Author Topic: Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?  (Read 12219 times)


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #105 on: July 15, 2005, 09:29:27 am »
Yes, Chrono'99, but Serge used the organic material from Wazuki/Lynx to transform it back into Serge: it is quite a biological imposibility, but easier to believe than creating a baby from nothing  :wink:  Furthermore, Serge had a strong will to return to his body, since he knew who he was.


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #106 on: July 15, 2005, 09:29:39 am »
Quote from: jotabe1789
i see two posibilities:

1.- Schala "weaved" her from environmental atoms already like a formed baby.
2.- Schala somehow used Chronopolitan technology.

Most likely the former.

Legend of the Past

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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #107 on: July 15, 2005, 09:50:25 am »
Quote from: Lordchander
Quote from: jotabe1789
i see two posibilities:

1.- Schala "weaved" her from environmental atoms already like a formed baby.
2.- Schala somehow used Chronopolitan technology.

Most likely the former.

Only because the later is impossible. Maybe she just used the Frozen Flame (Being one with Lavos?) to create Kid in her image, send her to her, give her the pendent and then launched her to 1004 AD?


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #108 on: July 15, 2005, 09:52:22 am »
Well, I would rather think that Kid either was born inside Schala and like with the power of the amulet, Kid sort of just came out of her stomache, litterally. Like with magic, Kid would just magically come out of Schala. Then Schala sent her out through time, This would explain why she is Schala's "Daughter" Clone. It's like asex replication, so Kid would have to be a clone.

Or Kid was acctually formed from Schala's sanity and hope and wills and that part of Schala's brain acctually is Kid.


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #109 on: July 15, 2005, 09:54:46 am »
Quote from: Legend
Only because the later is impossible. Maybe she just used the Frozen Flame (Being one with Lavos?) to create Kid in her image, send her to her, give her the pendent and then launched her to 1004 AD?

That would kinda be classed as Chronopolis tech. because they use the FF/FATE so...

Legend of the Past

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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #110 on: July 15, 2005, 09:59:39 am »
Quote from: Lordchander
Quote from: Legend
Only because the later is impossible. Maybe she just used the Frozen Flame (Being one with Lavos?) to create Kid in her image, send her to her, give her the pendent and then launched her to 1004 AD?

That would kinda be classed as Chronopolis tech. because they use the FF/FATE so...

The FF is more like Lavos Tech.

~Crono goes into Lavos Tech Website~

Crono: Cool! A shell cannon!