Ah, what a perfect excuse to spend the morning listening to the entire Chrono Cross soundtrack! Let me get some breakfast and…let’s do this! Following are all the Chrono Cross songs that are not indigenous to Chrono Cross. I have also included songs in the Magical Dreamers family, because I swear that theme is inspired by the Radical Dreamers main theme. This list does not mention any of the other songs in CC that are related to one another, unless they are also connected to songs from Chrono Trigger or Radical Dreamers. And don’t give me no guff for using the less-accepted versions of the song titles. =P
This is not necessarily a complete list, but I am confident that I got almost everything, if not exactly everything. Feel free to add something that I may have missed.
101: “Time’s Scar”
Based on Chrono Trigger main theme, with original content
103: “Home Village Arni”
Original; similar structure to “Wings that Cross Time”
104: “Time’s Grasslands – Home World”
Remix of Chrono Trigger main theme
105: “Dancing the Takage”
Original; member of the CC Magical Dreamers family
107: “Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World”
Remix of the Radical Dreamers main theme
112: “Another Termina”
Original; structure is identical to “Guardia Millennial Fair”; also identical to Xenogears’ “My Village Is Number One.” Three structurally identical festive village themes? Coincidence? This reporter thinks not.
115: “Viper Manor”
Carryover from Radical Dreamers
116: “Victory – Spring’s Gift”
Based on “Fanfare 1” (Lucca’s Theme)
117: “Lost Child of Time”
Inspiration from and partial remix of “People Who Threw Away the Will to Live”
118: “Another Guldove”
Original, with an allusion to “Wings that Cross Time”
124: “Ancient Dragon’s Fort”
Inspiration from “Ocean Palace” (Seriously; listen to both…it’s extremely subtle)
207: “Home Marbule”
Original; member of the CC Magical Dreamers family
211: “Chrono Main Theme”
Remix of Chrono Trigger main theme
215: “Dead Sea – Tower of Ruin”
Based on “Ruined World” (I didn’t know about this until just now, when on a hunch I compared the two) “Tower of Ruin” is one of the few songs in CC to take its cues from CT and actually end up as the better song
220: “Gale”
Carryover of Radical Dreamers battle theme
221: “Victory – Summer’s Cry”
Based on “Fanfare 1” (Lucca’s Theme)
222: “Another Marbule”
Original; member of the CC Magical Dreamers family
223: “Fairies Make Way for Magic”
Original; member of the CC Magical Dreamers family
224: “Etude 1”
Original; member of the CC Magical Dreamers family
225: “Etude 2”
Original; member of the CC Magical Dreamers family
226A: “Magical Dreamers – The Wind, Stars, and Waves (Intro)”
Original; member of the CC Magical Dreamers family
226B: “Magical Dreamers – The Wind, Stars, and Waves (Main)”
Original; member of the CC Magical Dreamers family
301: “Garden of the Gods”
Original; with an allusion to “Manoria Cathedral”
302: “Chronopolis”
Similar technique to “Memories of Green” and “Secret of the Forest”; with a dubious allusion to “Battle with Magus” (“Chronopolis” uses elements from all three of the aforementioned, but I’m not sure if that’s intentional, especially in the third case.)
306: “The Star-Stealing Girl”
Carryover of Radical Dreamers Kid theme
307: “Time of the Dreamwatch”
Remix of Radical Dreamers main theme and Chrono Trigger main theme; structurally identical in some sections to Chrono Trigger main theme and “Corridors of Time”
308: “Dragon’s Prayer”
This eerie song has three sections. The first part is original; but I’m not sure about the other two. I think it might be inspired by “Kingdom Trial,” but I wouldn’t swear to that under oath. Other opinions?
310: “Frozen Flame”
Carryover of Radical Dreamers theme of the same name
313: “Life – Faraway Promise”
The first part is based on “Schala’s Theme”; the rest of the song is based on the CC end title theme