Author Topic: Dimension merger theories  (Read 3582 times)


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Dimension merger theories
« on: October 20, 2012, 11:00:54 pm »
New to this site but a life long obsessor, I was reading the "common questions" topics and found them fasinating but there were a few with no satisfying answer, mostly regarding the good ending for Chrono Cross, so Im going to take a crack at it.

The first question unanswered is "what events from which world make up the final unified world? My theory is that since every event is somehow tied to a character on your team that a 'dimension travelers immunity' would rule that dictate what gets chosen for example Fargo the pirate joins you so in the final version he is a pirate. the guy in Arni isnt a fisherman because that scenario leaves no room for Mojoy who would have dimension travelers immunity.

The second is a little more complex it involves the question as to how the history is rewritten  after the merger and all the paradoxes it creates my theory is best explained by a drawing

_____1010_____1020_____  here is the timeline in Chrono cross

_____1010_____1020_____  and here is the currently accepted final outcome

But what if... The dimensions only fused in 1020 and were still seperate until then.


This way is requires no rewriting of history it simply merges the two in 1020 and everyone without dimension travelers immunity is unaware of the occurence. Which of course backs up my first theory.

Thanks for reading I look foreward to hearing why you disagree.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Dimension merger theories
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 11:58:25 am »
I had never considered that idea before, and it's definitely interesting!

Maybe I didn't follow you well enough, but ultimately, which version of each character would exist post-1020AD? I get the whole 'dimensional travelers immunity' concept, but it still wouldn't answer which version of the character remains in the post-1020AD "ideal" timeline.

Then again, I may have missed that point.


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Re: Dimension merger theories
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2012, 01:40:06 pm »
Only the ones who join you ever cross dimensions so their story would be the one to continue

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Dimension merger theories
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 03:39:32 pm »
I like it, it's like a quick-and-dirty-but-beautiful Occam's Razor solution. And I love the "drawing" example. :lol: Funny but very effective.

I was just thinking after seeing the film Looper and hearing a bunch of people saying it had problems in its time travel when I hadn't thought that at all while viewing, that people generally try to make time (or in this case dimensional) travel rules in their head. They think their rules are the final definite rules and they mentally force the story they're experiencing to try to fit their rules and when it doesn't they say there are problems. This viewpoint is fundamentally flawed, because it lacks any context for the rules. Time and dimensional travel don't exist in reality, all the rules are fictional, so how could one set of rules govern all fictional possibilities? And if the contextual rules set up in a story allow a simple question it should have a simple answer, in my opinion.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Dimension merger theories
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2012, 10:00:33 pm »
I get the thing of events preserved in regards of who dimension-hopped, but what about in the case of people where such things would contradict each other?

I'd probably need to look up for an example but I guess the question can remain for now.


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Re: Dimension merger theories
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2012, 11:34:26 pm »
The problem is the members could be from either world, so the events associated could be either version (they could contradict  each other llike Acacia Sgt said).
For example, Radius is the chief of Arni in home world. But a member from another world may see things differently, because in s/he's memory, Radius is a hermit during the time. Pirate Fargo may not have any idea on what the Grandslam is, he (and his crew) may not know Janice and Sneff. And if the crew live a different life, their families or the people they used to know may have been living a different life was well, causing chain effects.

Unless there's a priniple to weave their stories seamlessly together, like Mr Bekkler's plastic time theory. But that is definitely some sort of "rewrite".

BTW, the new timeline is missing something. The whole adventure seems shorn off, because Serge woke up on the beach as if he had only passed out for several minutes.
It is perfectly OK if what Schala said about erasing their memory is true because in the new timeline there's no position for the adventure. If I was Kato, perhaps I would omit this part to avoid misunderstanding. Since the whole mess has never happened in the new timeline, it is safe to say Serge's time got rewound like what always happened to Kid.

Too bad, Kato jacked the ending a bit as if Serge still "remeber" something, hehe. Maybe that was just a dream like the Fort Dragonian one, but who knows.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 09:22:12 pm by utunnels »


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Re: Dimension merger theories
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2012, 06:50:17 pm »
The problem I see with any dimension merger or rewrite theory is that they all suppose certain characters no longer exist. What happens to those characters? Perhaps this is answered in-game, during Miguel's event, but it seems a rather sad and unfortunate case.

I do like that your dimension merger theory takes the easiest solution to answer a difficult question. Regardless, I see a flaw in the first part of your theory: Leena. You say only those with DTI would remain in the merged timeline. This means HW's Leena. However, it's clear that when Serge wakes up it is AW's Leena he meets.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Dimension merger theories
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2012, 09:26:35 pm »
The problem I see with any dimension merger or rewrite theory is that they all suppose certain characters no longer exist. What happens to those characters? Perhaps this is answered in-game, during Miguel's event, but it seems a rather sad and unfortunate case.

I do like that your dimension merger theory takes the easiest solution to answer a difficult question. Regardless, I see a flaw in the first part of your theory: Leena. You say only those with DTI would remain in the merged timeline. This means HW's Leena. However, it's clear that when Serge wakes up it is AW's Leena he meets.

You have it reversed. It's AW Leena who has this DTI, while it's HW Leena who Serge encounters after waking up.


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Re: Dimension merger theories
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2012, 09:28:33 am »
You have it reversed. It's AW Leena who has this DTI, while it's HW Leena who Serge encounters after waking up.

Ah, you're right! Thanks for catching that.