Yesterday, I found out that there seems to be a major bug with the battle speed in CT. I always thought there could be some kind of this bug, but I never bothered trying till now. I'm at my Low-Level-Game, Magus, following a strategie using 1 Barrier to survive 2 Darkmatters. However, it never worked, even with perfect timing. And because I don't like to admit that I suck, I searched for a reason, and yes, found one:
If you use Battlespeed 8(slowest), the Barrier protects you ~5 turns(not enough for 2 Darkmatters), but if you use battle speed 1(fastest), you are ~20(!!!) turns protected!
I donno if this was already mentioned, but this is a major problem if you try Magus on a Low-Level-Game with Battlespeed 8.
Anybody else ever noticed this one? This would mean playing with the fastest speed means some kind of advantage, and the disadvantage is, well, you've to be faster.