I love the Chrono Series. Well Chrono Cross to be specific. Chrono Cross is my favorite RPG. I never played Chrono Trigger because as a kid I stuck with Sega and then moved onto Sony. So I never really played a lot of Nintendo games, except for the Gameboy, lol. Anyway, one of the things that always bothered me about Chrono Cross is how exactly Serge caused the destruction of the future in the Dead Sea. So thank goodness I found this awesome site.
Reading through the Armageddon-Branch Theory, most of it makes sense to me. Naturally Crono would only be limited to time traveling in Another world. He doesn't have the power to cross the dimension to the Home world. Also, when the Home world was created in 1010 A.D. I agree that it would have made a carbon copy of the past because before that moment, nothing changed in the timeline. Now I'll assume that Crono was not present in Another world between the years 1000 A.D. and 1010 A.D. because of all his time traveling. So when Serge was saved in 1010, a new world was created without Crono because he was missing and the future had changed. Basically from 1010 onward the future was wiped clean in a sense. All seems to make sense so far.
Now here's where the problem comes in for me. We've already established that prior to 1010 A.D. in the Home world there is a carbon copy of Another world's past. Well since that's true, Crono would also exist in the Home world prior to 1000 A.D. Obviously he was born before the year 1000 and would live up until that year. So then when the year 1000 comes, would he just disappear from the world because he wasn't present between 1000 and 1010 in Another world? This is the only explanation I can think of because obviously the Home world's future after 1010 had to completely change. Otherwise there would have been a second version of Crono running around the Home world in various years and the future wouldn't have been destroyed.
So that's really my only problem with the theory. Beyond that, it makes perfect sense, lol. Any thoughts?