
What's your favorite thing about Zeal?

The music; Corridors of Time is godly.
12 (30.8%)
The locales; a classic heaven.
11 (28.2%)
The people; dreamers and persons of power.
3 (7.7%)
The plot; a paradise doomed to fall.
13 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Voting closed: July 23, 2005, 09:43:31 am

Author Topic: What's your favorite thing about Zeal?  (Read 5141 times)

Legend of the Past

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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2005, 12:33:45 pm »
Quote from: Specter
I voted for the plot,... but really, the best part about Zeal Kingdom is the endless threads of theory and speculation that can be built from its unknown details and mysterious past. Who discovered/harnessed magic? How were the Floating Islands brought to be? What happened to Schala and Janus's fathers (yes, fathers; there's a Zealean who'll tell you that Janus and Schala are step-siblings)? How long did the kingdom exist before its zenith and immediate demise? Was the Prophet originally part of Zeal's history when he was growing up as Janus (predestination/event loop theory) or did Magus knowingly risk changing the flow of events (as he seems to indicate in one of the alternate endings). And above and beyond all else... what's with the blue hair??

Yeah, Zeal is a treasure trove for conspiracy theories and unwritten backstories, as proven by all the Zeal-related fanfics out there.

We've already answered all of these questions here...

Lord J Esq

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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2005, 02:25:16 pm »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Quote from: Specter
I voted for the plot,... but really, the best part about Zeal Kingdom is the endless threads of theory and speculation that can be built from its unknown details and mysterious past. Who discovered/harnessed magic? How were the Floating Islands brought to be? What happened to Schala and Janus's fathers (yes, fathers; there's a Zealean who'll tell you that Janus and Schala are step-siblings)? How long did the kingdom exist before its zenith and immediate demise? Was the Prophet originally part of Zeal's history when he was growing up as Janus (predestination/event loop theory) or did Magus knowingly risk changing the flow of events (as he seems to indicate in one of the alternate endings). And above and beyond all else... what's with the blue hair??

Yeah, Zeal is a treasure trove for conspiracy theories and unwritten backstories, as proven by all the Zeal-related fanfics out there.

We've already answered all of these questions here...

Tut tut. We have already speculated at these questions. You can add to the sum of definite Chrono knowledge a wee bit by explicit deduction, but anything beyond that is noncanonical conjecture. What does it serve besides a desire for self-congratulation to presume the Compendium's consensus answers are the real answers? It's simply quality discussion...not Chrono Truth.

Legend of the Past

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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2005, 02:30:53 pm »
Quote from: Lord J esq
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Quote from: Specter
I voted for the plot,... but really, the best part about Zeal Kingdom is the endless threads of theory and speculation that can be built from its unknown details and mysterious past. Who discovered/harnessed magic? How were the Floating Islands brought to be? What happened to Schala and Janus's fathers (yes, fathers; there's a Zealean who'll tell you that Janus and Schala are step-siblings)? How long did the kingdom exist before its zenith and immediate demise? Was the Prophet originally part of Zeal's history when he was growing up as Janus (predestination/event loop theory) or did Magus knowingly risk changing the flow of events (as he seems to indicate in one of the alternate endings). And above and beyond all else... what's with the blue hair??

Yeah, Zeal is a treasure trove for conspiracy theories and unwritten backstories, as proven by all the Zeal-related fanfics out there.

We've already answered all of these questions here...

Tut tut. We have already speculated at these questions. You can add to the sum of definite Chrono knowledge a wee bit by explicit deduction, but anything beyond that is noncanonical conjecture. What does it serve besides a desire for self-congratulation to presume the Compendium's consensus answers are the real answers? It's simply quality discussion...not Chrono Truth.

We've answered some of them, because, well, the answeres make sense. Say, with Schala teleporting herself and Q.Zeal away. If she had enough power, of course she would that, but the game never states that, now, does it?

Daniel Krispin

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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2005, 03:08:26 pm »
I voted plot with surety. It, to me, is the penultimate example of the ruin that comes from human pride, and when Man thinks himself to be God. This is similar to the folly of Eden, notice? Man attempts to be like God, Man is struck down and reminded who they are, and that they are mortal. It is a very old lesson - Gilgamesh too comes to the conclusion that immortality is not something one can attain - and as such it struck me as the best of all things regarding Zeal, because it is so pertinent and real, and so well echoes humanity. It shows the fate of all empires, the fate of Man's works, and what happens if we trust too dearly in our own edens. Well, that is what I took from it. Power leads to Pride, and Pride leads to ruin. Zeal lacked contentment, though it held absolute understanding and learning. It is the same danger that lies before us nowadays, actually, and a moralistic lesson not to strive too greatly after things of our own making and learning, else in pride we will be destroyed.

A very Christian lesson, actually, and I was surprised to see it made use of in Chrono Trigger.


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2005, 09:58:29 pm »
i think i have changed my mind a bit, i still like the music, but the plot is great as well. :wink:


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2005, 10:12:36 pm »
What I loved about Zeal the first time is the sense of being somewhere real special. The music definetly added to the experience but it was mainly of being at a certain place where you see all the gurus, Janus (as young Magus), his sister Schala and all those characters. I was like damn, I would've never expected this and that that's where a lot of important things came from. It was just too special.

teh Schala

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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2005, 10:35:10 pm »
Sort of the Capitol Hill of the Chrono universe.  I feel ya :lol:


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2005, 12:44:10 am »
i voted for the plot too.  It was always my favorite part of the game because I enjoyed the futuristic touch it had while it had a society that was less advanced than the prehistoric humans.  I like the ocean Palace a lot too, and seeing where just about everything in the story began was its best aspect, oh and seeing all the gurus was awesome that blew me away the first time I ever played.


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2005, 02:55:28 am »
The whole place has a sense of heaven, mysticism, power, godly, mysterious, strange, supernatural, suspicous, and both good and evil powers in one place really adds to the plot.


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2005, 03:10:25 am »
Loved the Music. It's soo cool, except for the palace. But I voted for the plot, because it was sooo great to see a Magical Kingdom finally. It's pretty much what sets Chrono Trigger apart from Final Fantasy, where they just normally have magic >.>


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2005, 03:12:07 am »
The Palace music in the Pre-release was much better than the one in the final version. In the CTP, it sounded like Zeal herself was a power-hungry monster, which turned out to be true anyway.


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2005, 02:03:07 pm »
The thing that really is great about Zeal is the fact that it ties the entire game together. Up until that point you had no idea of what really was going on, and then boom everything is explained. Great stuff indeed.


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2005, 04:20:27 pm »
The locales. I lvoe verything about it, but, the enviroment is grand and lush... such beauty.

Yeah, in ay truth, my favorite place is Choras, for some reason, but...

*shrug* This is just a random thought XD;

I once had a kind of 'shrine' when a forum was still doing them for people, and called Enhasa of Zeal. Nyar. XD


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2005, 10:16:06 pm »
The music is awesome!


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What's your favorite thing about Zeal?
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2006, 10:24:52 am »
The locales...

I mean, floating cities rule :)