think it'd be cool if people from the Compendium could team up to work on it (I'm specifically targeting Sentenal and Daniel Krispin for having expressed some past of mapmaking).
If anyone's actually interested and willing to work on it or suggest stuff, my AIM is JPRuberg, email is, and I use Shadow Drago (or maybe it's Shadow_Drago.. or ShadowDrago, I'll update this with the definite answer once I play again) on bnet (east) incase you happen to catch me on