Let's see if we can find matches between Chrono and Harry Potter characters....
Belthasar = Albus Dumbledore = beloved elderly wise man
Crono = Harry Potter = uhm... duh...
Dalton = Lucius Malfoy = that evil subordinate
Fritz = "Nearly Headless" Nick = "Nearly Headless" Fritz?
Guardia XXXIII = Cornelius Fudge = Overlord and too full of crap until it's too late
Harle = Draco Malfoy = supposed to be minor antagonist but struggles between good and evil
Johnny = Viktor Krum = athlete celebrity
Lavos = Voldemort = saw that coming...
Lucca Ashtear = Hermione Granger = know-it-all
Magus = Severus Snape = personality, plus false supporter of the villain to save the day in the end
Masa and Mune = Fred and George Weasley = witty twins that support the hero
Melchior = Horrace Slughorn = has a set field of research and are the happy geezer type
Yakra XIII = Dolores Umbridge = manipulates the system to get what they want
Zeal (Queen) = Bellatrix Lestrange = likely to have intercourse with the main villain if they were given the chance