A new section now exists on the homepage sidebar. Entitled the Fan Project Classifieds, it features openings for various Chrono series fan projects looking for talent. If you'd like to make a splash in the modification community and have the necessary skills, these positions are open to the first takers. If you are a fan project creator and would like your project featured on the classifieds, just e-mail chronocompendium@gmail and specify a.) positions needed, b.) how long to run the advertisement, and c.) contact information. It will then appear on the main page after updates. Keep in mind that you still must have a reasonable fan project; you can't simply claim you're making a sequel to Chrono Trigger and suddenly demand twenty rom hackers and five 3D modelers. If it's a new project, just demonstrate some credibility for it.
The fanart section has also been updated with many contributions from the art thread and e-mail. The new pieces are too numerous to list; just check it out
here. If you have art of your own, don't hesitate to post it in the Kajar Laboratories
art thread. Stay tuned for an important piece of news later this week.