Goddang, how long have I waited for this!

Thank you! Thank you!
I guess I won't be around for a month though, but hell, the wait would be worth it. People had ideas to expand past Chrono Cross but hardly has anybody done it yet (as far as I know). It'd be awesome to see what you cook up.
Ah, so may characters and so limited choices! There are a few things we'd like to see though.
1) Dario and Riddel's orphanage, and whether some other Lynx comes and burns it (not that we're hoping for it). Basically wonder where they go with it, or what awesome characters benefit from it (like Kid coming from Lucca's orphanage).
2) Glenn; Has he been knighted as a Deva? Has he become a lone wolf? What of Viper? Has he passed away leaving a legacy? What of Marcy and Nikki? And Miki? And what of Pierre's waking legends? What kind of Black Wind Commander/General did Norris become?
3) Turnip and NeoFio: who's dreams were they entirely? Draggy: did he turn into a gigantic Charizard?

4) Leah: who was she after all? What relations did she have with Ayla?
5) What happened to Serge? Did he vanish as he wasn't meant to exist, or did he hitch with Kid/Leena? What about Kid? Did she take up Fargo's title as the Queen of Pirates? XD
6) And lastly what every RD fan had been waiting for: the return of MAGIL! And of course, Schala.
Speaking of which, what would you call the story?