Author Topic: Kingdom Hearts II!  (Read 4342 times)


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2006, 08:50:43 pm »
In terms of gameplay and inferface, I don't think Kingdom Hearts is bad that way.  You lock onto a target automatically, and you attack with the attack command.  Although I admit, movement was a tad awkard at first, but its nothing near as bad as it was in FF10, and you get used to it fast.  The only problem inferace wise is the camera, and thats hardly a problem that only KH has to deal with, as its common.

And the story for me at least, picks up in the latter half of the game.  To tell you the truth, when I first started playing KH, I got to Atlantica, and got to where you fought Ursala.  I basically dropped the game for a few months, not wanting to continue (aladins world killed my enthusaism).  Later on, I picked it back up, and soon got back into the game, and beat it.  I really liked the second half of the game.

As for "kiddy", most of that ends with the source material, or a few dumb jokes here and there, but (like you said) most games/animes have things like that, even the more serious ones.


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2006, 11:23:58 pm »
Quote from: Sentanel
The only problem inferace wise is the camera, and thats hardly a problem that only KH has to deal with, as its common.

Luckily they fixed that in KH2.

Quote from: Hadriel
and beating up some goo creatures that look like they were sculpted into spider-sicles out of the Black Virus from the X-Files.

They only goo creatures I remember heaving to beat up was those random things on Ansem's Random Ship thing at the end of the game. Which I personally wasnt expecting, that bit is completely un-disney in every single way, the random creatures, that face thing at the front of the ship, it was all unexpected. But it was good fun, because you weren't stuck fighting Ansem the entire time. You could just kinda hide out and fight things on the ship.


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #47 on: January 24, 2006, 01:57:24 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
In terms of gameplay and inferface, I don't think Kingdom Hearts is bad that way.  You lock onto a target automatically, and you attack with the attack command.  Although I admit, movement was a tad awkard at first, but its nothing near as bad as it was in FF10, and you get used to it fast.  The only problem inferace wise is the camera, and thats hardly a problem that only KH has to deal with, as its common.

I will admit that yea, the camera can be stupid sometimes, and the locking can be frustrating...that's why I go in the options menu and take all the auto stuff off, do everything manually. THEN it's easily playable. It's like turning 'Hold' on for Zelda 64's target system. And not having the camera move by itself is nice.

And the story for me at least, picks up in the latter half of the game.  To tell you the truth, when I first started playing KH, I got to Atlantica, and got to where you fought Ursala.  I basically dropped the game for a few months, not wanting to continue (aladins world killed my enthusaism).  Later on, I picked it back up, and soon got back into the game, and beat it.  I really liked the second half of the game.

I agree, I hated Aladdin's world. Still do. And I hated Atlantica, but I LOVED fighting Ursula (when she was huge). Man that was fun.

As for "kiddy", most of that ends with the source material, or a few dumb jokes here and there, but (like you said) most games/animes have things like that, even the more serious ones.

That's what I love about Kingdom Hearts. It reminds me of all that kinda stuff. Totally dark and serious at times, and totally light-hearted and calm at others. It's a great balance.

As for the goo creatures, I think he's talking about the Shadow heartless. Those guys are awesome! They remind me of the little black demon things from Terry Brooks' Word and Void series. They're fun to kill!


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2006, 02:08:25 am »
Quote from: Mystik3eb
As for the goo creatures, I think he's talking about the Shadow heartless. Those guys are awesome! They remind me of the little black demon things from Terry Brooks' Word and Void series. They're fun to kill!

Ah yes, but they aren't really made of goo. There made out of darkness.

Of course they're fun to kill, especially when you can nail a bunch of them with Thundaga and munny goes everywhere!!