The best is to have an arcade stick.
Agreed. I can use an arcade stick proper on most fighting games, except the one I play the most. With Guilty Gear XX, the button layout on pad is different from the layout on stick, so it's very difficult to switch between the two. Mind you, I don't own a stick, but if I could play Guilty Gear well with one, I'd probably have one.
I haven't played GG enough to really understand which is better, but most of the tourney players use a controller from what I remember. SC is better orineted for a stick because you need to press mulitple buttons which would make for akward handling and a general inablity to be nimble with the controls.
Huh. At the tourney's up here, back when there were arcades, most of the Guilty Gear players played on stick. Some were snobs about it, too. Dicks. I can't really say which is better objectivly though. Most of the moves are Street Fighter "style" controls, in that they are quarter circle, dragon punch, or half circle, with most supers being hcb->forward motions. The button configuration is the screwey bit.
Pad: (with Dust on the shoulder)
Punch Hard Slash
Kick Slash Hard Slash
Punch Dust
So you can see where the problem switching between the two lies.