Author Topic: If a Chrono Trigger comic was ever made... and changes were made...  (Read 1058 times)


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« Last Edit: March 02, 2021, 02:30:53 pm by Kousagi »


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Re: If a Chrono Trigger comic was ever made... and changes were made...
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2011, 05:28:47 pm »
About Crono hair, I vote for a spikier Glenn,

And would everyone really freak out and cry if I really said I really wanted to make Lucca, just subtly, an implied lesbian?

Mmm, I would not freak out and cry xD but I would prefer for Lucca to stay "romanticless" or "ambiguous" xD with no particular preference shown, or to keep it very subtle. I used to pair her with Crono, but I actually believe that canonicaly Lucca has no pairing, and that she's (as you said) too married with her work, too concerned about science and her experiments to think about that.

I like to think that he is a foil of Lucca, I mean, they seem to be close friends and probably had a bit of a dynamic duo chemistry; he's the slightly more meatheaded, acting-before-thinking go-getter to her more analytical, "let's plan this all out to the minute detail" character. What say you guys on this? Does this sound about like the Crono you guys envision?

I think this chemistry sounds just right. You should check out the Chrono Trigger manga, it's short but it gives a glimpse of the personality of Crono and his relationship with Lucca. And he talks  :wink:

I might actually see a slight "unrequited affection" coming from Lucca too
If you do this, please don't make her rage/jealous of Marle, i've seen fanfiction writers do this, and it doesn't go well with the friendly relationship that Marle and Lucca have in the game. Well, that's my opinion at least n_nU People can interpret characters as they want.

Well those are my two cents xD

Manly Man

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Re: If a Chrono Trigger comic was ever made... and changes were made...
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2011, 06:31:48 pm »
Quote from: Kousagi
• Crono's hair. I don't want to change it, but I really am tempted to tone it down a notch because Toriyama liked to draw /big/ hair (as was the thing of his time) and my art style is closer to a more pseudo-realistic Boondocks or Satoshi Kon thing.

...a spikier version of Glenn's?

• Crono speaks. I mean, I /could/ try writing around his muteness and have him be a silent, walking emoticon, but I like the idea of giving him a personality. I think it's been fairly constant in the majority of the fanfics I've read that Crono has a pretty typical "anime hero" personality. Outgoing, adventurous, golden-hearted, maybe a little melodramatic (just look at that hair,) teenaged, sharp-humored, maybe even a tad dense at times (luckily he hangs out with smart girls... well, at least one smart girl.) I like to think that he is a foil of Lucca, I mean, they seem to be close friends and probably had a bit of a dynamic duo chemistry; he's the slightly more meatheaded, acting-before-thinking go-getter to her more analytical, "let's plan this all out to the minute detail" character. What say you guys on this? Does this sound about like the Crono you guys envision?

For Crono's hair, yeah, the Glenn thing sound to be the best way to go, after you recolor it. Have the bandana prop his hair up just a little bit more rather than hang down like Glenn's, though. As for his personality, yeah. Dumb as a rock and, eventually, stronger than an ox, not to mention the bravery to stand up to that tick from space on his own.

Quote from: Kousagi
• Pairings. I don't really want to make it a romance story, but the Marle/Crono is inevitable since it happens in game. I might actually see a slight "unrequited affection" coming from Lucca too, but she's too married to her work to let it get to her (thus she becomes supportive of Marle and Crono.) Alternatively, I also believe she's just not interested in anyone in more than a platonic way. She strikes me as that type as well. She also strikes me as a possible lesbian which pleases me to no end, not even joking or making a yuri crack, I'm being 100% serious but I'm gonna shut up about this before everyone freaks out and cries.

I agree with you on the bolded statement. She'd probably be kinda 'closet' about it though, if you ask me. It'd probably come out when they have that party with Ayla and she gets hammered.

So far, I think it's not a bad idea. Go ahead and try it, and I just hope that it all goes well.