Author Topic: Question...  (Read 1703 times)


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« on: February 21, 2018, 06:07:05 pm »
So I'm on the quest to a better, healthier me. I actually have a lot of weight to lose, but I've lost a lot of weight before, so I know I'll get there. Anyway, my point behind this post is that I use a site/app called SparkPeople and I'd thought of creating a SparkTeam called something like "Chrono Series Lovers" or something like that. If I did, would any of you like to join me? I just figure the more the merrier!

I just started on Thursday (2/16) and I've already lost 9 pounds. I'm going to the gym 4 days a week (not doing much yet IMO, just 30 minutes on the elliptical) and tracking my food intake. I just think you guys are awesome here so if anyone wants to join me, let me know! My ID on there is GETTINLEANIN18.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Question...
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2018, 04:50:10 pm »
I am doing Keto at the moment to shed a few pounds, but I'm already about back to my desired weight range (5'11" 32 year old male ~165 lbs goal), so I'll be stopping the diet within the next week or two. At that point I'll be back to CICO (calorie in / calorie out) counting via MyFitnessPal, in addition to my three or four times a week I run four or five miles.

I haven't used SparkPeople before, nor have I heard of it. What's it like?


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Re: Question...
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2018, 07:55:56 pm »
I've been using it for years, and I love it! I actually tried MyFitnessPal and it's not as good as SparkPeople is. I find it easier to navigate, you can also track your water intake for the day, and they have the most positive and awesome community I've ever seen on the internet. They have their sister site, Sparkrecipes, and you can track those really easily as well as entering your own recipes. You can also save groups of food, and you track your activity too. They also have a premium you can get for $5 a month and you can email one of their coaches once a week among other things. I have it because I'm more than happy to support the site, I've been a member since 2006 and I've left and returned a few times and this is the only thing that works for me.

If you join, add me. I would be happy to help you! My goal is to reach goal by April of next year. I have a lot to lose, but I've lost a good chunk of weight before, so I know I can do it again!

Thank you so much for responding!