Author Topic: A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer  (Read 2774 times)


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« on: October 17, 2005, 11:15:22 am »
I read a bunch of stuff about the TD and TDB and all that, and read alot of theories behind how the TD could possibly actually destroy all time and space and everything unless it had already done it in some otherwise possible timeline and whatnot. I came up with two ideas:

1) TDB/Tesseract/Whatever you wanna label it, seems like it should be one of a kind. Sure, each timeline/dimension has a bunch of trash barrels it throws events/people/etc into, but they all end up being dumped in one big 'ol dump anyway, right? I'm saying that there could very well simply be one TDB for all timelines/dimensions in the entire universe to use, and it has no additional timelines or dimensions of its own. It's just a one-of-a-kind heap of junk. So you get rid of something in TDB, it's gone; that's the only possibility, that's what happens/happened. Makes sense if you relate it to fighting Ozzie, Slash and Flea (note how their battle backgrounds are the same? Makes sense to me).

2) Belthasar really might've been playing it safe and decided to scare Serge and Co. Really, it's more likely not all that powerful. Schala's a tough little girl, but she's by no means more powerful than Lavos was on his own, so how could they possibly combine together to amass enough power to destroy everything and every"when"? Actually I think it was only just a REALLY strong version of Lavos that scared the daylights out of Belthasar, and what he probably MEANT was that it had the potential to spread everywhere and consume like our buddy Lavos was originally trying to do. The difference is Mr. TD would be far, FAR more successful, and would accomplish it quickly, having spent an unspoken amount of time (or non-time...o_O) in TDB gaining power and what-not, especially being a combined Lavos/Schala freakshow.

*shrug* Those make more sense to me than all the other ideas I've read so far. Then again I came up with them...^_^


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Re: A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 04:07:21 pm »
Quote from: Mystik3eb
1) TDB/Tesseract/Whatever you wanna label it, seems like it should be one of a kind. Sure, each timeline/dimension has a bunch of trash barrels it throws events/people/etc into, but they all end up being dumped in one big 'ol dump anyway, right? I'm saying that there could very well simply be one TDB for all timelines/dimensions in the entire universe to use, and it has no additional timelines or dimensions of its own. It's just a one-of-a-kind heap of junk. So you get rid of something in TDB, it's gone; that's the only possibility, that's what happens/happened. Makes sense if you relate it to fighting Ozzie, Slash and Flea (note how their battle backgrounds are the same? Makes sense to me).

Some people would argue that there are more than one DBT. I am not one of those people, but it does happen.

Quote from: Mystik3eb
2) Belthasar really might've been playing it safe and decided to scare Serge and Co. Really, it's more likely not all that powerful. Schala's a tough little girl, but she's by no means more powerful than Lavos was on his own, so how could they possibly combine together to amass enough power to destroy everything and every"when"? Actually I think it was only just a REALLY strong version of Lavos that scared the daylights out of Belthasar, and what he probably MEANT was that it had the potential to spread everywhere and consume like our buddy Lavos was originally trying to do. The difference is Mr. TD would be far, FAR more successful, and would accomplish it quickly, having spent an unspoken amount of time (or non-time...o_O) in TDB gaining power and what-not, especially being a combined Lavos/Schala freakshow.

*shrug* Those make more sense to me than all the other ideas I've read so far. Then again I came up with them...^_^

I really doubt Belthasar would plan out this whole shinanigan just in case. Schala is easily the most magically powerful person that we see in the Chronoverse, with the exception of her younger brother. And Lavos is a big hungry porcupine who just can't stop eating.


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 04:48:34 pm »
I'm not so sure about your theory relating to Slash Flea and Ozzie being in the same thing as the DBT.  There's no reason they should be in there.  They were defeated my Crono and Co. (most likely Magus as well), not erased from time.


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 04:56:20 pm »
I am pretty sure he/she was referring thier appearance in Cross, not Trigger.


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 06:05:17 pm »
Quote from: DeweyisOverrated
I'm not so sure about your theory relating to Slash Flea and Ozzie being in the same thing as the DBT.  There's no reason they should be in there.  They were defeated my Crono and Co. (most likely Magus as well), not erased from time.

They went onto an adventure through time. OMG! MAYBE THEY WERE THE ONES WHO HELPED PORRE DEFEAT GUARDIA!!!


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 07:18:54 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking
Quote from: DeweyisOverrated
I'm not so sure about your theory relating to Slash Flea and Ozzie being in the same thing as the DBT.  There's no reason they should be in there.  They were defeated my Crono and Co. (most likely Magus as well), not erased from time.

They went onto an adventure through time. OMG! MAYBE THEY WERE THE ONES WHO HELPED PORRE DEFEAT GUARDIA!!!

Yes, your so right!  I mean, because we are both being completely serious, we have tons of evidence that more than warrent this new theory!

Anyway, Schala was emensly powerful.  She could commune with the Mamon Machine.  Its pretty much implied that she is powerful, due to her+Lavos=TD.  However, the way your thinking of the TD is wrong, I think.  Personally, I don't think the time devourer's strength lies in physical power, as Lavos's did.  I think the true, awesome power that the TD would potientally get, if it was allowed to mature, was the ability to consume space-time, and all of existance.  Devouring time.  Nobody, no matter how powerful they are, can fight if they don't exist any more, and thats where I think the TD's true strength was.  That being said, physically, I think the TD was much weaker than Lavos.


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2005, 07:51:35 pm »
Ok, so as a result, it's determined that my second theory is not likely. I'm still not sure that Belthasar didn't mean it like I think he did, about TD spreading in the same way Lavos does but at an extremely accelerated rate, but you're probably right about the "just-in-case" belief.

However my first theory stands pretty true in my mind. And I've read discussion before about what happened to OFaS. You never see them killed, just "defeated." This opens endless possibilities. Somehow they really did end up in TDB...

...well otherwise why on earth would Serge and Co. fight them in CC? Is it really just something the developers thought would be nostalgic and didn't care to tack it into the realistic physics of the gameworld, or...?


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2005, 08:04:39 pm »
Its DBT, btw.  Darkness Beyond Time.

I always believed there was only one DBT.  Some other disagree, however.

And Ozzie, Slash, and Flea are only accessable in a New Game plus, so they are nothing more than an easter egg.


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 05:11:42 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
Its DBT, btw.  Darkness Beyond Time.

Nope, "darkness beyond time" (without capital letters) is a name used only once in the whole game, by Marle's ghost.

The place is most commonly refered to as "the darkness of time" by the party members and Serge (dialog box). Other names include "a time on the other side of the dimensional darkness" and "the darkness that exists on the other side of time".


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2005, 06:02:47 am »
My acronym TDB stood for The Darkness Beyond...oh well. All the same thing, really.


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A Hopefully Not Repeated Theory About The Time Devourer
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2005, 06:31:35 am »
Quote from: Chrono'99
"darkness beyond time" (without capital letters)

Yeah, but w/acronyms you don't put it as "dbt"...It just looks funny...>_>

Anyhoo...I'm pretty sure it's also called simply "Darkness of Time" and in the Japanese version is refered to as "The Tesseract" (Elranzer's GameFAQs English Changes Guide).