I really Really wish I could answer that easily, but I've been short on time recently due to my new job and real life issues, haven't worked in 2-3 month almost on CC >.<
Truth is we could try to add a bunch of new custom weapons, make new playable Char, make new scenario/side quests, but that could be "endless" hehe!
But we are close to having done the MOST part, real quick what's left on the "to do list"
-2 new custom weapon and modified 1 or 2
-listing every chest/loot/pickup item, with the hex values to edit the content (about 10% as been done xP)
-Remove the Eyes Blinking battle animation for the new Playable Chars (have and Idea but didn't test it yet)
-Create Dario Overworld's jumping/falling/landing animation (maybe a week of work)
-If possible (but not necessarily needed) the Selling values of all Weapon/Armor/Accessory
-the biggest piece left is to know how to make custom enemy scripts/edit the Battlescript
all the info on the battlescript are here
https://www.chronocompendium.com/Term/Battlescript.htmlas you can see in the parameters list there are a bunch of function still left to be discover, I'll have to do some testing (maybe alot hehe).
-when this is all done, we have to make sure that everything works on both CD's, then we can start the actual testing! Scaling difficulty and having definite location for chest/specific item.
We'll probably release some kind a BETA version at this point!
I'm sorry I don't have a date for this, but I'm guessing it could probably be done by the end of the year if I can find the time and all the testing goes well!
As I mention most of the Hack have been completed, it took almost 5 years to gather everything we needed
and now that we have almost all of it working, I'm extremmmely looking forward to finish this Hack!!!
***Oh and here's a link to see all the development that only registered user can see on this post!