Author Topic: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)  (Read 9181 times)


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2023, 07:05:16 am »
Updating for those who arrived late to the theater.


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2023, 06:09:57 pm »


Double Knockout - Performed your first Dual Tech.

Inquisitor or Bodyguard? Menace or Savior? - Learned all of Cain's Techs and leveled him to **.

Dancing Puppeteer - Learned all of Eva's Techs and leveled her to **.

Destined for Greatness - Learned all of Eiric's Techs and leveled him to **.

Giant of the Forge - Learned all of Zhao's Techs and leveled him to **.

Noblesse Obliged - Learned all of Tristan's Techs and leveled him to **.

Paradise Lost - The death of one close changes those around them… (Cleared the Prologue)

Fiend Slayer - Dealt with a demonic incursion. (Cleared Act 1)

Three-Ring Circus - Stood at the top of the heap. (Cleared Act 2)

Sins of the Past - Solved the mystery of a rogue AI. (Cleared Act 3)

Lavos' Witnesses - Put an end to the Way of Lavos. (Cleared Act 4)

Last Desperate Stand - Witnessed your unfortunate fate. (Cleared Act 5)

Round Two - And thus, Time repeats itself. (Begin a New Game Plus)

What Could Have Been - Witnessed an alternate future with the help of a Time Gate.

Turning Point - Could you have found a way to change your fate? (Unlocked Another Path)

I Need A Hero - This is your last chance. Do it right this time. (Cleared Chrono Cross - Denouement)

Untrustworthy - Completed your first Side Quest

Layabout - Completed 5 Side Quests

Suspicious - Completed 10 Side Quests

Trouble In Paradise - You survived your assassination… but at what cost? (Cleared Act 6)

Woe Is Them - Saved your friends and brought down the mountain. (Cleared Act 7)

Rebellion - The Kingdom of Zeal stands in your path, and the only way to Schala and the Ocean Palace is through it. (Cleared Act 8 )

The Black Wind Howls - Fight through the Ocean Palace and take control of your fate. (Cleared Act 9)


Last Hope of Zeal - Learned all of Schala's Techs and leveled her to **.

Freudian Slip - Fought Sigmund for the last time. (Defeat Sigmund during Act 5)

Zeal Team 6 - Braved the depths of the Elemental Temple and accessed the lost Zeal Archives.

Patricide - Shut Chancellor Arvis up… permanently. (Defeat Arvis)

Family Therapy Session - Settle the score with the false prophet. (Defeat Magus)

Lavos Beckons - Finish the job. (Defeat Lavos Terminus)

Union of Heroes - Performed the Shining Strike Triple Tech with Cain, Crono, and Serge.

Accepted - Complete 15 Side Quests

Helping Hand - Complete 20 Side Quests

We Will Not Fall This Day - Defended your new home from Porre's invasion. (Cleared Act 10)

One Last Loose End - Exact your long-awaited revenge. (Defeat Dalton)

A Cross to Bear - Became acquainted with Lynx. (Cleared Act 11)

Where Angels Fear to Tread - Arrived in El Nido. (Cleared Act 12)

Viper Manor Shuffle - Receive more questions than answers. (Cleared Act 13)

Betrayal at Fort Dragonia - You can't save everyone… but you can damn well try. (Cleared Act 14)

The Dead Sea - Find a way home. (Cleared Act 15)

Rematch of the Damned - Face an old foe. (Defeat Garai)

Prisoners of FATE - Face an old friend. (Defeat Miguel)

Dragon's Tears - Help Serge regain what he lost. (Cleared Act 16)

Let Love Bleed - Settle the score with Lynx. (Cleared Act 17)

What It Means to Live - Shut it all down. (Defeat FATE)

Tower of Stars - The planet rumbles… (Cleared Act 18)

Death on Lunar Wings - Set her free. (Defeat the Dragon God)


Man of the People - Complete all Side Quests

Behind The Curtain - Discovered the face of your enemy. (Defeat Thanaton)

Origin Point - Together with heroes of time and dimensions, discovered the cause of all this tragedy. (Cleared Act 19)

Beginning of the End - Witnessed the events leading to Antiquity's end.

Life: A Distant Promise - Stared the arbiter of the Black Wind in the face… and survived.


To Far Away Times - Saw the tale to its final conclusion.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 01:55:53 pm by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2023, 01:07:59 pm »
Boss List


1. Mystery Combatant (Dalton)
2. Dalton (Vagabond)
3. Benedict

Main Game:

4. Pavlov
5. Demon Lord (Weakened Thanaton)
6. Sigmund (Round 1)
7. Manticore
8. Issac
9. Bellowing Beast
10. Sigmund (Round 2)
11. Divine Boron Series
12. Mother Unit Hera

Normal Path:

13. Olivia
14. Sigmund (Round 3)
15. Royal Guards
16. The Prophet (Magus)

Bonus Endings:

17. Queen Zeal
18. Queen Zeal (Corrupted Sixth Gate Beast)

Another Path:

19. Archive Keeper
20. Sigmund (Round 4)
21. Sigmund (Sixth Gate)
22. The Prophet (Sixth Gate)
23. Jailer Beast
24. Giga Gaia (Whole)
25. Giga Gaia (Torso)
26. Chancellor Arvis
27. Golem Cerberus
28. Lavos (Ocean Palace)
29. Magus (Depowered)
30. Lavos (Clinging to Life)
31. Lavos Terminus

Invasion of Guardia:

32. Porrean Assassins
33. Golem Overlord
34. Garai
35. Dalton (Supreme Commander)
35. Dalton (Corrupted Masamune)
36. Lynx

Chrono Cross (Another Path):

37. Karshe
38. Marcy
39. Zoah
40. Fargo
41. Wingapede
42. Pentapus
43. Hi-Ho Tank
44. Bunyip
45. Lynx
46. Arni Mob
47. Garai's Shade
48. Harle
49. Miguel
50. Grobyc
51. Sonofagun
52. Lynx (Dark Serge)
53. Polispolice
54. FATE
55. Mother Unit Hera (Reborn)
56. Dragon God
57. Harle (Dragon Goddess)
58. Dario (Corrupted Masamune)
59. Hatred's Shade
60. Pavlov (Fiend)
61. Isaac (Fiend)
62. Benedict (Fiend)
63. Olivia (Fiend)
64. Arvis (Fiend)
65. Thanaton (Phase 1)
66. Thanaton (Phase 2)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 08:42:21 am by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2023, 03:26:10 am »
Still working on these.


Still working on 'em…


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2023, 01:45:49 pm »
Tech List



Desperate Rush - Rain a flurry of punches upon a single foe.
Range - Single Enemy
Damage Type - Physical, Crushing
Notes - Upgrades to Phantom Rush in Sixth Gate: Mastered status.

Raining Lance - Throw your spear, fast and true.
Range - Enemy Line (Target)
Damage Type - Physical, Piercing
Notes - Upgrades to Freezing Spike in Sixth Gate: Mastered status.

Explosion Rune
Range - Single Enemy
Damage Type - Physical, Fire
Notes - Inflicts Burned status. Upgrades to Destruction Rune in Sixth Gate: Mastered status.

Unchain - Open the Sixth Gate and unleash hell.
Range - Self
Support Type - Buff
Notes - Puts Cain into Sixth Gate: Mastered status. Normal attacks gain Multihit. Techs and spells are upgraded to superior versions. Critical Rate and Critical Damage are increased.

Phantom Rush - Unleash righteous fury.
Range - Single Enemy
Damage Type - Physical, Magical, Crushing
Notes - Attack becomes Physical or Magical depending on enemy weakness. Ignores Crushing Resistance.

Freezing Spike
Range - Enemy Cone (Cain's position)
Damage Type - Physical, Piercing, Ice, Earth

Destruction Rune
Range - Enemy Group (Surrounding Target)
Damage Type - Magical, Fire, Lightning, Gravity


Flame - Basic Fire spell.
Range - Single Enemy
Damage Type - Magical, Fire
Notes - Occasionally inflicts Burned status. Upgrades to Inferno in Sixth Gate: Mastered status.

Protect - Conjure a barrier that lessens damage.
Range - Self
Support Type - Buff
Damage Shielded - Physical, Slashing, Piercing, Crushing
Notes - Upgrades to Aegis in Sixth Gate: Mastered status.

Wildfire - Intermediate Fire Spell
Range - Enemy Group (Target)
Damage Type - Magical, Fire
Notes - Upgrades to Hellfire in Sixth Gate: Mastered status.

Flare - Advanced Fire Spell
Range - All Enemies
Damage Type - Magical, Fire
Notes - Upgrades to Astral Flare in Sixth Gate: Mastered status.

Range - Enemy Group (Target)
Damage Type - Magical, Fire
Notes - Inflicts Burned status.

Range - Self
Support Type - Buff
Damage Shielded - Physical, Magical, Slashing, Piercing, Crushing
Notes - Gives Cain Immovable status.

Range - All Enemies
Damage Type - Magical, Fire

Astral Flare
Range - Single Enemy
Damage Type - Magical, Fire, Celestial
Notes - Inflicts Burned and Starscorned status upon the enemy.



Range - Self
Support Type - Buff
Notes - Puts Schala into Sixth Gate status. Power of attack and healing magic increased. Automatically regenerates MP. Allows access to Grand Barrier and Luminaire spells. Unlocked during Porre's attack on Guardia.



Heaven's Gate

Grand Barrier




Freezing Arrow









Whirling Leaf Slash







Dance of Gems

Rust Hurricane - Metal shards swirl in the wake of Benmaru's spinning lariat.
Range - Caster area
Damage Type - Physical, Slashing, Crushing, Earth
Notes - Unlocked upon completion of personal sidequest. Lowers enemy defense.

Arc Cannon - Benmaru fires a beam of concentrated lightning energy.
Range - Line (across screen)
Damage Type - Magical, Lightning, Light
Notes - Unlocked upon completion of personal sidequest.


Spark - Basic Lightning spell

Lightning Bolt - Intermediate Lightning spell

Thundercloud - Advanced Lightning spell
Range - All Enemies
Damage Type - Magical, Lightning
Notes - Upgrades to Thunderstorm upon completion of personal sidequest.



Hell's Gate

Devilish Flurry


Dark Bomb
« Last Edit: May 03, 2024, 12:32:11 am by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2023, 02:35:15 pm »
Status Effects

Stat Buffs

Attack Up - Increases physical attack power.

Defense Up - Increases defense against Physical damage.

Magic Defense Up - Increases defense against Magical damage.

Resistance Up - Increases defense against Elemental damage.

Magic Up - Increases magical attack power.

Speed Up - Increases chance to act sooner each turn.

Evasion Up - Increases chance to dodge attacks.

Hit Up - Increases chance of an attack becoming a Critical Hit.

Beneficial Status Effects


Immovable - Prevents being knocked back, readjusted, or launched off the battlefield by certain enemy attacks.


Multihit - Basic attacks have a chance to hit from two to four times. (Chance is random.)

Character Unique Buffs

Sixth Gate: Mastered - Usable only by Cain.

Sixth Gate

Stat Debuffs

Attack Down

Status Ailments

Fear - Affected are forced to skip their turn.

Burned - Inflicts Red Element Damage Over Time.

Frozen - Cannot move. Crushing attacks have a chance to KO instantly.

Drowned - Inflicts Blue Element Damage Over Time.

Burden - Basic attacks do single-digit damage.

Shocked - Inflicts Yellow Damage Over Time.

Confusion - May attack allies.

Poisoned - Inflicts Green Element Damage Over Time.

Blind - Forces a 75% chance for regular attacks to miss.

Corrupted - Inflicts Black Element Damage Over Time.

Lock - Techs and Magic cannot be used.

Starscorned - Inflicts White Element Damage Over Time.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2024, 09:25:10 am by skylark »