
Fan written sequel. Yes or no?

1 (11.1%)
1 (11.1%)
As long as it isn't trash.
5 (55.6%)
I have no idea why I'm taking this poll.
2 (22.2%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: June 08, 2005, 06:07:10 pm

Author Topic: My project.....  (Read 1438 times)


  • Earthbound (+15)
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My project.....
« on: June 08, 2005, 06:05:36 pm »
Greetings. I feel no need to introduce myself, as my user name accompanies this message.

You can expect me to be fairly active in these forums for the next while. I'm been searching around for information and speculation on the Chrono series directly from the fans. (Y'know what? being a fan such as myself doesn't help much when I have little knowledge of the wide range of thoughts, beliefs, etc. regarding the series.) Chrono Compendium, of course, was the only worthwhile source I could really find, partially for my laziness, and the rest of it for the computer terminal being locked from most resources already.

On with the point, (and I'm making a huge jump in telling people this,) I came up with the idea of writing the script of another sequel to the series. I'm not guaranteeing that it's going to be getting anywhere(although those are my hopes), and I'm denying any thought that it will be like Chrono Crisis (the fan made game that I'm told is terrible), but I feel it's an appropriate path to take for me.

Even more to the point, if there are any ideas you guys would like to pitch in, I'm open to it. If an idea is used and presented, I will give credit where credit is due, whether the contributor really cares or not.

And a question: Does anyone here know of translations made directly from the Japanese scripts? (these will obviously contain different material from the US release). Of either Trigger or Cross, it doesn't matter too much. Both would be awesome.

Please get back to me if you have anything other than mocking laughter.


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My project.....
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2005, 09:53:27 pm »
Huh? I didn't think Chrono Crisis sounded bad...But really, it's not done yet, right?

This translation differences FAQ grew out of a long thread, started by Hyena20, on the GameFAQs
Chrono Trigger board.

Translation Differences FAQ

Here's one for CC, but it's not influenced by Hyena20, so I don't know it's validity exactly, but it seems right/okay...

Japanese to English Changes Guide

But I don't exactly get what you're doing...Is it a ROM hack type of sequal script that you hope to later make into a game? Or is it more like a fanfic in the form of a script? I'm not sure what you meant...But w/e...good luck!


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2005, 03:25:14 pm »
Chrono Crisis finished is news to me too.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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My project.....
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2005, 04:02:17 pm »
*shrug* I always figured it was, after reading the Chrono Crisis reviews, and all.

Thank you muchly, V_Translanka ^_^

Actually, I just kinda figure I'll write scripts on paper with a writing utensil, see what I come up with, and figure out what to do from there. The true ambition is that if I write something worthwhile, and somehow get across to square, it can be made into the official sequel and Chrono fans rejoice... If not, heh, at least I'm providing myself with another step in the story, ne? I could share it, too, if anyone else is interested. I have lots of ideas, and I'm just clarifying for myself what the story is going to be before I write it.

Of course, the whole searching for info thing is a big part of it. If I end up writing a script that plain and simply could-not-happen after putting so much work into it, I'll have to kick myself.

Daniel Krispin

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My project.....
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2005, 02:39:35 am »
Well, good luck. Such is a hard thing, to be sure - I myself began a similar thing (although in novel format, rather than script) a few years prior, and did not finish until last October, that is, two years from beginning to completion, amounting to several hundred pages. What I have learned is that any such project is no light, nor short, undertaking.

As far as direct translations go... hmmm... I'm not certain where the CT Japanese translation would be. Some people must have it, as I know there is an effort to redo the game using Temporal Flux using the original scrip (although, to my mind, this is not quite neccessary: the translated dialogue came across as far better than the original, anyway. And the names were superior in nearly all cases.) For Chrono Cross, I haven't a clue. I do not think that there are great disparities in that translation, but I say that with a certain measure of ignorance, so do not take my word for it.

As it stands, once again, good luck. Persiverence and patience win the day.


  • Porrean (+50)
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« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2005, 04:28:43 pm »
I'm glad alot of people are making the jump for it to make a new Chrono game. Especially Chrono Killer. I haven't played it yet, but just that people are making these makes me happy that here are still dedicated fans out there who would love another Chrono game. Good luck!