If anyone knows some already existed formulas, please let me know. I'd like to make a collection.
Anyway I'm investigating them at a slow pace.
Player weapon damage to enemy
weak=((str+2)*(100-f)*wp - (def+2)*400)*10/20000*c/1000
medium=((str+2)*(100-f)*wp - (def+2)*400)*25/20000*c/1000
heavy=((str+2)*(100-f)*wp - (def+2)*400)*40/20000*c/1000
This formula shows raw damage, it doesn't consider abnormal status and innate colors.
Each step should return an integer value, for example 2.7 should be 2.
str: Attacker's strength
f: It is a semi-random value, differs among weapons, explain later.
wp: Weapon damage, include bonus from accessories like Dragoon Gauntlet
def: Target's defense
c: Color multiplier, it has a base value of 1125 and follows a rule shown in the table below
c value | 665 | 750 | 875 | 1000 | 1125 | 1250 | 1375 | 1500 | 1500 | 1500 |
points | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Points rules:
1. A field color cirlce has same color as attacker, +1
2. A field color circle has opposite color as attacker, -1
3. Target and attacker have same color, -1
4. Target and attacker have opposite color, 0, but total damage will be multiplied by 1.5
5. Field color circle, target and attacker have same color, color circle will have no effect. For example, if target and attacker are both red, red color circle will have no effect, but rule 2-4 still work.
f is a value determine the percentage between max damage and min damage. You can find it in this thread:
http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/index.php/topic,8294.0.html. For example, Serge's weapons have a value of 20%, then f will be a value between 0 and 20.
However, f is not completely random, it cycles in a pre-generated random array.
(str+2)*(100-f)*wp is a loop, the result is increased by
(100*wp - f*wp) in every step, totally
(str+2) times. So a weapon can NEVER deal its max damage.
The part before
*c/1000 has a minimum value
(wp-4)/2, which means even if the enemy has high defense and you have poor strength, the damage is at least
Weapon based tech damage
damage=((str+2)*(100-f)*wp - (def+2)*400)*atk/20000*c/1000
It is almost same as normal weapon attack.
atk: tech damage multiplier, it is not shown in stats window, however. For example, Serge's Dash & Slash has a value of 60.
c: Color multiplier, it has a base value of 1000 and follows a rule shown in the table below
value | 665 | 750 | 875 | 1000 | 1125 | 1250 | 1375 | 1500 | 1500 | 1500 |
points | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Points rules:
1. Caster and element have same color: +1
2. Caster and element have opposite color: -1
3. A field color circle has same color as the element: +1
4. A field color circle has opposite color as the element: -1
5. Element color is same as the target: -1
6. Element color is opposite as the target: 0, but total damage will be multiplied by 1.5
7. Field color doesn't affect points if it is same as the target and the element, but rule 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 still work
For example, if the target and element are both red, red color circles will have no effect.
Element damage
mag: Caster's magic power, plus equipment bonus.
f: Like weapon based damage, f is a semi-random value. It is 20 for most elements.
e: Element's damage
mdef: Target's magic defense
v: grid level - element level, for example, liftup +
7, photonbeam
r: a random value between 0 and 5
c: Color multiplier, same rules as above
rawmag: Caster's magic but NOT including bonus from equipment
There may be more behind the formula, but as far as I know field color doesn't affect it.
Dual/Tripple Techs
Weapon based:
Like each character performs the attack separately and then add the results up.
Element attack:
Same as normal element , but tech only uses magic power of the one who chooses the command.
Weapon Hit%
In battle:
weak = acc/3 + wpacc*2/3 - evd
medium = 50/3 + wpacc*2/3 - evd
heavy = 20/3 + wpacc*2/3 - evd
acc: ACC showed in character stats and equipment menu.
wpacc: Weapon accuracy, it is not listed in the encyclopedia directly, but better weapons usually have better values.
evd: Target evade rate.
After a weak attack, all 3 values are increased, the increment is:
weak = (102-currentweak)*30/100
medium = (102-currentmedium)*25/100
heavy = (103-currentheavy)*20/100
1 medium attack = 3 weak attacks
1 heavy attack = 7 weak attacks
I've no idea about the Hit% value shown in equipment menu. It is different from all three above and is not used in battle at all.
From the formula we can see heavy and medium have nothing to do with character ACC value, so a heavy attack usually misses if you start with it.
Status effect lasting time
time=c*s - 1
c: It is usually 3, depends on which status it is.
s: Character based value. For example, Guile has a greater value than most characters.
Resistance Ring: It will reduce
s[/b by 1.
Resistance Belt: It will reduce s[/b by 2.