I'm a good writter, I've had osme good idea for CT alternate dimension
Crono meet Marle and go fight Gato.
Gato wins and a malfunction appears, Crono and Malre get killed
Lucca is sent to jail for execution, she gets out fight the dragon tank
since she made gato she knew how the tank worked and modified it
She use the Dragon tnak to escape the castle, resulting of many death
She lost her best friend, she killed the princesse, so now everyone hates her + her mother is leg-less and her father doesn't give her attention
She goes on a killing frenzy, thus destorying human kind, to keep her compagny she made robots who pollutted the atmosphere destroying the ecosysteme, in 1999 AD nothing lives in CT's world, making Lavos die of Hunger.
Se the ending is exactly the same Lavos get killed, god bless Lucca...
BTW I have no talent at all for writting, though I would like to, so I could writte Gremlins 3
hope you laugh at my story, you can make a fan fic about it, I will not copywrite it