I just started posting without bothering to introduce myself. My name's Greg, you guys can call me GT or BearFrog or whatever suits your fancy. I'm an aspiring musician with a paralegal degree and am actually going to record a demo tomorrow for an album I'm recording in the summer. Played both Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross in my early teens and loved them both, and I think I might give the edge to Chrono Cross were it not for the strong cast in Chrono Trigger (and stronger score). Saw this site before on the net and maybe skimemd a couple pages once or twice, reading articles and whatnot. I ended up watching Crimson Echoes on YouTube and sent FW a message about how I thought they created something really special and he suggested I come here to talk to ZeaLity. I just started browsing and made a couple posts. I've only really been a regular on a couple message boards: a no-name board I started myself years ago which may no longer even exist, Icybrian's board (though I was never all that well-liked there), The Order of the Black Wind (a cool Magus devoted forum that got some decent members but died out), KissFAQ (before the Admin went crazy and shut it down, causing me to create my own message board for the people there---he has since returned the site) and the Kiss Army HQ (which I created and has developed a life of its own and has a decent consistent member base).
I tend to be pretty busy and work a lot, so I'm hardly on the board I created myself. But, I figure I might hang around a couple weeks and have some enjoyable conversation and pop in every now and then.