...So, normally, I stick to the Chrono Trigger side of the fence. I never really liked the concept of random encounters, or having my precious time wasted by another friggin bat who just had to stop me from walking toward a chest. But I had to pick this game up, because frankly, everyone has been talking about it, and I wasn't going to be the uncultured swine.
Holy shit yes I love this game. I remember how I felt about Chrono Trigger when I was a child, and now I'm getting all like that again for these guys.
Anyway, I don't play in the series that much. I have the first one on Virtual Console, I got about halfway through 4, have 5 in anthologies that I haven't touched, and am now playing 6 (also in anthologies.) So, I don't know how common this is... ...is it me, or does this game successfully drop a few anvils regarding... I dunno, life? the environment? Our whole fiasco with oil and terrorist paranoia? I mean the continent that Vector is located on even looks *very vaguely and upside down, feel free to consider this Epileptic-tree thinking* like North America some, while the opera house seems located in a very warped and near-unrecognizable Europe. The map in general feels like they took North America, Eurasia, and Australia, rearranged them and flipped them as needed, then warped what was left so you wouldn't notice it at first.
...or I could be thinking too hard about this. Still, I don't think it a stretch that the plot was based on a few similar issues in our world, at the time. And now, I'm still seeing similarities.