So, for the longest time, I've been wanting to work with Adobe Flash and make sprite animations for Newgrounds. The problem? It's $700! So I go to Google search and look for alternatives. I came across something called JavaFX. Its wikipedia article claims it's designed for web content and apps in the way Flash works. I watched some tutorials on YouTube, and while I realized you have to write your animation in code, I did get pretty excited when I saw a good deal of components that Flash also has, such as timeline, animation, scene, etc.
I think, in the long run, JavaFX is a better choice than Flash, because Flash is not only proprietary, but Flash app settings are stored in a cookie cache, which is pretty bad for games or what not. JavaFX is a Java toolkit, which has quite a few open source implementations, and you can also have your Java apps save files to your disk.
What I'm really interested to hear is if anyone would think adversely of this. I want to see what kind of criticisms JavaFX has. As for Silverlight, which is Microsoft's web content platform, I'm not touching it, because... it's Microsoft. You know what they'll do...