Sort of a typical fiery young hero-warrior. He's better as a doer of deeds, rather than as a speaker of words, so he usually keeps quiet so as not to seem a fool. However, as brave as he is in action, he's often foolhardy, often acting downright silly in trivial situations, and in battle often showing far too much bravado. He really has no idea what he's doing: he's no trained warrior; he's a child. Interestingly, however, he seems to be fortune's favoured, and usually gets through everything just fine. A do-first think-later, happy go lucky sort of mentality that seems to work... most of the time (cf. Ocean Palace). I'd imagine, in the face of certain death, he'd just say 'oh, what the hell; I've only got one life', and jump into the fray... and come out on top simply by his careless attitude. Fortune favours the brave, and that holds very much true for him.