Author Topic: Pollon, the Harle prototype?  (Read 1973 times)


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Pollon, the Harle prototype?
« on: August 20, 2011, 07:42:55 pm »
I know, Pollon hasn't been receiving enough love but there seems to be a lot to the character than being a simple comic relief and the French-English mix. All we know is that he was in charge of destroying the Mandora Monster, but there is probably a lot that could be up to question: Wasn't he a Goblin Leader? What is the significance of only him, along with RD Lynx and Harle, being French? And more.

As I worked on the drafts and engine of RDFZ, utunnels pointed out to me that Pollon could be a suitable equivalent of Harle. Strangely enough, I found that he was one!

Boy, I'm sure glad I didn't judge this book by its cover.
However, just as I say this...
"And how much would zis lovely beetle of Kid's zell for, hmm?"
That voice!
Suddenly, the goblin shouts out! "What!? Your friend is that crooked thief,
A wave of shock goes through me. Just when things were starting to seem okay
for once...
I try to see behind the goblins, searching for that strangely familiar
voice, the one that sounded just like the sunflower's. However, all I can
make out is some sort of strange psychedelic light, emanating from behind
the troupe.
The light seems to be coming from a figure, whoever (or whatever) it is. As
he makes his way through the crowd, I finally get a good look at him. His
hairstyle reminds me of a tall green chimney, and his red and green
pinstriped costume is like that of a harlequin
. An over-the-top, long purple
cape drags behind him as he approaches me.
"Are you... the sunflower?" I ask, confused.
"Sunflowah? Who iz a sunflowah!?" it cries out.
I can't help it... this person... no, this thing -- his face looks exactly
like the sunflower's!
Caught off guard by the sight, two goblin guards flank me by surprise,
wrestling me to the ground.
"Ah, monsieur... you are mademoiselle Kid's friend, non? I do not believe we
have met. Bonsoir, Je m'appelle Pollon. T'roughout ze world, I am known as
`Ze Green Terreur'. Perhapz you have heard of moi, non?"

*"Screw you, pervert!"
*Glare at it.

Huff... huff...
There's no way I can run any more. Besides, with that thing right behind me,
there's no escape!

"Pervert? Moi? Non, monsieur, you zimply do not underztand ma elegant

Ugh... That same strange feeling I got with that sunflower arises...

"No matter! Soon, le terreur shall be planted in your heart, for Kid'z death
iz at hand! As a gentleman, I shall grant you the privilege of seeing zis
happen before your very eyez."

See? Also, not only did he know the hostage was Kid, but he also had a canon prepared for the situation, which makes the "beetle" and the Mandora's uncanny resemblance to Pollon equally suspicious. Perhaps this was all planned from the beginning, being Lynx's right-hand man, to destroy Kid? And when the plan failed he lost his smugness and ran for his life? Maybe he had a thing for Kid, like Harle had for Serge?

It is also interesting to ponder whether he was there when Lucca's orphanage burned, or his presence at Lynx's coup? Maybe Pollon was changed to Harle for her Moon affiliation?

That said, he's gonna be a key character in my next DreamSplash entry.  :D I love this guy!


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Re: Pollon, the Harle prototype?
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2011, 10:11:32 pm »
The difference is, Pollon has an annoying English-French accent even in the original script, while Harle doesn't have an annoying accent in the Japanese version.

Pollon = Annoying in any way
Harle = Charming in some way



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Re: Pollon, the Harle prototype?
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2011, 10:27:26 pm »
The difference is, Pollon has an annoying English-French accent even in the original script, while Harle doesn't have an annoying accent in the Japanese version.

Wait, really? I wonder if that would have been better for Harle.


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Re: Pollon, the Harle prototype?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2011, 11:30:26 pm »
Quote from: Kid
  Whadja say!?
   If you're gonna insult
   someone, you should at
   least speak propa English!


Does Chrono World have an England?  :P

It would be better if she said "speak like a human".


Quote from: tushantin
It is also interesting to ponder whether he was there when Lucca's orphanage burned, or his presence at Lynx's coup? Maybe Pollon was changed to Harle for her Moon affiliation?

More or less or not at all. You can say Kato was inspired by that, but that is your job to make us believe by writing a good back story for him. XD

« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 11:40:38 pm by utunnels »


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Re: Pollon, the Harle prototype?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2011, 06:46:31 pm »
utunnels when are you gonna do a full CC retranslatiooooon