Phase one is necessary before we can move to phase two, which is actually trying out new instruments and uploading samples to pick the best choice for each song. For phase one, you need Winamp and the .spc player plugin at . Now, I need the holes in this list filled. Please be very specific. Use to try out the instruments without any current name.
Anything in parantheses is currently lacking its proper, instrumental name.00 - Silence
01 - Clap
02 - Conga
03 - Bongo
04 - Tambourine
05 - Bass Drum
06 - Tom Drum
07 - Closed Hi-hat
08 - Loud Hi-hat
09 - Shamisen
0A - Ethnic Wood
0B - Hembra
0C - Udu Drum
0D - Tabla
0E - Bodhran
0F - Padded Drum
10 - Djembe
11 - Electric Guitar Pluck (does not sustain)
12 - Trombone
13 - Piano
14 - Harpsichord
15 - Pizzicato Strings
16 - Church Organ
17 - Flute
18 - Brightness
19 - Electric Bass
1A - Bass
1B - Millennial Fair Shout
1C - (Millennial Fair Strings)
1D - Accordion
1E - Electric Guitar
1F - Shaker
20 - Open Hi-Hat
21 - Music Box
22 - High Flute
23 - Future Synthesizer
24 - Trumpet
25 - Snare Drum
26 - French Horn
27 - Closed Hi-Hat
28 - Bell
29 - (Ruined World Clanging)
2A - (Drum sound in ocean ambience)
2B - Xylophone
2C - String Synthesizer
2D - Celesta
2E - Water Drip
2F - Sitar
30 - Magus Laugh
31 - Ratchet
32 - Pan Flute
33 - Deep Bass
34 - Organ
35 - Glockenspiel
36 - (Click Sound)
37 - Vibraphone
38 - Alto Sax
39 - Running Water
3A - Choir
3B - Pendulum
3C - Mystic Chanting
3D - Mystic Chanting
The Magus Laugh is unfortunately incompatible with other songs. 3C and 3D are actually used in the Mystic chanting, but the pitch is very, very low for them, rendering them as squeaks in other songs.