Author Topic: Priority questions for Masato Kato  (Read 93923 times)


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Re: Priority questions for Masato Kato
« Reply #90 on: August 06, 2008, 07:52:59 pm »
Quote from: Shiku
I just have to complete Scenario 7 and I'll have beaten the whole game....

Including the 3 variations on Kid & the Sunflower?
Yup, though for that I did do a little cheating and used a savestate because I didn't want to slog through the parts leading up to the choice three times. and a small edit It's scenario 6 I have to complete. I did 7 early one cause it was short XD


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Re: Priority questions for Masato Kato
« Reply #91 on: December 18, 2008, 01:09:27 am »
I feel like going through & putting strikethrough tags on all of the questions CTDS answered...Looks like in ZeaLitY's first post two have been answered (though the Magus one kind of ambiguously...we know more of what happened to him)...


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Re: Priority questions for Masato Kato
« Reply #92 on: February 08, 2011, 04:29:08 pm »
Alright!! All you radical dreamers out there!! Let's get this party started!!

We need to compile some important questions that have been asked here for a potential mail interview with Kato and/or Mitsuda in the soon near future.

This message is meant to breathe new life into this thread, and to get newcomers back to reply with their questions. I will be backtracking these many pages for information as well. Let's get some DS re-release questions from everyone too!

If you remember your questions here, feel free to re-post them! The Dream of Zeal is still alive!


** Ending Magus / Could be Guile in CC **

** Who would you [Kato] like to work with for a new Chrono game? **


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Re: Priority questions for Masato Kato
« Reply #93 on: February 08, 2011, 05:37:25 pm »
Compiled List of Questions Created 5 Years Ago

Quote from: Zeality
List as of February 2006

In order of importance

Will you make Chrono Break?
Do any other unpublished Chrono works exist?
What happened to Magus?
Did Kid merge with Schala? Why is she looking for Serge?
What's the new world like after Chrono Cross?
What are the final fates of Crono, Marle, and Lucca after Chrono Cross?
Where does Lavos's species originate?
What is the outside force that assisted Porre in defeating Guardia?
Where is El Nido, anyway?
Do you agree with the lost plotline of Chrono Cross?
Where did Radius, Fargo, Zappa and Garai serve in 1005 A.D.? The Masamune?
What happened to Dalton?
Who created the Sun Stone and Keep?
Where did Kino come from? Any relation to Leah?

And if possible, get him to look at the paradoxes

Also, once I finish the Theory section and Analysis of the Chrono Compendium, I'll add anything from there too.

All Questions By User - By First Poster

Quote from: Zeality
What happened to Magus?

What is the outside force that assisted Porre in defeating Guardia?

Where did Radius, Fargo, Zappa and Garai serve in 1005 A.D.?

Quote from: Swordmaster
What happened to Dalton? (solved in CTDS)

Ask for never published works like short story or anything in his possession…

Quote from: Chrono’99
How can the Guardia line paradox(es) be explained?

Quote from: V_Translanka
Kurono Brake? Pretty please?

Is the Dream Team ever going to reunite? and would you like it to?

Do you know if there's as big a cult following in Japan for the Chrono series as there is in North America?

Also, I think it may be important, if the Compendium ever does get to talk to him that we use as many of the Japanese names as to avoid confusion as Kato may be unawares of some or many of the changes that were made.

(duly noted V)

What's w/the change w/Sara (/Schala)'s hair color exactly?

Who would you like to work w/on a new Chrono game?

Would you like to work on another Chrono game?

Cats seem to be a running theme in the Chrono games. Crono & co. are consistently confronted by kitties throughout their adventures...Is there a deeper meaning behind this? Or are just a cat person?

What kind of artist would you consider yourself: one who creates primarily for others or for yourself?

Quote from: Lordchander
Do you even care about the Chrono Series anymore?

Quote from: Silentmartyr
Do Crono, Marle, and Lucca die in the Ideal Timeline?

V_Translanka:  He's already been asked this in another interview I know...He was fairly elusive about giving an exact answer though...

Is Spekkio a true god?

Does Kid merge with Schala after the events in Cross, or are they separate beings?

Legend of the Past:  Yes, that is quiet confusing. In the ending it seemes as if Schala and Kid speak in the same voice (You know what I mean), but then you see in the ending cineamtic (After all the game scenes) Kid sailing away on Korcha's boat. Very confusing.

Quote from: jotabe1789
How Schala managed to clone herself and produce Kid?

Quote from: Zaperking
Where did the Mystics come from? (i believe the Reptites)

Where did Kino come from?

What happened to Schala and Queen Zeal in the Lavos Timeline?

Quote from: teh Schala
Where/what did Lavos come from?

What was up with Schala walking around in Tokyo?

Quote from: fxar99
Where has Lavos been before coming to Earth?

Quote from: Agent 12
Did Crono and Marle escape the fall of guardia?

Quote from: nightmare975
Where is El Nido on the map?

Quote from: Weggy
What happened to Dalton? (solved in CTDS)

Quote from: Dragoness
Did the home world and another world merge in the "good" ending?

What happen to the Einlanzer if the worlds did merge?

Does Glenn still keep the Einlanzer?

Does everyone forget what they did in Chrono Cross at the end?

What does ZOAH look like under the helmet?

How did Frog turn back to a human in the anime ending?

Are you ever going do a remake of Chrono Cross? (CC is coming to PSN at least)

What is the bend of time?

Where did Glenn get that scar?

In the third game, are you going to have both magic and elements?

Where did Garai die at?

Did Serge and Kid ever marry?

Who is ZOAH's parnets?

If the worlds merged... what is kept and not kept?

Does Dario still count as alive in the merged worlds?

Will we ever see Einlanzer's spirit? (i think he means like Masa and Mune)

Why did you make Ozzie's pants A HELM!?

Will we see more of Starky's people in the third game?

Will Lavos somehow be the last boss, a third time?

Does Serge still keep the Masamune in the end of Chrono Cross?

What happen in ZOAH's past to make him wear that mask?

Quote from: Sentenal
Was the Masamune found at the Divine Dragon Falls, or was it found at Denadaro Mts.?

If the above answer is "Divine Dragon Falls", how exactly did the Masamune get to El Nido?

Quote from: Magus068

Quote from: x_XTacTX_x
What advice do you have for up and coming game designers who want to make games as memorable   and cherished as Chrono Trigger?

What inspired you to do Chrono Trigger?

Did you originally intend on making a sequel to Trigger?

Quote from: ZealKnight
Is there any relation between Leah and Ayla, or was her mention of a daughter named Ayla just a nod to us fans.

Quote from: Shiku
Have you ever considered making a true sequel to Radical Dreamers?

What was your inspiration behind Radical Dreamers?

CONTINUE TO ASK QUESTIONS EVERYONE!! Z... feel free to use or update this
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 05:38:59 pm by Magus22 »


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Re: Priority questions for Masato Kato
« Reply #94 on: February 16, 2011, 08:05:48 pm »
...holy cow, quite the list has built up over the years.  :)

Magus, have you and Justinstcharles done the outreach yet, or are you still collecting more feedback? I wonder whether it would be prudent to focus on CT:DS-related questions at first, just to get the ball rolling?


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Re: Priority questions for Masato Kato
« Reply #95 on: February 17, 2011, 02:44:50 am »
I just PM'd ya about the recent events happening behind closed doors.


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Re: Priority questions for Masato Kato
« Reply #96 on: February 17, 2011, 01:27:05 pm »
How much creative input did he have in Baten Kaitos Origins?

Did he work on Final Fantasy XIV?

How significantly was the story of World Destruction/Sands of Destruction altered from his original draft?

Did he run into time and budget limitations while working on Chrono Cross? How bad were they?

What are some of his favorite games of the last 10 years?

Is he interested in working with Monolith Soft again?

If he could work on any project right now, what would it be?


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Re: Priority questions for Masato Kato
« Reply #97 on: February 17, 2011, 07:30:43 pm »
The Lost Sanctum was quite a surprising thing to see in CT:DS. Was it meant as canon? If so, what exactly is it's relation to the Reptite Dimension. Also how did the Mystics end up there exactly? What is their origin?