Omg it worked!!!
I went to a friend who's very familiar with coding/prog
on his Mac/Linux , he had Perl 5.18 installed and everything worked the first try!!
Now I still can't make it work on my windows using Perl 5.26 (Strawberry Perl or ActiveState), it always fail to use in the local folder
(we even tried on different OS but not all of em) but no worry , I'll just make a copy my iso with all the chest edited ASAP and then I shouldn't need to do this afterward!
Thanks for all your helps guys
If you have any idea how to make Perl 5.26 work with the let me know
Nvm!!! I downloaded Strawberry
did the command : cpan install List::MoreUtils , worked perfectly
then I was able to run with no error
!!! Yayyyyyyyy