Author Topic: Chrono Trigger: The Eragenix Saga by Newdynasty  (Read 2456 times)


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Chrono Trigger: The Eragenix Saga by Newdynasty
« on: September 22, 2005, 01:40:25 pm »
Hey guys. I'm new and all, but I like writting. Tell me what you think about this start. More chapters to come.

Chapter 1: A New Future

The Epoch’s engine whined down as the landing clamps released their steam, filling the sky with a sudden thin puff of smoke. Lucca turned off the panels starring blankly as the lights blinked off. She hadn’t slept in, what? Three days? The weariness in her bones had settled in for a long stay and she rolled her cramped shoulders forward. Balthazar sure didn’t make this thing group seating friendly, she thought to herself.
   Marle lingered beside the craft looking up to the cockpit.
   “Lucca, you alright?” The scientist peered over the edge, her glasses reflecting a clouded morning sun.
   “That, my dear princess, is a matter of opinion.” Marle giggled and came halfway up the ladder.
   “Yeah, me too. I feel like we’ve been searching for ages.” Marle rubbed a knot in the back of her own neck.
   “Technically we have. But I know what you mean. She’s got to be out there somewhere.” Marle looked around at the countryside. Everything was lush and green, trees strategically planted here and there in a decorative and professional manor. In the distance she could see the looming curve of the Arris Dome, now a whole and restored building, a proud structure not ravaged by the terror of Lavos. In the morning sun it shone like a brilliant crystal dropped from the heavens. Marle held her hand above her brow.
   “It looks so different.”
   Lucca looked up from the flight log.
   “Yeah. It’s amazing what a little not-being-destroyed can do for the place.”
   Marle threw a smile in her direction.
   “Maybe Robo is somewhere out there…”
   Crono emerged from the back of the Epoch with a pack of supplies from the hold. Marle slid down the ladder and followed behind him, her hands tucked neatly behind her back.
“So, what’s the plan boss?” The young warrior shifted a few things in the pack and slung it over his shoulder.
   “The Arris Dome is there, and, supposing that the gate we sent mom through transported her to the corresponding gate here, that would be the first place she’d go.”
   Lucca smiled.
   “That was very logical Crono. I’m proud of ‘ya.” Crono smirked oddly
   “Coming from you Lucca, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
   Lucca flipped a switch and the cockpit cover closed with a metallic thunk. Soon the three were hiking their way across a great grassy field, meticulously cut and wholly unrealistic. Memories of the past adventure flooded their minds. The field was once a barren plane, empty of life and hope. Now there was growth and health.  They had really made a difference. They had changed this place.
As they neared the Arris dome they could hear the sound of whirring and whizzing, as if there were insects (large insects) zooming overhead. They soon came to realize that there was an overhead roadway constructed that led intoto the dome. And all at once they saw that the dome was a lot bigger then they had remembered it. A vast complex made up of many buildings and smaller office domes that all connected together via skyways or elevators that moved sideways. On the side of the dome itself was written:
Arris Science Complex: Better Eragenics for a better tomorrow.
Lucca fixed her glasses.
   “Eragenics? I wonder…”
   “What’s that mean?” Crono asked.
Lucca stared hard at the ground for a moment, like she usually did when her brain started moving.
   “Well. “Era” is a root word, usually referring to a time period, such as; The Jurassic Era, etc. And genics usually refers to some bioactive scientific application.
   “In English Lucca.” Marle pleaded.
   “It must be some kind of center for time travel research.”
   All three adventurers looked at the gleaming sentinel. What mysteries could this new future hold if people had figured out how to travel through time? They continued their trek through the underbrush and through a thin man-made forest until they reached the entrance where the overpass of the highway leveled out into a parking facility that looked a little like a bookshelf. The speeder bikes and cars were taken by a lift and placed in a neatly packed row with others of their kind. Though Marle didn’t speak, she wondered how the people got their own cars back. The threesome came to an entryway; two giant glass doors that opened outward. They weren’t like the blasted hole that adorned the side of the building in the previous timeline. Marle glanced at her friends.
   “Do we just go in?”
   “Why not?” Lucca asked.
   “I don’t know. It seems like we would need to be important for something like this. Y’know, like having a name badge or something. ”
   “I’m going in.” Crono said walking forward.
   Lucca looked at Marle.
   “Here we go again”

   “Warning, warning! Patrons are armed, patrons are armed.” The lead robot lost an arm immediately and soon Crono’s sword was buried in the second bots head. Lucca rushed forward.
   “Crono! No! There not trying to attack. They’re just for security.”
   “Well, how am I supposed to know that? You’re the scientist here, I just smash things. It’s not like we haven’t been attacked by bots before.”
   “You could have at least asked them if they were hostile before lopping their limbs off.
   “Ask them! Oh, yeah. Let me just take some time off your busy schedule mister Killer Robot to interview you about your murderous abilities.”
   “You know very well that the mother computer…”
   Marle nudged Crono with her elbow almost knocking him over.
   “Uh, guys…” The two looked up to see a large group of people in white smocks (and a few scared looking Nu) staring at them in a very shrewd manor. Marle put her hands up in a surrender pose.
   “We come in peace.”


  • Iokan (+1)
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Chrono Trigger: The Eragenix Saga by Newdynasty
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 03:24:25 pm »
Man, doesn't it suck when no one posts about your stories.

Lord J Esq

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Chrono Trigger: The Eragenix Saga by Newdynasty
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 04:05:12 pm »
Quote from: NewDynasty
Man, doesn't it suck when no one posts about your stories.

Golly. Yeah, that would suck. But try not to take it too hard. Most of the people here are in the same boat: They're young, imaginative, inexperienced, and itching to capture the Crono spirit in a fanwork of their very own. Some of the other people here are so incoherent or vapid that their opinions hardly matter anyway. I guarantee it; if other people reply offer opinions in this topic, it'll be for meaningless stuff like grammar, clarity, voice, and style. Don't listen to 'em. They don't know what they're talking about. By far the best way to become a better writer is to read more.

I've been a writer ever since I was a little kid. I didn't turn to other people for their opinion of my work. It never even occured to me to share my stories for the benefit of others. They were entirely for myself...and I still believe that to this day, even though my work is no longer private. So what I'm trying to say is that, if you're happy with what you're doing, then you've already won the most important audience there is to win. Getting others to tell you you've done a good job mostly is just a way of appealing to your ego, which can be very nice, but can also go to your head...and in any case isn't going to offer much that would be useful to you.

Does it matter what others think of your story? Sure, maybe someday it will, inasmuch as legitimate criticism can broaden your horizons, and praise can make you feel very good. But criticism from a message board full of amateurs is the very opposite of what you need to encourage you to keep on developing your creative talents, and excessive praise will just prevent you from taking new risks in pushing your writing ability. Write for yourself. Just keep on reading, keep on writing...and do it for you. You'll be fine. =)


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Chrono Trigger: The Eragenix Saga by Newdynasty
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2005, 04:48:26 am »
NewDynasty, I note that of the whole 2 posts you've made in the forums, both are in this thread...Sit and think about that for a little bit.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Chrono Trigger: The Eragenix Saga by Newdynasty
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2005, 11:29:15 am »
Yeah, good point. Sorry, didn't think about it that way.


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Chrono Trigger: The Eragenix Saga by Newdynasty
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2005, 06:25:05 pm »
Yeah, I don't mean to make you feel obligated to do anything, I just find it usually helps if you 1) post around a forum more so that people know who you are or 2) post in other people's stuff...although that just kind of makes them feel obligated to post in's a horrible cycle, I admit...but it works sometimes...although I don't usually ascribe to it myself...>_>

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Chrono Trigger: The Eragenix Saga by Newdynasty
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2005, 06:55:20 am »
Someone should make a fanfic where its like:

Marle: So Crono, whats you plan?
Crono: ...
Marle: Nice plan!
Lucca: Whats all this shouting for? Man Crono, youve got to know when to calm down, and LET OTHER PEOPLE SLEEP!!
Crono: ...
Lucca: Thats right you should be sorry!
Robo: Exterminate, Exterminate! Destroy! Destroy!
Lucca: Damn fukin robot. SHUTUP!
Dr. Who: Did anyone say robot?
Ayla: Who this man? Another nerd conventionist? Lets get him!
Magus: *brings a plate*
Marle: Whats that? And why are you wearing an apron?
Magus: Its frogs legs!
Crono: ...
Magus: I knew you would love it!
Crono: ...
Magus: Oh u only want it coz you hated that frog. Thats alright honeykum
Crono: ... ...



Har har har *groan*