You can look this up, there are scientists who actually know. And as for the snow, remember given the moving currents in the water, as it is salt water, doesn't freeze at 32 Fahrenheit, its closer to 0 Fahrenheit. And with it moving would need to be even colder to freeze.
In actuality, weather has many factors. The el-nino cycle is on a 14 year cycle, like a sine wave, and its driven primarily by sunspots (sun warms up, so does earth). that is bolted onto a thousand year weather cycle of up and down, and THAT is bolted onto the ice-age earth cycle which lasts somewhere around a hundred-thousand years. Dont know if it was THAT cold on all of earth in 12000 BC but given the spells cast by the Zeal, if they can lift a mountain im sure the effect on the temperature of the planet was affected, ie it could have made it artifically colder than would be otherwise.
I did read that a few years ago there was a global freeze theory refered to as 'snowball earth' but before he died, Hawking I think disproved that as being feasable. He did mention that the big bang may not have be the 'start' of time but a potential 'bend' in time relative to our timeline. bend of time...end of time...we didn't know what happened to Gaspar did we?