Yeah, but if there was any relevant dramatic sub-plot that would make Radius use a staff instead of a sword it would prolly be shown in the game >.>
Not that Van`s sub-plot is of any relevance at all, but anyway...
And after that, Van is like Lassie and Radius is like Bingo \,,/
He is like an emontionless killer, who could like cut an iron statue in half using a glass of water without letting any of it spill
Seriously now, Radius doesn`t seem to be the trauma typo... Of course that he has his share of traumatic shit in his past, but still he doesn`t go like "OMG a sword, someone bury me alive for god`s sake".
If there was any special reason for him not to use swords, it would be more logical if he simply didn`t fight at all...
I mean, he still cuts through his enemies. And shit, with a blunt staff! Try to imagine what would be more painful, dread, horrible and that would bring more of an inhumanly slow and agonizing death, a sword or a staff?
My, I had never realized Radius was such a cruel bitch