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Age old discussion
« on: August 13, 2006, 05:24:10 am »
These were the very first OCR topics that helped form early Compendium articles.



As Saunders once said about the master thread, it would be good to listen to
the CT soundtrack (mainly Lavos' theme) while you read this.

In the tradition of doubting and questioning everything, I have questioned four
 mysteries or unexplained occurrences surrounding the ender of the planet,
Lavos...Well, I want to say some other opening remark, but I can't think of
anything. Heh, here are the questions:

1. What exactly occurred during the few Lavos battles?
2. What is the aura that surrounds it? (Linked to question 1)
3. Where is the final battle held?
4. How does the Time Devourer retain existence?

As usual, I'm not going to alter anyone's original beliefs or conceptions by
laying mine down in the original post (since I'm sure there are some other
hypotheses than what I've got here). Good luck everyone.

Hmm...I'm really willing to hear other people's ideas on this one.

As for where the battle takes guess is this...the spot where Lavos
errupts. In 12,000 B.C., that was in a chamber of the Ocean Palace...probably
on a floor bellow the Mammon Machine's chamber. In this case, it's very easy to see how Lavos was drawn to that spot. As for the final battle...well, he errupts anyway...
Crono and the gang just walk up to him (take the bucket).

Now the aura is a bit more trickey...what do I think we can be sure of? That it
 is the outer shell of Lavos that generates it...(take the bucket, kill the
outer shell, warp back, take the bucket again) for what the aura's
 probably a distortion caused by Lavos' follows from this, that the
 part of Lavos that actually utilizes/draws/manipulates energy is the outer

The final battle takes place either in the Black Omen or the erruption site...
Lavos is either drawn to the Omen by Zeal/Mammon Machine or errupts

Now the Time Devourer...I don't think it's neccisarily the same Lavos as the
one destroyed in CT...It can reach across dimensions, that's clear... That
would make it from a 3rd dimension (Home: Lavos killed, Another: Lavos never
came to the planet) and it would explain why you get to it from a light column
on Opassa Beach...

Ybrik Metaknight
I have to think on this one...I'll post my thoughts later tonight.



I'll add my thoughts to the pot now.

-In regard to what exactly occurred, and what the aura is that surrounds Lavos-

Perhaps a field surrounds Lavos in which spacetime is somewhat distorted.

His aura sort of looks like that of a timegate.

The aura may just be his emanations in their purest form.

Lavos may be enveloped in something similar to the Tesseract.

-In regard to the location of the final battle-

Since time periods are easily accessible, it may be inside a gate. Lavos
created such a wormhole when he erupted at Magus castle, and it was indeed
abnormally large.

In the Tesseract, globes with scenes of different eras are shown, much like
the time periods that Lavos can replicate/imitate/summon in the background
of the final fight.

-In regard to the Time Devourer retaining existence-

I believe that in the instance Schala was absorbed, the Time Devourer may have
separated itself from the original Lavos, or substituted one with a gate.

Finally, my random thought of the day is that the planets in the Chrono
universe are of uniform size, since the Lavos that infested Crono's was
originally a spawn on another. Sucks for that world, eh? Maybe they could warp
over there, kill that Lavos, and prevent the punk from ever screwing with
Crono's planet.

Ybrik Metaknight

Goddamned invalid session... Let's try this again, but shorter.

1. Lavos battles: Battle in the Ocean Palace and battle against Lavos's first
inner-shell form are pretty self-explanatory. They're battles, simple as that.
Lavos's aura and very nature (see below) cause him to be able to utilize
previous bosses and eras in his other forms.
2. I think that Lavos's aura is a time distortion due to his time-altering
nature (which we have previously discussed), and this allows him to do the
stuff mentioned above (also see ZeaLitY's explanation, above).
3. I believe that the final battle takes place in A.D. 1999, because I believe
that the world is only different from that point in time forward. I have
always believed this and probably always will. (At a later time, I can probably
 elaborate on my opinion taking into account the Black Omen, but I'm too tired
right now.) 4. As for the Time Devourer...hmmm...I think that either it is a
Lavos spawn  or that ZeaLitY's explanation is true; either makes sense to me.

Sorry for any lack of coherence...just finished a 60 hour work week and I'm
freakin' exhausted.

Ybrik out

Any other takers?
Ybrik Metaknight
Here is the further explanation I promised in my previous post.

[Exceprt from my post on the Chrono Compendium site]
I think that the final battle takes place somewhere in the world circa A.D.

Although many will argue that the battle takes place in 12,000 B.C., I think
that this idea 1) doesn't make as much sense from a writer's perspective and 2)
 doesn't support the idea that the world is only truly different from 1999 on.

The Black Omen probably somehow sends the party to 1999 each time you beat it.
I come to this conclusion because when you destroy Lavos's shell, it doesn't
grow back. I would think that it wouldn't take Lavos too long to grow it back
after it was destroyed; the closest point in time at which you can beat the
Omen is 999 years before the day of Lavos, and the shell still hasn't grown
back if you use the End of Time bucket.

Ybrik Metaknight

Further support for the idea that the aura is a time distortion of some sort:

While playing through a section of CT to find backstory info for one of my
fanfics, I came across the following:

In Magus's flashback of the destruction of the Ocean Palace, Gaspar says,
"Hmm…! A dimensional warp!" a little bit before Lavos appears with his aura.
I think that Gaspar may have been feeling the time-disrupting aura activating

Any thoughts?

the field where you fight lav0s == the slime:! EW! MY FEET ARE IN SUMTHING

seriously, however, i have never thought of that.

--Perhaps the time devourer didn't like, occur until after Lavos' defeat,
however? i mean, it CAN jump in time 'n' stuff... but i don't know.
Ybrik Metaknight
Haven't seen you on these threads before, Garian. Welcome to the Chrono Series

the whole time travel thing is fucked i don't think it really is
supposed to make sense

lack of internet. I'm only at the library temporarily...

I was kinda thinking that since serge lives in a modified past (being that el
nido didn't exist until lavos was defeated) then the time devourer is trying to
 re-rewrite history so things go its way. It seems as though Lavos exists in a
time shell... (seperate from its actual "shell") (although i haven't been able
to check all other theories... i don't really have the itme to either  )... a
"gate" or something... possibly it lives in perpetuation in 1999ad, which is
why whenever you choose to fight it, you end up at the apocalypse...
i don't get something..

spoiler if you haven't played through ct

when the black omen forms, it's there in 1999..which means that it was there
during the lifetimes of crono, marle, and lucca..wouldn't the fact that it's
there change the way they live, or if they're even born at all? and if the
events were changed, they wouldn't have gone on the journey through time in
the first place and the black omen wouldn't have formed...but then we're back
at the same problem and it keeps circling around. can someone please explain
how this is supposed to make sense?

ZeaLitY wrote:
4. How does the Time Devourer retain existence?

I have always been under the impression that, in a technical sense, the Time
Devourer never existed; it 'exists' only within the Tesseract as part of some
discarded timeline.

This seems to be supported by the fact that, at the end of CC, you fight the
Time Devourer within the aforementioned Tesseract (at least I'm pretty sure
that you are in the Tesseract, as the scenes presented in the tiny 'bubbles'
that float in the background all contain pictures of what appear to be from
different timelines that no longer exist)

nice thought. The black omen DID affect them, however, because they didn't have
 the memories of the black omen (since they kinda helped create it instead) it
didn't affect them directly (it was more like Crono's mother, and the imp in
medina). Also, the black omen didn't do Anything except hover in the sky,
probably corrupting a few minds with Lavos' energy (which is why people prayed
to it).

let me put it to you like this.

crono and co. lived their lives normally until the gate sucked nadia in. they
then proceeded to jump back and forth between time (although why time passes in
 real time along with them... mabye because they still aged...) they didn't
just forget everything they remembered when Leene was abducted, because the
stream of time wasn't totally changed, though its course had been redirected
for a short period. now, if Yakra had killed queen Leene after Nadia was found,
 it could have been a different story, and the Pendant would have gotten into
the hands of Janus instead of the royal family (it was a matriarchal heirloom,
wasn't it?)... which would've changed the story considerably.... or something
like htat

Garian wrote:
nice thought. The black omen DID affect them, however, because they didn't have
 the memories of the black omen (since they kinda helped create it instead) it
didn't affect them directly (it was more like Crono's mother, and the imp in
medina). Also, the black omen didn't do Anything except hover in the sky,
probably corrupting a few minds with Lavos' energy (which is why people prayed
to it).

what i'm saying is that with the black omen there, it means crono grew up in a
world with the black omen. the crono that fought the queen grew up in a world
without it. this totally screws things up...because things would happen
differently, even if the only change was crono stopping for 2 seconds to look
up at it. it would cause this huge chain reaction of events
see the edit please. i saw what i did myself... i think. the black omen really
didn't influence too much, as i said.
taking the edit into consideration..i might as well mention now that i think
the moment crono and marle stepped foot out of that time portal, the game
doesn't make sense. the only way it could make sense is if they stepped foot
into another reality, and stepped foot into another reality every time they
warped thereafter. but if that's the case, why did the black omen appear in
their reality?

think of the CT-etc universe's time as a river. It has a beginning, and an
end (as well as a bend  ) there was just the one "time stream," which was
influence-able (nothing like the new "time machine" movie, which was pretty
good)... now, its like, you're from the future, and you're rewriting history,
but since you lived through the original history, you won't remember the new
history unless you never travelled through time.

on a side note:
I personally believe that there are an infinate number of parallel universes
(mostly because of sliders... i miss that show.. the old eps, with John Rhys
Davies)... i think...
Ybrik Metaknight
Id, I don't think CT used time travel mechanics similar to those found in, say,
 Michael Crichton's Timeline (i.e. time travel by crossing into parallel
dimensions). To clear up the problem with the Omen, it didn't exist in A.D.
1000 because Crono and Co. caused its formation. You don't see the Black Omen
in 600, 1000, or 2300 until after (in game time) it materializes in 12,000,
which means that if Marle had never stepped onto that transporter there would
 never have been a Black Omen.
Garian wrote:
think of the CT-etc universe's time as a river. It has a beginning, and an end
(as well as a bend  ) there was just the one "time stream," which was
influence-able (nothing like the new "time machine" movie, which was pretty
good)... now, its like, you're from the future, and you're rewriting history,
but since you lived through the original history, you won't remember the new
history unless you never travelled through time.

on a side note:
I personally believe that there are an infinate number of parallel universes
(mostly because of sliders... i miss that show.. the old eps, with John Rhys
Davies)... i think...

this shits confusing...alright, here's the best way i can put it the way i
think. consider time being like you said a river. now consider mr time
traveller a fish. just as unlikely as it is for it to be true that time is
relative, it is unlikely that the fish will swim the other way and jump out of
 the water. but say the fish does it..this is the time traveller going back in
time. when the fish lands, it's gonna make the water ripple..much like the
time traveller will do.

I think that when you travel to the past, you alter that past (there are
momentarrily more molecules, possibly causing a gust of wind). But when you
start to alter things in that past, things really turn interesting. For
example: Chrono learns the existance of Lavos in the future, and thus decides
to kill him. But if lavos was killed, he couldn't have learned from him in the
future and wouldn't have killed him. And that causes Lavos to live again
(nobody killed him) and then Chrono finds about lavos again and kills him....
Do you see the endless loop in this? That's why i believe that when you alter
 the past, you actually create two alternative dimensions. One with the changed
 past and one with the "original" (original is in ""'s because it might have
been altered before, but there's no way to check on that).
These are my beliefs, at least for now...
just as unlikely as it is for it to be true that time is relative, it is
unlikely that the fish will swim the other way and jump out of the water. 

Time is relative. It is warped by gravity.

Ybrik Metaknight
Drugski wrote:
original is in ""'s because it might have been altered before, but there's no
way to check on that.

That's something I don't think anyone's addressed thus far. Interesting.

As for your paradox observation, just consider the fact that as soon as Marle
was found and thought to be Leene, she should have ceased to exist, at which
point she never would have been found, at which point the knights would still
be looking for Leene and would eventually find her, at which point she would
exist once again. Square didn't address the issue of paradoxes particularly
well, but rather sidestepped the issue by having Crono, Lucca and Frog rescue
Leene. However, since time didn't immediately fold in upon itself then, it
probably wouldn't with the Lavos thing, either.

I guess my point is that because Crono & Co. exist outside the time stream, so
did many of their actions, including learning about Lavos and destroying him,
therefore these events would not be undone by a simple paradox.

Drugski wrote:
I think that when you travel to the past, you alter that past (there are
momentarrily more molecules, possibly causing a gust of wind). But when you
start to alter things in that past, things really turn interesting. For
example: Chrono learns the existance of Lavos in the future, and thus decides
to kill him. But if lavos was killed, he couldn't have learned from him in the
 future and wouldn't have killed him. And that causes Lavos to live again
(nobody killed him) and then Chrono finds about lavos again and kills him....
Do you see the endless loop in this? That's why i believe that when you alter
the past, you actually create two alternative dimensions. One with the changed
past and one with the "original" (original is in ""'s because it might have
been altered before, but there's no way to check on that).
These are my beliefs, at least for now...

this exactly what i'm getting at..i think of this as more of simply using logic
than an opinion

Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
Drugski wrote:
original is in ""'s because it might have been altered before, but there's no
way to check on that.

That's something I don't think anyone's addressed thus far. Interesting.

As for your paradox observation, just consider the fact that as soon as Marle
was found and thought to be Leene, she should have ceased to exist, at which
point she never would have been found, at which point the knights would still
be looking for Leene and would eventually find her, at which point she would
exist once again. Square didn't address the issue of paradoxes particularly
well, but rather sidestepped the issue by having Crono, Lucca and Frog rescue
Leene. However, since time didn't immediately fold in upon itself then, it
probably wouldn't with the Lavos thing, either.

I guess my point is that because Crono & Co. exist outside the time stream, so
did many of their actions, including learning about Lavos and destroying him,
therefore these events would not be undone by a simple paradox.

"hey id i never saw you before in a chrono trigger thread, welcome" thx!

ok, if they existed out of the time stream then how would any of their actions
affect the time stream they don't exist in?

Ybrik Metaknight
IdDemonOfElru wrote:
"hey id i never saw you before in a chrono trigger thread, welcome" thx!

ok, if they existed out of the time stream then how would any of their actions
 affect the time stream they don't exist in?

Sorry about that...I just thought you'd posted in one of these before.

hey id i never saw you before in a chrono trigger thread, welcome

that better 

Note to self: stop welcoming newcomers to these threads...

As for your question...hmmm....I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean.
Please clarify.

i just don't understand how being in a different time stream only works one can change time but time can't change you

Ybrik Metaknight
IdDemonOfElru wrote:
i just don't understand how being in a different time stream only works one can change time but time can't change you

Well see, that's just almost everything I've ever
played/read/seen/heard of, that's the case. I literally cannot think of any
real example of the way you're talking about, except for the whole thing about
one's actions causing one to not exist (i.e. Marle, or Marty McFly in "Back to
the Future"), and I don't really understand how those things can possibly
happen if what you're talking about doesn't. Just one of those mysteries, I
Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
IdDemonOfElru wrote:
i just don't understand how being in a different time stream only works one can change time but time can't change you

Well see, that's just almost everything I've ever
played/read/seen/heard of, that's the case. I literally cannot think of any
real example of the way you're talking about, except for the whole thing about
one's actions causing one to not exist (i.e. Marle, or Marty McFly in "Back to
the Future"), and I don't really understand how those things can possibly
happen if what you're talking about doesn't. Just one of those mysteries, I

i don't think this lavos thing can be figured out then...

Majin GeoDooD

Damn.. what I just came up here to say was basically already said. 

Was downstairs playing my recently acquired CT cart ($29.99 at Gamestop ;o)
and I had gotten inside Lavos.. I took the gate there, which warped me to The
End of Time. I went to talk to Gaspar, and he mentioned how I need to take the
bucket and go defeat Lavos, or whatever. So I take the bucket, which asks if I
want to go to "The Day of Lavos" in 1999 A.D., and I go, and there's the Lavos
 shell, and I walk back inside like I never even left, though the battle
started in 1000 A.D. in the Black Omen, technically, or not technically? Hmm..

Yeah I know it was basically already said, but I still wanted to say it .
I've only read to the middle of page two, but I wish to point out that CT seems
 to have a time conservation thing going on; even though 12,000 B.C. was
altered, the gurus were involuntarily pulled to their respective timelines
(Melchior to 1000, Belthasar to 2300, and on). Even if the Black Omen had
caused significant change, Crono and co. would probably have been conserved
and left whole.

Alternatively, if you choose to believe this, the story could go that as soon
as the Omen popped up, Crono could defeat it, thus really never allowing any
future change to exist.

So, I concur with Ybrik that the Black Omen was defeated in 12,000 B.C., and
that any confrontation with Lavos takes place in 1999 A.D., since that is the
only moment he is fully exposed, erupted, and causing apocalypse to the world
(The destruction of Zeal seems to be a small attack, akin to the Magus
summoning. Lavos really didn't appear. Makes sense since in 65,000,000 B.C.,
one can't physically attack Lavos after he burrows, and if one argues that
Lavos 'erupts' after the Black Omen is defeated in 12,000 B.C. or anther era,
remember after defeating his shell one can warp out, and the apocalypse doesn't
happen.  So 1999 it is..) any other questions?

Ybrik Metaknight
What have we decided on the Time Devourer?

And did we agree that the aura was a time distortion?

Brave Fencer Kirby
It seems to me that the Time Devourer is/was more of a POSSIBILITY than
anything else. I mean, it existed between the dimentions, but it was never
actually IN any of them. You know, like it was something that COULD have
happened, but never did. I know it sounds kinda stupid, but it makes sense.
Well, at least to me.

Maybe the Time Devourer was left over from the whole paradox thing that was
discussed earlier (You know, Crono goes to messed up future, decides to kill
Lavos, kills Lavos, future is no longer messed up, never decides to kill Lavos,
future is messed up again...). That would help explain why he's not in any
one dimention, but rather in the space between them.
Ybrik Metaknight
Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
It seems to me that the Time Devourer is/was more of a POSSIBILITY than
anything else. I mean, it existed between the dimentions, but it was never
actually IN any of them. You know, like it was something that COULD have
happened, but never did. I know it sounds kinda stupid, but it makes sense.
Well, at least to me.

Maybe the Time Devourer was left over from the whole paradox thing that was
discussed earlier (You know, Crono goes to messed up future, decides to kill
Lavos, kills Lavos, future is no longer messed up, never decides to kill Lavos,
future is messed up again...). That would help explain why he's not in any one
, but rather in the space between them.

Hmm...interesting theory...I'd never considered that before...

The idea has merit, but I don't really think that's the way it is, because if
it's something that never actually existed, why does defeating it free Schala
all of a sudden? (For the sake of our argument, let's ignore the idea that
defeating the Time Devourer causes it to "never have existed".)

Brave Fencer Kirby
Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
(For the sake of our argument, let's ignore the idea that defeating the Time
Devourer causes it to "never have existed".)

Except that I'm pretty sure that's how it works. I mean, it only exists in the
space between dimentions, where there is no real concept of time, right? So
when it's killed, it's like it was never there, except in the memories of those
who saw it, like Serge and Schala and whoever.
Ybrik Metaknight
Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
(For the sake of our argument, let's ignore the idea that defeating the Time
Devourer causes it to "never have existed".)

Except that I'm pretty sure that's how it works. I mean, it only exists in the
 space between dimentions, where there is no real concept of time, right? So
when it's killed, it's like it was never there, except in the memories of
 those who saw it, like Serge and Schala and whoever.

Well, see, I understood your previous post to mean that the Time Devourer never
even existed before its existence was, um, undone. In other words, yes, once
Serge beats the Time Devourer, it never existed, but until that point, it did
exist. Make any sense?

Ybrik Metaknight
I'm bumping all the Chrono Series Discussion Threads for the purpose of keeping
them on quick reference for the Chrono Compendium.

Alright, it's been awhile since I've played CT, and a couple months since I
beat CC. But I have an interesting theory. WHen you beat Lavos' shell in the
Black Omen, it's still not healed when you fight in 1999. What if that's
because he was growing a new shell in between the dimensions, the Time
Devourer? Maybe Lavos is like a snail that goes from shell to shell, and it
was time to shed. Then, when Schala got trapped in time, she came in contact
with this shell, also trapping it in time? Just a thought.

Ybrik Metaknight
Hmm...interesting theory, but I don't quite buy it. See my theory that the
Black Omen always sends you to fight Lavos in A.D. 1999.

Your idea has merit, I just don't find it terribly likely.
Yeah, I just thought it would be cool. Actually, I just wanted to participate
in this, but I don't really have any theories, so I thought I'd just throw in
a cent or two every now and then, keep you all thinking. Like this one:

Maybe Chrono and Crew never really killed Lavos. Maybe they only thought they
did, but something was left. I never caught this while playing CC, but in one
of these threads a while ago they talked about how something came and exacted
revenge on the Chrono Crew, which is why they're dead in CC. Could that be
Lavos, who was never killed but actually survived and became the Time Devourer?
It could have gone to a time when the heroes had thrown down their weapons
because their job was done, thus leaving them defenseless. But now his power
is less, which is why he only messes with the one archipelago. I don't know,
I was going somewhere with this but my girlfriend logged on MSN, and now I'm
busy. Just something to think about.
Ybrik Metaknight
Actually, I was the one who mentioned that someone may or may not have come
back to take revenge on the team. It is never explicitly stated that this is
 the case, but Lucca's letter to Kid in Chrono Cross says that Lucca fears
this may have been the case. I don't, however, believe it was Lavos. Also, CC
 never explicitly tells you that the party is actually dead, either. Even
though it is highly unlikely that they remain, I always choose to believe that
they're still alive, for the purposes of my own fanfics.

Although, Lavos very well may have not been fully killed by the party in A.D.
1999. I think that it's quite possible that a small part of him survived to
find a way to become the Time Devourer. may have just given me a
new fanfic idea...

Listing every possible theory is something I try to avoid; I hate it when all
good theories are given and no more discussion can be carried out.

I tend to sorrowfully believe that Lucca is dead due to Kid's burning desire
for 'revenge' (but then again, Kid may or may not even know if she's dead).
Since Crono would be either a prince or king of Guardia, and Marle his wife,
his chances are also slim, but hope always remains. I'm not a huge fan of Final
Fantasy, and I seriously dislike RPGs that capitalize on a series but are only
vaguely related. Chrono Cross seems like this in the beginning, but fortunately
unfolds widely. Thus, I'm hoping at least one PLAYABLE character from CT makes
Chrono Break.

The Frozen Flame is a piece of Lavos; chunks of him or his dna very well may
still exist and become potentiates for a new apocalyptic creature.

That's right, the Flame is a part of Lavos...but Lavos' DNA...I'm not sure...

I think we can assume with some degree of certainty that it's a piece of Lavos'
outer shell...I'm not really sure how much DNA would be in that...

Which brings up the issue of how much of Lavos' DNA is...well, Lavos' DNA...
assuming CT-Lavos is a second generation Lavoid, a great deal of it's DNA is
from other life forms by the time it hits the CT world...Now that's a
mystery...What do the Lavoids gain by their mass DNA absorbtion?

Solid Snake
Alright, I havn't played CC in a while, so I can't remember the detials about
 the Frozen Flame. What exactly is the difference between it and dream stone?
Because in CT, it talks about how the "Apes"( as Azala calls them) came in
contact with a red rock, which caused them to gain magic. I always used to
think it was dream stone, but more recently I began to think it was the frozen
 flame. I know there's a difference and everything, I just can't remember
exactly why the Frozen Flame is so powerful.

Moose Of Woe

M' is my take on the entire Chrono timeline shenaniegans.....

The final battle with lavos takes place in a battle across all timelines...
don't ask why, Lavos can just work the mojo like that.

The Glow around lavos is his evil mojo....all evil things glow....or at least a
good bit.

At the moment of Lavos' demise, two dimensions form.....(Home/Another world)

In both these dimensions...all the events leading up to 1000 AD were the exact
same.....and then took many different paths in their own.
At lavos' defeat, the frozen flame, a chunk of lavos' crust (ew) was thrust
along with the rest of the eliminated future into the dead sea.

At this moment in time..the remants of lavos float around in subspace-time....
kinda doin his is there that it meets with the original schala who
perished at the ocean palace and the two become the time devourer. Using
schala's power along with Lavos.....although the time devourer is indeed
powerful, it is not powerful enough to send itself back to the realm of the
living. Instead, the Time Devourer uses what power it has to send FATE, aka
Lynx, to the "Another World" dimension. It is here that Lynx attempts to
manipulate events in that he may obtain the Frozen flame, and using this,
being an essence of the original Lavos' living form, the Time Devourer would
have a link with the living realm and be able to return and perform whatever
dastardly deeds it wished.

Now, I previously mentioned that all the events up until 1000 AD were alike.
Immediately after Lavos perished, Chrono, Marle, and Lucca vanished from Home was in this realm that they left and battled lavos. In another
world, upon return from the epic battle, Lucca finds a Schala "clone" spit out
of some weird interdimensional hoo-hah and raises her. Lucca later claims
someone might be coming for Chrono and crew..and indeed it was lavos....well
....lavos' doing. Lynx (FATE) and his posse came and massacred the lot of
them......guardia fell, the masamune (whomever had possession of it in 1000 AD)
was lost to the forces of evil and eventually sealed itself away in the cave.

Ah yes....and Serge is born in both dimensions and granted the gift of being
the new chrono trigger.....just as Chrono was the catalyst for change in the
battle against lavos.

Ybrik Metaknight
Solid Snake wrote:
Alright, I havn't played CC in a while, so I can't remember the detials about
the Frozen Flame. What exactly is the difference between it and dream stone?
Because in CT, it talks about how the "Apes"( as Azala calls them) came in
contact with a red rock, which caused them to gain magic. I always used to
think it was dream stone, but more recently I began to think it was the frozen
flame. I know there's a difference and everything, I just can't remember
exactly why the Frozen Flame is so powerful.

The difference is that Dreamstone (Ayla's Red Rock) was in no way actually a
part of Lavos, but rather just a material that conveniently happened to have
good synergy with his energy (looka me...a rhymin' fool...). Recall, if you
will, that the party obtains Ayla's Dreamstone to fix the Masamune before Lavos
arrives in 65,000,000 B.C.

Now, the "Apes" may very well have come into contact with Dreamstone and
tapped into Lavos's power that way, for as I said (and as the game implies)
Dreamstone has a great affinity for conducting and tapping into Lavos's powers.
The Frozen Flame, though...I'm not really quite sure (at this time) what
exactly that is. Need to play through CC yet again...all I can remember right
now is that it's a piece of Lavos...I just can't remember where it came from.

Solid Snake
Ok, here we go. One of the secret rooms in zeal has a book that talks about the
whole red rock thing. I have a saved game there so I'll go check it out and see
what it says.................................................. DAMNIT! I
thought I had a saved game there. Oh well, I remember a good amount of it.
pretty much it talks about how a long time ago humans came into contcat with a
red stone. This red stone caused them to began to learn magic. It also made
them smarter, and it amplified there emotions such as hate and love. Thats
mostly how it goes I think.

Oh by the way, speaking of the whole Lavos thing, if you remember correctly,
after you defet the final form of Lavos, just before the screen goes blank, you
hear one final scream thingy of lavos's. Perhaps it is him laughing at you
because he is not really dead?
Just a thought, which I really don't believe I might add.

Radical_Dreamer wrote:
That's right, the Flame is a part of Lavos...but Lavos' DNA...I'm not sure...

I think we can assume with some degree of certainty that it's a piece of Lavos'
outer shell...I'm not really sure how much DNA would be in that...

Which brings up the issue of how much of Lavos' DNA is...well, Lavos' DNA...
assuming CT-Lavos is a second generation Lavoid, a great deal of it's DNA is
from other life forms by the time it hits the CT world...Now that's a
mystery...What do the Lavoids gain by their mass DNA absorbtion?

Lavos as a species rely on their shell to penetrate planets and absorb energy;
I believe the DNA collection is just a defense mechanism in case the shell is compromised.


Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
Also, CC never explicitly tells you that the party is actually dead, either.
Even though it is highly unlikely that they remain, I always choose to believe
that they're still alive, for the purposes of my own fanfics.

When you go to the Dead Sea the first time and you get to the top of the tower
where Guardia's bell lays in shambles, Chrono, Lucca, and Marle appear to you
as ghosts. How does that work if they aren't dead?


I think Miguel says something to the effect that they are shadows/part of a
destroyed timeline that faded long ago.

Ybrik Metaknight
ZeaLitY wrote:
I think Miguel says something to the effect that they are shadows/part of a
destroyed timeline that faded long ago.

Yes, that's right. Crono, Marle and Lucca are not necessarily dead. They're
just...out of commission for the time being. The game never reveals what
ultimately happens to any of the characters from CT except for Robo (although I
think that it's safe to assume that Ayla and Frog probably lived out the rest
of their lives naturally).

Ybrik Metaknight

Hey, I just had a thought on the existance of the TimeDevourer. I think part of
Lavos may have combined with Schala to become the TimeDevourer in 12,000 B.C.
after sensing the power of Crono's party and sensing that they stood a chance
of defeating him/it after the Ocean Palace disaster. Lavos may have made the
TimeDevourer simply as a means of ensuring his/its survival in case Crono & Co.
succeeded in their mission.

Just another sub-theory that I thought I'd throw out there.

You people keep spamming board soon youll get it (Please disregard this
mentally-depraved child. -Zeality)


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Re: Age old discussion
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2006, 05:24:56 am »


I made a crappy little poll. Please, PLEASE read our analysis first, and
consider the options. Don't vote simply on what you've held to be the entity
since CT's release years ago, but what the most logical choice is.

This is the first detachment of the CT/RD/CC/CB thread, operating under the new
 system. By using this, we hope that newcomers will participate in discussion.

The question here is obvious; what is the entity?

We know that it may be responsible for the gates, and that it's 'reliving' its

Forest Dialogue:

ROBO: After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not be
 responsible for the gates.

MARLE: What do you mean?

ROBO: I have come to think that someone, or something wanted us to see all
this. The different events over time, that we have witnessed. It is almost as
if some entity wanted to relive its past.

AYLA: Ayla know! When people die, elders say, see whole life pass by!

FROG: 'Tis true that mortals relive their most profound memories before death
claimeth them. Yet those memories most often are sad ones.

ROBO: Thinking things like, "If only I had done this," or, "I shouldn't have
done that..." triggers unpleasant, old memories.

MARLE: Will that happen when our time comes?

LUCCA: Probably...who knows?

*lucca/marle dribble*

FROG: Lavos playeth an integral role in the fortunes of this Entity... who is this Entity?

ROBO: It is unknown, whose memories these are. It may be something beyond our
comprehension. Our journey may come to an end when we finally discover the
identity of the Entity.

Ending Dialogue:

"I get the feeling that the entity is finally at rest."

(With Lavos' defeat)

I don't want to ruin any initial conceptions by posting things that favor my
view, so I'll leave this open for awhile, and then present my argument. Since
this isn't concrete according to Square, we may ultimately host a poll
featuring the best explanations.

Good luck, everyone, and welcome CT/RD/CC/CB thread regulars and newcomers.
Entity- A menacing mockery set up by Lavos. That fear of death and the
regretting of somebody's past action.

Ybrik Metaknight:

Quite some time ago, in the original thread (or the Master Thread, if you
will), someone, I can't remember who, proposed that the Entity could be
the spirit of the planet, similar to our old notion of Gaia or Mother Earth.
I believe this to be more or less the truth, although it certainly does
raise the question of whether the spirit of the Planet identified itself
with the humans and their "alien" evolution, as hinted by CT, or with the
dragons and their "natural" evolution, as hinted by CC.

The Entity could be the Merged Dragon God/Dragon gods... Using it's power
to influence the CT cast to destroy it's ultimate enemy, Lavos. In CC, they
proved that they weren't above ploys like that.



















Johnny Carwash:



I always thought the entity was one of two things, either the spirit of the
planet guiding them along, or Gaspar himself, I mean, Gaspar sits at the end
of time watching everything for millenia, he'd know exactly where your party
needs to go in time, and often tells you what needs to be done there, also he
is the guru of time and his experience with lavos and spekkio's magic probably
would allow him to manipulate the gates.
Brave Fencer Kirby"   
Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
"Quite some time ago, in the original thread (or the Master Thread, if you
will), someone, I can't remember who, proposed that the Entity could be the
spirit of the planet, similar to our old notion of Gaia or Mother Earth."

That's always what I thought, though I suppose it's possible that Gaspar is
manipulating things behind the scenes. Those are the only two real possibilies
that I can see... I mean, who else would have the knowledge and the power to
make the gates work, and know when/where to use the effectively? I'd suggest
Schala, but from what we see in the game, she doesn't really seem able to do
such a thing, with the Queen basicly controlling her.
Schala would kind of make sense since her pendant opens the first gate anyway,
but I don't think she could do what with bein stuck in zeal and then the time
devourer, plus she doesn't recognize chrono and co. when she first meets them.
Ybrik Metaknight:
GrandMaster (+1k)
OK, so what we have are the following theories...

1. The Entity is the Planet, or Mother Earth, or something like that (perhaps
God) This seems to be the most popular theory, and probably makes the most
sense. I believe this one is correct.
2. The Entity is Gaspar, controlling everything from the End of Time
This one also makes a lot of sense, and could very well be it.

3. The Entity is Lavos
...Probably not, because the gate in Leene Square still functions after Lavos
 is destroyed, at least for a time (although that may make no difference for
any time period except A.D. 2300 if you believe as I do that Lavos was only
really defeated in A.D. 1999).
Also, Robo and the rest of the party theorize that Lavos may not be
for the gates. And besides, why would Lavos lead the party to his own demise?
While it's possible that Lavos may have accidentally created the gates, it
still does not explain the apparent other functions of the Entity.
Conclusion: Possible, but unlikely.

4. The Entity is Fate
...Again, probably not. The Entity seemed to exist prior to the defeat of
Lavos, whereas FATE did not.

5. The Entity is the merged Dragon Gods
Another possibility. Definitely worth considering, although there may be the
same problem as with FATE: Dinopolis was brought into this dimension following
the Time Crash, which happened only in the future where Lavos had been
In other words, probably not, but shouldn't be dismissed entirely.

6. The Entity is Schala
Again, probably not, since Schala was always being controlled by something,
either Zeal or Lavos/Time Devourer.

7. The Entity is Lucca
*scoff* I really hope this "Rick" was attempting a humorous post (which he
almost came close to nearly succeeding at doing), otherwise he really needs to
find some help. I'm not even going to dignify that with an analysis.

So should we make a poll about this?

The Schala in 12000 BC is NOT the Entity, however, the Schala in the
TimeDevourer state IS. She's in a point where she transcends time.

(All references to "Schala" beyond this point are towards the Schala trapped
within TimeDevourer, unless stated otherwise)

She's locked up, so she used the gates to influence Crono and the others to
save the future, then influenced Serge to free her. She created Gates through
the Dreamstone of the pendants, and her connection through Lavos. Her existence
outside of time, as well as her fusion with Lavos and her own natural
abilities, allow her control of space/time. As an example, she was able to
change the course of Serge's father's boat toward the Sea of Eden to
Chronopolis, where, otherwise, they would have gone to Marbule and Serge would
have died. She also reveals infant Kid to Lucca at the end of the PSX remake of
CT, and Lucca was the one who wanted to most about the entity. Rather fitting.

Further evidence:

- Lucca says the Entity was at rest. This is relative. She was at rest with
Crono's party, because they had done their job of saving the future from Lavos
(a future which Schala regretted and wanted reversed...see below). However, she
was not at rest with Serge, because she still needed him to free her. She
closed the Gates because Crono's job was done.

- "ROBO: Thinking things like, "If only I had done this," or, "I shouldn't have
 done that..." triggers unpleasant, old memories."

Schala felt guilty for allowing Lavos to destroy Zeal in 12000 BC and
corrupting her mother (refer to the dialogue of Kid just prior to the end of
Radical Dreamers). After all, the 12000 BC Schala did awaken him with the
Mammon Machine, under the direction of her mother. Also, she allowed him to
continue to live underground and destroy the world in 2300 AD. That's a serious
regret (Play Radical is very enlightening as to what happened to
Schala. it's an all-text game, but it only took me about two hours to beat,
WITHOUT a guide. Pretty easy, I don't even think it's possible to die).

- "ROBO: After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not
 be responsible for the gates.

MARLE: What do you mean?

ROBO: I have come to think that someone, or something wanted us to see all this.
 The different events over time, that we have witnessed. It is almost as if some
entity wanted to relive its past.

AYLA: Ayla know! When people die, elders say, see whole life pass by!

FROG: 'Tis true that mortals relive their most profound memories before death
claimeth them. Yet those memories most often are sad ones."

While Schala was trapped beyond time, she could view all time streams and
dimensions, like the End of Time. Even during the battle with TimeDevourer, you
could see little visions of different places and times in the background. Schala
guided Crono's party and established gates with that knowledge.


RabidTurtle wrote:
"he Schala in 12000 BC is NOT the Entity, however, the Schala in the
TimeDevourer state IS. She's in a point where she transcends time.

(All references to "Schala" beyond this point are towards the Schala trapped
within TimeDevourer, unless stated otherwise)
She's locked up, so she used the gates to influence Crono and the others to
savethe future, then influenced Serge to free her. She created Gates through
the Dreamstone of the pendants, and her connection through Lavos. Her existence
outside of time, as well as her fusion with Lavos and her own natural
abilities, allow her control of space/time. As an example, she was able to
change the course of Serge's father's boat toward the Sea of Eden to
Chronopolis, where, otherwise, they would have gone to Marbule and Serge would
have died. She also reveals infant Kid to Lucca at the end of the PSX remake of
CT, and Lucca was the one who wanted to most about the entity. Rather fitting.

Further evidence:

- Lucca says the Entity was at rest. This is relative. She was at rest with
Crono's party, because they had done their job of saving the future from Lavos
(a future which Schala regretted and wanted reversed...see below). However, she
was not at rest with Serge, because she still needed him to free her. She
closed the Gates because Crono's job was done.

- "ROBO: Thinking things like, "If only I had done this," or, "I shouldn't have
done that..." triggers unpleasant, old memories."

Schala felt guilty for allowing Lavos to destroy Zeal in 12000 BC and
corrupting her mother (refer to the dialogue of Kid just prior to the end of
Radical Dreamers). After all, the 12000 BC Schala did awaken him with the
Mammon Machine, under the direction of her mother. Also, she allowed him to
continue to live underground and destroy the world in 2300 AD. That's a serious
regret (Play Radical is very enlightening as to what happened to
Schala. it's an all-text game, but it only took me about two hours to beat,
WITHOUT a guide. Pretty easy, I don't even think it's possible to die).

- "ROBO: After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not
be responsible for the gates.

MARLE: What do you mean?

ROBO: I have come to think that someone, or something wanted us to see all
this. The different events over time, that we have witnessed. It is almost as
if some entity wanted to relive its past.

AYLA: Ayla know! When people die, elders say, see whole life pass by!

FROG: 'Tis true that mortals relive their most profound memories before death
claimeth them. Yet those memories most often are sad ones."

While Schala was trapped beyond time, she could view all time streams and
dimensions, like the End of Time. Even during the battle with TimeDevourer, you
could see little visions of different places and times in the background.
Schala guided Crono's party and established gates with that knowledge."


By the way, I get the Chrono Trigger/Radical Dreamers/Chrono Cross bit... but
what's CB?


Aeolius wrote:


By the way, I get the Chrono Trigger/Radical Dreamers/Chrono Cross bit... but
what's CB?"

CB is Chrono Break, the expected next game in the Chrono series.

Now I have a question, slightly offtopic, but intended for those who have
played the remake and gotten the extra scenes awarded for getting the Dream
Team ending. Has it ever been proven exactly who steals the Masamune, in the
cutscene with the burning village?

Sorry, can't help you...I've only seen screenshots of the anime scenes in the
remake. =/
Well, I can do a quick recap for you, as it's not a long scene.

It beings with the text "1005 A.D.: The Fall of Guardia..." (not positive about
the date, but pretty sure). In that scene, it shows two knights dueling and a
burning flag, presumably Guardia's. One knight is killed, then it switches to a
burning village with the text "...and the dissapearance of the Masamune."
There's the Masamune sticking out of the ground as well, where it is picked up
by a shadowed figure. Somehow, I doubt this figure was Lynx, and if I remember
correctly, it didn't even look like him in the first place. It makes me wonder
if there are two "Entities", one good, one evil. Perhaps the evil one is
responsible for the Masamune's corruption. 

I can't make any assumptions or theories until I see it for myself (that'd just
be irresponsible  ) ...maybe its on Kazaa?

i've never played the remake so i have no idea what you're talking about.

maybe it's miguel or dario or radius or something.

it's been a long time since i played chrono cross and i forget where you find
the masamune (ie mastermune)
Ybrik Metaknight:
RabidTurtle's explanation for Schala is one of the most comprehensive Entity
explanations we have, but does still not necessarily close the issue. My
problem with it is that there's a distinct possibility that Schala may not have
merged with Lavos in the original timeline (i.e. before Lavos was defeated and
without Crono & Co.'s intervention); Chrono Cross even suggests this may be the
case (I believe Crono or Marle or Lucca says something to that effect at Opassa
Beach before the final battle). However, that could be completely wrong, since
there is no proof that the outcome of the Ocean Palace disaster was any
different without the party than with it.

Also, one of the three CT children on Opassa Beach says that after creating
Kid, Schala's soul was fully corrupted by Lavos. After that, she wouldn't have
had any reason to help Crono's party defeat Lavos, since she was sort of a part
of Lavos and therefore this would create a huge conflict of interest.

I think we probably need to do a poll on it, with the following choices:

1. The Entity=The Planet/Mother Earth/God
2. The Entity=Gaspar
3. The Entity=Schala (Time Devourer version)
4. The Entity=Lavos
Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
"RabidTurtle's explanation for Schala is one of the most comprehensive Entity
explanations we have, but does still not necessarily close the issue. My
problem with it is that there's a distinct possibility that Schala may not have
merged with Lavos in the original timeline (i.e. before Lavos was defeated and
without Crono & Co.'s intervention); Chrono Cross even suggests this may be the
case (I believe Crono or Marle or Lucca says something to that effect at Opassa
Beach before the final battle). However, that could be completely wrong, since
there is no proof that the outcome of the Ocean Palace disaster was any
different without the party than with it.

Also, one of the three CT children on Opassa Beach says that after creating
Kid, Schala's soul was fully corrupted by Lavos. After that, she wouldn't have
had any reason to help Crono's party defeat Lavos, since she was sort of a part
of Lavos and therefore this would create a huge conflict of interest."

Schala couldn't have been completely corrupted, because it was said somewhere
(I wish I knew where) that Schala heard Serge's crying (after being bitten by
the Panther Demon), and she conjured the storm that shut down F.A.T.E. and
caused Serge's father's boat to go to Chronopolis, to the Frozen Flame, which
healed Serge (I hope you enjoy the run-on as much as I enjoyed typing it  ).

Also, remember the beginning of the game? The intro with the book? It asked
something to the effect: "When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?"
Schala restates the question, (verbatim, as I remember) and answers it in her
little monologue at the end. She said that the beginning of all of this (all of
this, as in, the errors in the space-time continuum and all of her problems)
was not 65,000,000 BC, when Lavos crashed onto the planet, nor 1000 AD, when
Crono was sucked into the Gate, and not 1999 AD, when the world was destroyed,
but 12000 BC, in the original time-stream, when Schala was sucked into the
original Gate, created by Schala's and Lavos' power (I assume also from the
amplifying Mammon Machine) and merged with Lavos and became the TimeDevourer
(she does not say that it is the original gate, but since it is the undisturbed
timeline, it is implied). I remember the ending distinctly because of it's
revelations, but I don't remember the beach scene too well. I think I'll have
to replay CC, and, very much unlike re-running through CT, it'll be quite a
chore (Let's face it, Cross is just nowhere near as fun as Trigger, but that's
a discussion for another thread, another time)

Brave Fencer Kirby:
RabidTurtle wrote:
"Schala couldn't have been completely corrupted, because it was said somewhere
(I wish I knew where) that Schala heard Serge's crying (after being bitten by
the Panther Demon), and she conjured the storm that shut down F.A.T.E. and
caused Serge's father's boat to go to Chronopolis, to the Frozen Flame, which
healed Serge (I hope you enjoy the run-on as much as I enjoyed typing it  )."

That all happened before she created Kid.   

Not true. Kid and Serge were about the same age. Serge was a child (the age was
somewhere between 4-7, so I'll just give 5 as a representative number), so Kid
already existed in Lucca Orphanage (or maybe it was burned down even before she
was 5) for 5 years.


-In an effort to harness power, Queen Zeal uses the Ocean Palace, which causes
a gate that sends Belthasar to 2300 A.D., Melchior to 1000 A.D., Gaspar to the
End of Time, Janus to 600 A.D. Queen Zeal and Schala are presumably killed,
since Lavos does not become a Time Devourer in the original timeline. Also, the
Epoch may have followed Belthasar to 2300 A.D., since Dalton reveals that he
was working on such a vehicle in Zeal.

This is my problem. Lavos did not become a Time Devourer in the original
timeline; the Time Devourer could have existed, but there really is one Lavos
exclusive to Earth (unless time cloning, other farfetched stuff). If the Time
Devourer still came into existence in the original timeline, what is its
purpose, other than to encase Schala?
Zeal was still destroyed by Lavos' awakening in the original timeline, so it
can be assumed that it merged with Schala, however, it could also be assumed
that she was killed. We just don't know.
Well, through reasoning, we can conclude that there was only one Lavos who
intended to destroy the world, since it is documented in 2300 A.D. This is the
same Lavos that obliterated Zeal in 12,000 B.C. Thus, it is unchanged. If Lavos
indeed merged to become a Time Devourer, he obviously left a clone or some
other apocalyptic being in his place.

He or she? Ok, its place.
suzumebachi wrote:
"i've never played the remake so i have no idea what you're talking about.

maybe it's miguel or dario or radius or something."

I doubt this, because first of all, none of these people would have the power
(or motive, for that matter) to raze an entire town, especially one where the
Masamune was found (suggesting it's Truce, as it had the closest relations to
Guardia, in my opinion). Darius, as far as I remember, is good until finding
the Masamune. Radius was always good, and Miguel doesn't really have a reason
to get the Masamune. And anyway, this happened in 1005. None of the people you
listed would even be alive then.

ZeaLitY reminded me of theory I had about Lavos, that I'd like to present. It
doesn't have any direct relation to the Entity, but seeing as we're talking
about multiple Lavos', I think it fits.

I think that all Lavos is, is a grown up Lavos Spawn. I'm guessing that after
Lavos infects a planet and drains it of energy, the Lavos Spawn mature, and
shoot into space to find new hosts. Essentially, Lavos is a parasitic virus,
not some space organism that happened to fall on Guardia (I'll just refer to
the world as Guardia, even though it never really had a name).

I'm just hoping this isn't old news that everyone's already discussed, :\
The Lavos maturation is explained in both Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. 

Did the figure that razed the town resemble Harle in any way?


It is? =o

I honestly don't remember hearing about it in CT, excluding maybe basic stuff,
but I wouldn't be suprised about CC, as I remember very little from that game.
As for the shadow figure, not at all, unless she wasn't wearing the jester's
hat. It's regardless, though, I doubt it'll end up being someone from CC
because of the age problem I mentioned. In my opinion, it's likely that the
person is someone from CT, whetther he was behind the scenes or not, or that
it's going to be someone in a later game, if they ever try to resolve the whole
Masamune becoming evil plothole.

Actually, the events in CC were in 1020 AD.

The Lavos maturation is discussed briefly by Queen Zeal if you visit the Black
Omen in 2300 AD, after the world is destroyed. Also, depending on who you beat
the game with, I think someone mentions him being a parasite.

In Chrono Cross, when you reach the top of Fort Dragonia for the third time, to
restore Serge's original form, the mural on the wall depicts not only Lavos'
goal as a parasite (infect, mature, destroy, breed, move on), but also how
Lavos altered evolution through his energy eminations.

Well, I knew it was said that he was a parasite, although I was trying to go
more indepth about it, I guess. As for Zeal, true, I'd forgotten about that,
but that seemed to me like a lot of stuff we already knew. However, I never
noticed the mural in Fort Dragonia, I'll have to check that out some time.

As for CC's date, I've heard 1100 AD and 1020 AD, and it's gotten to the point
where I don't remember which is right anymore. Even so, Harle would be a child,
as would many of CC's characters, excluding Radius and the older people, but I
can't think of any with a motive to corrupt the Masamune.


Brave Fencer Kirby:
RabidTurtle wrote:
"Not true. Kid and Serge were about the same age. Serge was a child (the age
was somewhere between 4-7, so I'll just give 5 as a representative number), so
 Kid already existed in Lucca Orphanage (or maybe it was burned down even
before she was 5) for 5 years. "

Yeah, but remember that Schala stuck in the Darkness at the End of Time. So
she's basicly outside the flow of time, and can observe/effect pretty much any
point she wants. She saw Serge getting mauled by the panther demon, and saw him
drown, then sent Kid back to around the point where he was born. THEN she was
completely taken over by Lavos. Did that make any sense?

Oh, and Sonny? It's 1020 AD. Twenty years after Crono and Co's era. I'm not
sure where I heard that, but I'm pretty sure it's right.

Ybrik Metaknight:
RabidTurtle wrote:
"Not true. Kid and Serge were about the same age. Serge was a child (the age
was somewhere between 4-7, so I'll just give 5 as a representative number), so
Kid already existed in Lucca Orphanage (or maybe it was burned down even before
she was 5) for 5 years."

In A.D. 1020, Serge was 17, Kid was 16. It says so on each character's status
submenu. Look and see for yourself, if you must. And by the way, SonnyD64, CC
took place in 1020, not 1100.

Listen to ZeaLitY, folks. He knows what he's talking about. 

It's possible that Schala may have directly influenced some of Serge's past (I
believe that she did in fact hear his cries circa A.D. 1007 with the panther
attack; that was explained by Lucca at the beach, not by Schala herself in the
ending). However, I still believe that it's not really possible that Schala is
the entity to which the CT characters referred, simply because of the timeline
Ybrik Metaknight:
Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
Oh, and Sonny? It's 1020 AD. Twenty years after Crono and Co's era. I'm not
sure where I heard that, but I'm pretty sure it's right.

You read that on the back of the box for CC, if nowhere else.

I always thought the Entity was referring to Robo's idea of a higher power,
which is an ironic thing for a machine to speculate on.
Brave Fencer Kirby:

Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
"Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
Oh, and Sonny? It's 1020 AD. Twenty years after Crono and Co's era. I'm not
sure where I heard that, but I'm pretty sure it's right.

You read that on the back of the box for CC, if nowhere else."

*checks* Well, I'll be damned. "Twenty years after the events of 'Chrono
Trigger'", eh? So... This is all happening in 2,320 AD! Har!

Ybrik Metaknight:
Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
"Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
Oh, and Sonny? It's 1020 AD. Twenty years after Crono and Co's era. I'm not
sure where I heard that, but I'm pretty sure it's right.

You read that on the back of the box for CC, if nowhere else.

*checks* Well, I'll be damned. "Twenty years after the events of 'Chrono
Trigger'", eh? So... This is all happening in 2,320 AD! Har!"

Kiyosuki wrote:
"I always thought the Entity was referring to Robo's idea of a higher power,
which is an ironic thing for a machine to speculate on. "

This may be considered in the poll as a 'God' or 'null' being; something higher
but still vastly unknown; perhaps nonexistent.

Good job all. We're fleshing definite solutions. I'm going to take a spin
through google and look up some old CT sites. I remember one that strongly
supported Earth = Entity; I'll doubly try to find that one.
Then 1020 AD it is, 

I have no clue where I got the idea it was 1100 AD. Anyway, referring to the
Earth being the Entity, I find this a very possible solution. Robo tends to
speak of it a lot, and in his time period, the Entity would have no power and
be near death, if not essentially "dead" already. So it would explain the
Entity's pain (not sure if this is exactly how he worded it, been a month or
two since I last saw the scene). Also, remember when he brings it up. In the
forest scene. If the Earth was the Entity, it would make sense that having just
recreated a forest brings it to mind. He's helped the Entity by adding more
life to it.

EDIT - Just checked the script in the first post, and I stand by what I
originally said. The Entity seems to be regretting choices, and in mental
anguish, at least in my opinion.

Damn; I can't find the sites. Only fanfics are returned in searches.

I believe the entity is the planet, since each period of time accessible by a
gate marked an important time in the planet's history and health.

I can't create polls in the general forum, so I'll make a cheapo one on the
site. Look for the first post for a link.

Those points in time are also critical in the effort to defeat Lavos, which is
a regret of Schala's, for she could not stop him because of her obligations to
her mother, Queen Zeal.


Damn, I forgot Kiyosuki's. Please vote again.
I personally think the Entity is going to be something revealed in Chrono
Break, and possibly something we haven't heard of yet. I also think its being
the Planet would be most plausible given what we have, but I don't like it
since it's a cliché idea. (Of course, who cares what I like.) It doesn't sound
cool enough for Chrono, honestly.

Most of us care; we do personally appreciate every sensible post made (e.g.
posts not made by RIKC).

I unleashed the poll on the gamefaqs forum, so I'm expecting several more
votes. If there isn't a flood, it may be a good thing, since those forums are
usually degenerate.
Ybrik Metaknight:
ZeaLitY wrote:
"Most of us care; we do personally appreciate every sensible post made (e.g.
posts not made by RIKC)."

I second that.
Who (what) is RIKC?

My vote's for the Planet. Square has always had a thing for the Gaia theory;
look at half the Final Fantasy games out there.
Chrono Trigger is a departure from the usual Square games, as is Xenogears.

On a related note, Xenogears was made by most of the crew of Chrono Trigger,
and Xenogears had a definite non-planet superbeing (i.e. the Wave Entity). If
anything, game comparison would support the Schala/Time Devourer concept.

RIKC made the "Lucca has tits, therefore she must be the entity" post...

Ybrik Metaknight:
Well, it looks like the "Entity=The Planet" won out. This thread should be
archived soon.

I think the entity is the player, considering your the one who controls everyone.

I'm very hesitant to do this, but we require arguments for certain positions on
the identity of the Entity. Choose one you believe you can support from here:

Give it your best shot; you may have to play devil's advocate. I'm currently
rummaging through the Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger board, although it looks to be a
hopeless endeavour (Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger forum is a toilet swirl of personal
insults amidst a few actual gems of debate).

Just post your argument here after you're done constructing it, and I'll add it
to the Entity debate summary page.

END UPDATE; REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS HTREI'm very hesitant to do this, but we
require arguments for certain positions on the identity of the Entity. Choose
one you believe you can support from here:

Give it your best shot; you may have to play devil's advocate. I'm currently
rummaging through the Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger board, although it looks to be a
hopeless endeavour (Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger forum is a toilet swirl of personal
insults amidst a few actual gems of debate).

Just post your argument here after you're done constructing it, and I'll add it
to the Entity debate summary page.


Ybrik Metaknight:
c0mbatw0mbat at Chrono Compendium wrote:
"NOTE: This may be fundamentally flawed, since I HAVE NOT played through Chrono
Cross fully. If so, I am sorry for making you waste your time reading this.

I am going to highlight important parts and expand on them.

ROBO: After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not be
responsible for the gates.

There, why would they make Robo contradict himself by making Lavos responsible
for the gate, and therefore the 'entity.'

ROBO: I have come to think that someone, or something wanted us to see all
this. The different events over time, that we have witnessed. It is almost as
if some entity wanted to relive its past.

Well, whos past could that be. Schala as the Time Devourer, that COULD be her
past, as she is fused with Lavos. Lavos came to the earth in 65,000,000 BC,
which is one of the periods that the heroes visit. 12,000 BC is another, the
next time Lavos surfaces. 600 AD Lavos surfaces again. 1000 AD is the starting
point of the game, nothing takes you there, you start there. 1999 AD is the Day
of Lavos, obviously an important day. 2300 AD is part of Lavos's past, as his
offspring, his legacy, continue to live then.

AYLA: Ayla know! When people die, elders say, see whole life pass by!

I don't see why this is so important, it is just common superstition / fact,
when you are going to die your life flashes before your eyes.

FROG: Lavos playeth an integral role in the fortunes of this Entity...

He does, as Schala gives him sentinence, and Lavos DOES make the gates,
although he does not do it on purpose. When Lavos first lands, a gate is left
in his wake. When Lavos comes in 600 AD he creates a huge gate. Schala, with
the power to create gates, makes them with a purpose, to allow the heroes to
defeat Lavos.

LUCCA: Yeah. I get the feeling that the "Entity" is finally at rest.

Schala is finally at rest, her goal accomplished, Lavos was defeated and the
world was saved. Serge, however, is an attempt of Schala to save herself from
being killed, along with Lavos, in 1999 AD.

Now, I am going to put this all together. Your life flashes before your eyes
when you are about to die. So Chrono Trigger is the 'Entitys' life flashing
before its eyes. You are going through the Entitys past. When is the Entity
about to die? 1999 AD, when Chrono is about to kill it. Therefore it follows
that everything before that is the entitys past. Schala is a part of the
'Entity' when Chrono fights Lavos, correct? Since she can transcend time, she
could see that in 1999 AD she/Lavos would die. Then she set about to save
herself, therefore Chrono Cross. She is separated from Lavos again then, and
Chrono Triggers storyline remains unaltered.

And the parts of this that do not make sense yet, I will clarify. "How would
Chrono be able to go to 2300 AD if that was AFTER Lavos was defeated?" Well,
Schala created the gates with a PURPOSE, and Lavos created them wherever he
went. Schala needed them to go to 2300 AD, perhaps to understand the
seriousness of their quest, perhaps to meet Robo, perhaps both. Since Robo
himself says: Someone wanted us to experience this," that means that the entity
wanted EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE GROUP to experience those events. Maybe it
would not work out otherwise, Robo must have had a part to play that was
fundamental to the heroes getting farther in their quest, such as doing
something no one else could."

OK, here's my counter to all this.

First of all, c0mbatw0mbat does not seem to be truly in favor of one position
exclusively. It becomes very unclear if his position is that the Entity is
Lavos or that the Entity is Schala.

Second of all, the issue of the gates. In A.D. 1000, it may be true that
nothing sends you to that era, as you start there. However, why would there be
three gates there that lead to the other eras? There must have been some reason
to connect to that world, if it was Lavos's doing, especially unintentionally.
In other words, if the gates were created in the other eras because of their
importance to Lavos, why do they lead to 1000? What happened with Lavos then?
In A.D. 600, the gate existed prior to Magus summoning Lavos, and nearly
halfway across the world. Why would Magus summoning Lavos in his castle create
a gate some time previous to said event in a completely different location? The
same goes for 65,000,000 B.C. and 12,000 B.C. Finally, if Lavos was unwittingly
responsible for the gates, how did he create those gates in A.D. 2300? This
problem is the same as with 1000: There was no major event in either time
period involving Lavos to "accidentally" create the gates. And mind you, Lavos
AND Schala cannot simultaneously create the gates; that would just be sloppy

Third, this analysis seems to make no difference between Lavos and the Time
Devourer. Check out this thread for more on this problem.

On a final note, if Schala's freeing herself in CC makes CT's storyline
unaltered, by way making her existance as the Time Devourer null and void, then
Lavos would once more destroy the world in A.D. 1999. Valiant attempt,
c0mbatw0mbat, but please think out your arguments a little bit better.

I had a hard time discerning what his argument was also. 1000 A.D. clearly
works against Lavos. I think combat confused Schala's ability to create a
pyramid seal over gates with that of creation.
I've been reading the gamefaqs forum Entity arguments, and I can regretfully
say that I haven't seen a shred of debate worth placing on Entity debate. I am
now beginning to believe that the continuous Entity debate is only a rumor
bought into by Chrono series fans, and continued by these people who continue
to seriously suggest Alfador or Marle's bloodline is the entity.

Ybrik Metaknight:
ZeaLitY wrote:
"I've been reading the gamefaqs forum Entity arguments, and I can regretfully
say that I haven't seen a shred of debate worth placing on Entity debate. I am
now beginning to believe that the continuous Entity debate is only a rumor
bought into by Chrono series fans, and continued by these people who continue
to seriously suggest Alfador or Marle's bloodline is the entity."

*Slaps forhead* The Entity is Alfador! Why didn't I think of that one before.
Must have been too busy thinking about Lucca's tits. *walks away*

I don't suppose anyone on OCR has an argument for the Entity besides Ybrik,
ZeaLitY, Yama, RabidTurtle, etc.?

I suggested that it was the Dragon God(s)...
"For all the dreamers, everywhere...
- The planet's dream is not over yet..."
Entinity arguements are as just as bad as spam on boards
Stick this onto a Chrono series site
I doubt this has been said, but the more I think about it the more I can see
Belthasar as the Entity - especially when we take into consideration his role
in CC.

There he admits to being the mastermind behind the entire Time Crash. How he
came to discover Schala's predicament in the Darkness of Time is beyond me, but
after he had he sent into motion events that would later cause both the
presence of Chronopolis and Dinopolis in the past so that the Chrono Cross
could be formed with pieces of the Dragon Tear. This to me is simply
astounding, that one man can orchestrate so much. In CC he very nearly
parallels God as it is essentially because of him that El Nido even exists in
the first place.

However none of this matters if we can't find any connection to CT. What little
we know about the Entity tells us that it was close to death. Belthasar most
certainly fits this description and even passes away halfway through the game.
The Entity must have the power to control time to a degree. Well, Belthasar has
a homemade time machine. That's pretty impressive just by itself. Perhaps if he
had the Frozen Flame with him in the ruined 2300 he could have hooked it to a
machine to create gates. I'm just guessing here because there are numerous
possibilities, but the point is he DID have the ability to affect time. Also he
had the motive. He knew of Lavos and saw first hand the destruction. He of
course would want someone to come along and stop this. Why Crono and Marle were
affected, I have no idea. Perhaps originally it could have been nothing more
than coincidence. But either way after Lavos was destroyed the ruined future
ceased to exist. Suddenly Belthasar found himself in a peaceful world and set
to work on his Time Research Lab. Because the immediate threat of Lavos was
taken care of he did not invest time into making Gates and that is why they all
disappear at the end of CT.

I really do not think there is an Entity per se, but if there is one Belthasar
comes very close to fulfilling this role. Just something to think about.
Ybrik Metaknight:
Interesting theory, Lochtiel; However, I don't particularly agree with it, at
least in terms of Belthasar's actions in Chrono Trigger. You see, Belthasar is
only human, and never showed any great magical power. (Indeed, oddly enough,
none of the Gurus ever showed any significant magical prowess, but then neither
did any of other Zealians.) I think it would take someone with an adept of
Magus's caliber to cleave space-time with magic. Belthasar used science. I have
always viewed the gates as a magical rather than scientific phenomenon.
Besides, I believe that if Belthasar had the power to create gates to whatever
time he chose, he would never have had a need to make the Epoch.

And another thing, the Chrono Cross Belthasar is the Belthasar that existed in
the new timeline, as a result of Crono & Co.'s actions (namely the defeat of
Lavos). The Chrono Trigger Belthasar in A.D. 2300 is the Belthasar from the
original timeline. I think this further discounts your theory.

However, those are some very good points about Belthasar's significance in El

Oh, btw...welcome to OCR, Lochtiel. Your additions to the discussion threads
are appreciated.

I dont want you nerds ruining GEN DUSICUSSUon

Belthasar indeed had great magical power...all the Zealians do...when would
they have needed to use it when the party was present? The Sky Gates, the spots
you step on, that restore you (forget what they are called) the elemental
books, there is definately magic in use...

You have been warned stop it or face blacklisting
Would you also be rationalizing that they influenced events from another
dimension, due to their interests in the environment? Just trying to flesh this

Joe Redifer:
Noidboy, please stop spamming these threads. Either contribute something to the
conversation or just ignore these threads.

Alright. This thread isn't exactly a hot topic, so I believe nothing more can
be obtained on OCR. If you have any more commentary, please comment on
&mode=&order=0&thold=0 .

Thanks for everyone who participated, and Radical_Dreamer, I'll see you there.

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Re: Age old discussion
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2006, 05:25:26 am »

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Lord of the Boards (+300 )

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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 12:21 am    Post subject: CT/RD/CC/CB-VoteForEntity!PleaseRevoteIfYouAlreadyHave   

I made a crappy little poll. Please, PLEASE read our analysis first, and consider the options. Don't vote simply on what you've held to be the entity since CT's release years ago, but what the most logical choice is.

This is the first detachment of the CT/RD/CC/CB thread, operating under the new system. By using this, we hope that newcomers will participate in discussion.

The question here is obvious; what is the entity?

We know that it may be responsible for the gates, and that it's 'reliving' its past.

Forest Dialogue:

ROBO: After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not be responsible for the gates.

MARLE: What do you mean?

ROBO: I have come to think that someone, or something wanted us to see all this. The different events over time, that we have witnessed. It is almost as if some entity wanted to relive its past.

AYLA: Ayla know! When people die, elders say, see whole life pass by!

FROG: 'Tis true that mortals relive their most profound memories before death claimeth them. Yet those memories most often are sad ones.

ROBO: Thinking things like, "If only I had done this," or, "I shouldn't have done that..." triggers unpleasant, old memories.

MARLE: Will that happen when our time comes?

LUCCA: Probably...who knows?

*lucca/marle dribble*

FROG: Lavos playeth an integral role in the fortunes of this Entity... who is this Entity?

ROBO: It is unknown, whose memories these are. It may be something beyond our comprehension. Our journey may come to an end when we finally discover the identity of the Entity.

Ending Dialogue:

"I get the feeling that the entity is finally at rest."

(With Lavos' defeat)

I don't want to ruin any initial conceptions by posting things that favor my view, so I'll leave this open for awhile, and then present my argument. Since this isn't concrete according to Square, we may ultimately host a poll featuring the best explanations.

Good luck, everyone, and welcome CT/RD/CC/CB thread regulars and newcomers.[/b]
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Last edited by ZeaLitY on Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:57 pm; edited 4 times in total
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GrandMaster (+1k)

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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 12:25 am    Post subject:   

Entity- A menacing mockery set up by Lavos. That fear of death and the regretting of somebody's past action.
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 12:48 am    Post subject:   

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Ybrik Metaknight
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 12:57 am    Post subject:   

Quite some time ago, in the original thread (or the Master Thread, if you will), someone, I can't remember who, proposed that the Entity could be the spirit of the planet, similar to our old notion of Gaia or Mother Earth. I believe this to be more or less the truth, although it certainly does raise the question of whether the spirit of the Planet identified itself with the humans and their "alien" evolution, as hinted by CT, or with the dragons and their "natural" evolution, as hinted by CC.
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 1:28 am    Post subject:   

The Entity could be the Merged Dragon God/Dragon gods... Using it's power to influence the CT cast to destroy it's ultimate enemy, Lavos. In CC, they proved that they weren't above ploys like that.
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 7:00 am    Post subject:   
















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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 7:04 am    Post subject:   


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Johnny Carwash
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 7:34 am    Post subject:   


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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 7:49 am    Post subject:   

I always thought the entity was one of two things, either the spirit of the planet guiding them along, or Gaspar himself, I mean, Gaspar sits at the end of time watching everything for millenia, he'd know exactly where your party needs to go in time, and often tells you what needs to be done there, also he is the guru of time and his experience with lavos and spekkio's magic probably would allow him to manipulate the gates.
In our world, every storm has an end. Every night brings a new day. What's important is to trust those you love, and never give up. We must never give up hope!
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Brave Fencer Kirby
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 10:47 am    Post subject:   

Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
Quite some time ago, in the original thread (or the Master Thread, if you will), someone, I can't remember who, proposed that the Entity could be the spirit of the planet, similar to our old notion of Gaia or Mother Earth.

That's always what I thought, though I suppose it's possible that Gaspar is manipulating things behind the scenes. Those are the only two real possibilies that I can see... I mean, who else would have the knowledge and the power to make the gates work, and know when/where to use the effectively? I'd suggest Schala, but from what we see in the game, she doesn't really seem able to do such a thing, with the Queen basicly controlling her.
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 11:51 am    Post subject:   

Schala would kind of make sense since her pendant opens the first gate anyway, but I don't think she could do what with bein stuck in zeal and then the time devourer, plus she doesn't recognize chrono and co. when she first meets them.
In our world, every storm has an end. Every night brings a new day. What's important is to trust those you love, and never give up. We must never give up hope!
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Ybrik Metaknight
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 7:19 pm    Post subject:   

OK, so what we have are the following theories...

1. The Entity is the Planet, or Mother Earth, or something like that (perhaps God)
This seems to be the most popular theory, and probably makes the most sense. I believe this one is correct.
2. The Entity is Gaspar, controlling everything from the End of Time
This one also makes a lot of sense, and could very well be it.

3. The Entity is Lavos
...Probably not, because the gate in Leene Square still functions after Lavos is destroyed, at least for a time (although that may make no difference for any time period except A.D. 2300 if you believe as I do that Lavos was only really defeated in A.D. 1999).
Also, Robo and the rest of the party theorize that Lavos may not be responsible for the gates. And besides, why would Lavos lead the party to his own demise? While it's possible that Lavos may have accidentally created the gates, it still does not explain the apparent other functions of the Entity.
Conclusion: Possible, but unlikely.

4. The Entity is Fate
...Again, probably not. The Entity seemed to exist prior to the defeat of Lavos, whereas FATE did not.

5. The Entity is the merged Dragon Gods
Another possibility. Definitely worth considering, although there may be the same problem as with FATE: Dinopolis was brought into this dimension following the Time Crash, which happened only in the future where Lavos had been defeated. In other words, probably not, but shouldn't be dismissed entirely.

6. The Entity is Schala
Again, probably not, since Schala was always being controlled by something, either Zeal or Lavos/Time Devourer.

7. The Entity is Lucca
*scoff* I really hope this "Rick" was attempting a humorous post (which he almost came close to nearly succeeding at doing), otherwise he really needs to find some help. I'm not even going to dignify that with an analysis.

So should we make a poll about this?
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:18 pm    Post subject:   

The Schala in 12000 BC is NOT the Entity, however, the Schala in the TimeDevourer state IS. She's in a point where she transcends time.

(All references to "Schala" beyond this point are towards the Schala trapped within TimeDevourer, unless stated otherwise)

She's locked up, so she used the gates to influence Crono and the others to save the future, then influenced Serge to free her. She created Gates through the Dreamstone of the pendants, and her connection through Lavos. Her existence outside of time, as well as her fusion with Lavos and her own natural abilities, allow her control of space/time. As an example, she was able to change the course of Serge's father's boat toward the Sea of Eden to Chronopolis, where, otherwise, they would have gone to Marbule and Serge would have died. She also reveals infant Kid to Lucca at the end of the PSX remake of CT, and Lucca was the one who wanted to most about the entity. Rather fitting.

Further evidence:

- Lucca says the Entity was at rest. This is relative. She was at rest with Crono's party, because they had done their job of saving the future from Lavos (a future which Schala regretted and wanted reversed...see below). However, she was not at rest with Serge, because she still needed him to free her. She closed the Gates because Crono's job was done.

- "ROBO: Thinking things like, "If only I had done this," or, "I shouldn't have done that..." triggers unpleasant, old memories."

Schala felt guilty for allowing Lavos to destroy Zeal in 12000 BC and corrupting her mother (refer to the dialogue of Kid just prior to the end of Radical Dreamers). After all, the 12000 BC Schala did awaken him with the Mammon Machine, under the direction of her mother. Also, she allowed him to continue to live underground and destroy the world in 2300 AD. That's a serious regret (Play Radical is very enlightening as to what happened to Schala. it's an all-text game, but it only took me about two hours to beat, WITHOUT a guide. Pretty easy, I don't even think it's possible to die).

- "ROBO: After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not be responsible for the gates.

MARLE: What do you mean?

ROBO: I have come to think that someone, or something wanted us to see all this. The different events over time, that we have witnessed. It is almost as if some entity wanted to relive its past.

AYLA: Ayla know! When people die, elders say, see whole life pass by!

FROG: 'Tis true that mortals relive their most profound memories before death claimeth them. Yet those memories most often are sad ones."

While Schala was trapped beyond time, she could view all time streams and dimensions, like the End of Time. Even during the battle with TimeDevourer, you could see little visions of different places and times in the background. Schala guided Crono's party and established gates with that knowledge.
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Balrog of the Boards (+400)

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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:28 pm    Post subject:   

RabidTurtle wrote:
The Schala in 12000 BC is NOT the Entity, however, the Schala in the TimeDevourer state IS. She's in a point where she transcends time.

(All references to "Schala" beyond this point are towards the Schala trapped within TimeDevourer, unless stated otherwise)

She's locked up, so she used the gates to influence Crono and the others to save the future, then influenced Serge to free her. She created Gates through the Dreamstone of the pendants, and her connection through Lavos. Her existence outside of time, as well as her fusion with Lavos and her own natural abilities, allow her control of space/time. As an example, she was able to change the course of Serge's father's boat toward the Sea of Eden to Chronopolis, where, otherwise, they would have gone to Marbule and Serge would have died. She also reveals infant Kid to Lucca at the end of the PSX remake of CT, and Lucca was the one who wanted to most about the entity. Rather fitting.

Further evidence:

- Lucca says the Entity was at rest. This is relative. She was at rest with Crono's party, because they had done their job of saving the future from Lavos (a future which Schala regretted and wanted reversed...see below). However, she was not at rest with Serge, because she still needed him to free her. She closed the Gates because Crono's job was done.

- "ROBO: Thinking things like, "If only I had done this," or, "I shouldn't have done that..." triggers unpleasant, old memories."

Schala felt guilty for allowing Lavos to destroy Zeal in 12000 BC and corrupting her mother (refer to the dialogue of Kid just prior to the end of Radical Dreamers). After all, the 12000 BC Schala did awaken him with the Mammon Machine, under the direction of her mother. Also, she allowed him to continue to live underground and destroy the world in 2300 AD. That's a serious regret (Play Radical is very enlightening as to what happened to Schala. it's an all-text game, but it only took me about two hours to beat, WITHOUT a guide. Pretty easy, I don't even think it's possible to die).

- "ROBO: After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not be responsible for the gates.

MARLE: What do you mean?

ROBO: I have come to think that someone, or something wanted us to see all this. The different events over time, that we have witnessed. It is almost as if some entity wanted to relive its past.

AYLA: Ayla know! When people die, elders say, see whole life pass by!

FROG: 'Tis true that mortals relive their most profound memories before death claimeth them. Yet those memories most often are sad ones."

While Schala was trapped beyond time, she could view all time streams and dimensions, like the End of Time. Even during the battle with TimeDevourer, you could see little visions of different places and times in the background. Schala guided Crono's party and established gates with that knowledge.


By the way, I get the Chrono Trigger/Radical Dreamers/Chrono Cross bit... but what's CB?
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 10:04 pm    Post subject:   

Aeolius wrote:


By the way, I get the Chrono Trigger/Radical Dreamers/Chrono Cross bit... but what's CB?

CB is Chrono Break, the expected next game in the Chrono series.

Now I have a question, slightly offtopic, but intended for those who have played the remake and gotten the extra scenes awarded for getting the Dream Team ending. Has it ever been proven exactly who steals the Masamune, in the cutscene with the burning village?
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 10:09 pm    Post subject:   

Sorry, can't help you...I've only seen screenshots of the anime scenes in the remake. =/
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 10:25 pm    Post subject:   

Well, I can do a quick recap for you, as it's not a long scene.

It beings with the text "1005 A.D.: The Fall of Guardia..." (not positive about the date, but pretty sure). In that scene, it shows two knights dueling and a burning flag, presumably Guardia's. One knight is killed, then it switches to a burning village with the text "...and the dissapearance of the Masamune." There's the Masamune sticking out of the ground as well, where it is picked up by a shadowed figure. Somehow, I doubt this figure was Lynx, and if I remember correctly, it didn't even look like him in the first place. It makes me wonder if there are two "Entities", one good, one evil. Perhaps the evil one is responsible for the Masamune's corruption.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 1:37 am    Post subject:   

I can't make any assumptions or theories until I see it for myself (that'd just be irresponsible  ) ...maybe its on Kazaa?
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:03 am    Post subject:   

i've never played the remake so i have no idea what you're talking about.

maybe it's miguel or dario or radius or something.

it's been a long time since i played chrono cross and i forget where you find the masamune (ie mastermune)
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:17 am    Post subject:   

RabidTurtle's explanation for Schala is one of the most comprehensive Entity explanations we have, but does still not necessarily close the issue. My problem with it is that there's a distinct possibility that Schala may not have merged with Lavos in the original timeline (i.e. before Lavos was defeated and without Crono & Co.'s intervention); Chrono Cross even suggests this may be the case (I believe Crono or Marle or Lucca says something to that effect at Opassa Beach before the final battle). However, that could be completely wrong, since there is no proof that the outcome of the Ocean Palace disaster was any different without the party than with it.

Also, one of the three CT children on Opassa Beach says that after creating Kid, Schala's soul was fully corrupted by Lavos. After that, she wouldn't have had any reason to help Crono's party defeat Lavos, since she was sort of a part of Lavos and therefore this would create a huge conflict of interest.

I think we probably need to do a poll on it, with the following choices:

1. The Entity=The Planet/Mother Earth/God
2. The Entity=Gaspar
3. The Entity=Schala (Time Devourer version)
4. The Entity=Lavos
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:35 am    Post subject:   

Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
RabidTurtle's explanation for Schala is one of the most comprehensive Entity explanations we have, but does still not necessarily close the issue. My problem with it is that there's a distinct possibility that Schala may not have merged with Lavos in the original timeline (i.e. before Lavos was defeated and without Crono & Co.'s intervention); Chrono Cross even suggests this may be the case (I believe Crono or Marle or Lucca says something to that effect at Opassa Beach before the final battle). However, that could be completely wrong, since there is no proof that the outcome of the Ocean Palace disaster was any different without the party than with it.

Also, one of the three CT children on Opassa Beach says that after creating Kid, Schala's soul was fully corrupted by Lavos. After that, she wouldn't have had any reason to help Crono's party defeat Lavos, since she was sort of a part of Lavos and therefore this would create a huge conflict of interest.

Schala couldn't have been completely corrupted, because it was said somewhere (I wish I knew where) that Schala heard Serge's crying (after being bitten by the Panther Demon), and she conjured the storm that shut down F.A.T.E. and caused Serge's father's boat to go to Chronopolis, to the Frozen Flame, which healed Serge (I hope you enjoy the run-on as much as I enjoyed typing it  ).

Also, remember the beginning of the game? The intro with the book? It asked something to the effect: "When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?"
Schala restates the question, (verbatim, as I remember) and answers it in her little monologue at the end. She said that the beginning of all of this (all of this, as in, the errors in the space-time continuum and all of her problems) was not 65,000,000 BC, when Lavos crashed onto the planet, nor 1000 AD, when Crono was sucked into the Gate, and not 1999 AD, when the world was destroyed, but 12000 BC, in the original time-stream, when Schala was sucked into the original Gate, created by Schala's and Lavos' power (I assume also from the amplifying Mammon Machine) and merged with Lavos and became the TimeDevourer (she does not say that it is the original gate, but since it is the undisturbed timeline, it is implied). I remember the ending distinctly because of it's revelations, but I don't remember the beach scene too well. I think I'll have to replay CC, and, very much unlike re-running through CT, it'll be quite a chore (Let's face it, Cross is just nowhere near as fun as Trigger, but that's a discussion for another thread, another time)
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Brave Fencer Kirby
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 9:32 am    Post subject:   

RabidTurtle wrote:
Schala couldn't have been completely corrupted, because it was said somewhere (I wish I knew where) that Schala heard Serge's crying (after being bitten by the Panther Demon), and she conjured the storm that shut down F.A.T.E. and caused Serge's father's boat to go to Chronopolis, to the Frozen Flame, which healed Serge (I hope you enjoy the run-on as much as I enjoyed typing it  ).

That all happened before she created Kid.   
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:31 am    Post subject:   

Not true. Kid and Serge were about the same age. Serge was a child (the age was somewhere between 4-7, so I'll just give 5 as a representative number), so Kid already existed in Lucca Orphanage (or maybe it was burned down even before she was 5) for 5 years.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:37 am    Post subject:     


-In an effort to harness power, Queen Zeal uses the Ocean Palace, which causes a gate
that sends Belthasar to 2300 A.D., Melchior to 1000 A.D., Gaspar to the End of Time, Janus to
600 A.D. Queen Zeal and Schala are presumably killed, since Lavos does not become a Time
Devourer in the original timeline. Also, the Epoch may have followed Belthasar to 2300 A.D., since
Dalton reveals that he was working on such a vehicle in Zeal.

This is my problem. Lavos did not become a Time Devourer in the original timeline; the Time Devourer could have existed, but there really is one Lavos exclusive to Earth (unless time cloning, other farfetched stuff). If the Time Devourer still came into existence in the original timeline, what is its purpose, other than to encase Schala?
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Last edited by ZeaLitY on Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:41 am    Post subject:   

Zeal was still destroyed by Lavos' awakening in the original timeline, so it can be assumed that it merged with Schala, however, it could also be assumed that she was killed. We just don't know.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:44 am    Post subject:     

Well, through reasoning, we can conclude that there was only one Lavos who intended to destroy the world, since it is documented in 2300 A.D. This is the same Lavos that obliterated Zeal in 12,000 B.C. Thus, it is unchanged. If Lavos indeed merged to become a Time Devourer, he obviously left a clone or some other apocalyptic being in his place.

He or she? Ok, its place.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:41 pm    Post subject:   

suzumebachi wrote:
i've never played the remake so i have no idea what you're talking about.

maybe it's miguel or dario or radius or something.

I doubt this, because first of all, none of these people would have the power (or motive, for that matter) to raze an entire town, especially one where the Masamune was found (suggesting it's Truce, as it had the closest relations to Guardia, in my opinion). Darius, as far as I remember, is good until finding the Masamune. Radius was always good, and Miguel doesn't really have a reason to get the Masamune. And anyway, this happened in 1005. None of the people you listed would even be alive then.

ZeaLitY reminded me of theory I had about Lavos, that I'd like to present. It doesn't have any direct relation to the Entity, but seeing as we're talking about multiple Lavos', I think it fits.

I think that all Lavos is, is a grown up Lavos Spawn. I'm guessing that after Lavos infects a planet and drains it of energy, the Lavos Spawn mature, and shoot into space to find new hosts. Essentially, Lavos is a parasitic virus, not some space organism that happened to fall on Guardia (I'll just refer to the world as Guardia, even though it never really had a name).

I'm just hoping this isn't old news that everyone's already discussed, :\
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:44 pm    Post subject:   

The Lavos maturation is explained in both Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. 

Did the figure that razed the town resemble Harle in any way?
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:48 pm    Post subject:   

It is? =o

I honestly don't remember hearing about it in CT, excluding maybe basic stuff, but I wouldn't be suprised about CC, as I remember very little from that game. As for the shadow figure, not at all, unless she wasn't wearing the jester's hat. It's regardless, though, I doubt it'll end up being someone from CC because of the age problem I mentioned. In my opinion, it's likely that the person is someone from CT, whetther he was behind the scenes or not, or that it's going to be someone in a later game, if they ever try to resolve the whole Masamune becoming evil plothole.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:53 pm    Post subject:   

Actually, the events in CC were in 1020 AD.

The Lavos maturation is discussed briefly by Queen Zeal if you visit the Black Omen in 2300 AD, after the world is destroyed. Also, depending on who you beat the game with, I think someone mentions him being a parasite.

In Chrono Cross, when you reach the top of Fort Dragonia for the third time, to restore Serge's original form, the mural on the wall depicts not only Lavos' goal as a parasite (infect, mature, destroy, breed, move on), but also how Lavos altered evolution through his energy eminations.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:58 pm    Post subject:   

Well, I knew it was said that he was a parasite, although I was trying to go more indepth about it, I guess. As for Zeal, true, I'd forgotten about that, but that seemed to me like a lot of stuff we already knew. However, I never noticed the mural in Fort Dragonia, I'll have to check that out some time.

As for CC's date, I've heard 1100 AD and 1020 AD, and it's gotten to the point where I don't remember which is right anymore. Even so, Harle would be a child, as would many of CC's characters, excluding Radius and the older people, but I can't think of any with a motive to corrupt the Masamune.
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Brave Fencer Kirby
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:35 pm    Post subject:   

RabidTurtle wrote:
Not true. Kid and Serge were about the same age. Serge was a child (the age was somewhere between 4-7, so I'll just give 5 as a representative number), so Kid already existed in Lucca Orphanage (or maybe it was burned down even before she was 5) for 5 years.

Yeah, but remember that Schala stuck in the Darkness at the End of Time. So she's basicly outside the flow of time, and can observe/effect pretty much any point she wants. She saw Serge getting mauled by the panther demon, and saw him drown, then sent Kid back to around the point where he was born. THEN she was completely taken over by Lavos. Did that make any sense?

Oh, and Sonny? It's 1020 AD. Twenty years after Crono and Co's era. I'm not sure where I heard that, but I'm pretty sure it's right.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:40 pm    Post subject:   

RabidTurtle wrote:
Not true. Kid and Serge were about the same age. Serge was a child (the age was somewhere between 4-7, so I'll just give 5 as a representative number), so Kid already existed in Lucca Orphanage (or maybe it was burned down even before she was 5) for 5 years.

In A.D. 1020, Serge was 17, Kid was 16. It says so on each character's status submenu. Look and see for yourself, if you must. And by the way, SonnyD64, CC took place in 1020, not 1100.

Listen to ZeaLitY, folks. He knows what he's talking about. 

It's possible that Schala may have directly influenced some of Serge's past (I believe that she did in fact hear his cries circa A.D. 1007 with the panther attack; that was explained by Lucca at the beach, not by Schala herself in the ending). However, I still believe that it's not really possible that Schala is the entity to which the CT characters referred, simply because of the timeline differences.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:41 pm    Post subject:   

Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
Oh, and Sonny? It's 1020 AD. Twenty years after Crono and Co's era. I'm not sure where I heard that, but I'm pretty sure it's right.

You read that on the back of the box for CC, if nowhere else.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:41 pm    Post subject:   

I always thought the Entity was referring to Robo's idea of a higher power, which is an ironic thing for a machine to speculate on.
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Brave Fencer Kirby
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:53 pm    Post subject:   

Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
Oh, and Sonny? It's 1020 AD. Twenty years after Crono and Co's era. I'm not sure where I heard that, but I'm pretty sure it's right.

You read that on the back of the box for CC, if nowhere else.

*checks* Well, I'll be damned. "Twenty years after the events of 'Chrono Trigger'", eh? So... This is all happening in 2,320 AD! Har!
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:56 pm    Post subject:   

Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
Brave Fencer Kirby wrote:
Oh, and Sonny? It's 1020 AD. Twenty years after Crono and Co's era. I'm not sure where I heard that, but I'm pretty sure it's right.

You read that on the back of the box for CC, if nowhere else.

*checks* Well, I'll be damned. "Twenty years after the events of 'Chrono Trigger'", eh? So... This is all happening in 2,320 AD! Har!

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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:29 pm    Post subject:     

Kiyosuki wrote:
I always thought the Entity was referring to Robo's idea of a higher power, which is an ironic thing for a machine to speculate on.

This may be considered in the poll as a 'God' or 'null' being; something higher but still vastly unknown; perhaps nonexistent.

Good job all. We're fleshing definite solutions. I'm going to take a spin through google and look up some old CT sites. I remember one that strongly supported Earth = Entity; I'll doubly try to find that one.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 5:54 pm    Post subject:   

Then 1020 AD it is, 

I have no clue where I got the idea it was 1100 AD. Anyway, referring to the Earth being the Entity, I find this a very possible solution. Robo tends to speak of it a lot, and in his time period, the Entity would have no power and be near death, if not essentially "dead" already. So it would explain the Entity's pain (not sure if this is exactly how he worded it, been a month or two since I last saw the scene). Also, remember when he brings it up. In the forest scene. If the Earth was the Entity, it would make sense that having just recreated a forest brings it to mind. He's helped the Entity by adding more life to it.

EDIT - Just checked the script in the first post, and I stand by what I originally said. The Entity seems to be regretting choices, and in mental anguish, at least in my opinion.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 10:19 pm    Post subject:     

Damn; I can't find the sites. Only fanfics are returned in searches.

I believe the entity is the planet, since each period of time accessible by a gate marked an important time in the planet's history and health.

I can't create polls in the general forum, so I'll make a cheapo one on the site. Look for the first post for a link.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 10:34 pm    Post subject:   

Those points in time are also critical in the effort to defeat Lavos, which is a regret of Schala's, for she could not stop him because of her obligations to her mother, Queen Zeal.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:56 pm    Post subject:     

Damn, I forgot Kiyosuki's. Please vote again.
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 12:07 am    Post subject:   

I personally think the Entity is going to be something revealed in Chrono Break, and possibly something we haven't heard of yet. I also think its being the Planet would be most plausible given what we have, but I don't like it since it's a cliché idea. (Of course, who cares what I like.) It doesn't sound cool enough for Chrono, honestly.
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 12:13 am    Post subject:     

Most of us care; we do personally appreciate every sensible post made (e.g. posts not made by RIKC).
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 12:16 am    Post subject:     

I unleashed the poll on the gamefaqs forum, so I'm expecting several more votes. If there isn't a flood, it may be a good thing, since those forums are usually degenerate.
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 Ybrik Metaknight
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 12:27 am    Post subject:   

ZeaLitY wrote:
Most of us care; we do personally appreciate every sensible post made (e.g. posts not made by RIKC).

I second that.
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 2:19 am    Post subject:   

Who (what) is RIKC?
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 2:11 pm    Post subject:   

My vote's for the Planet. Square has always had a thing for the Gaia theory; look at half the Final Fantasy games out there.

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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 9:36 pm    Post subject:   

Chrono Trigger is a departure from the usual Square games, as is Xenogears.

On a related note, Xenogears was made by most of the crew of Chrono Trigger, and Xenogears had a definite non-planet superbeing (i.e. the Wave Entity). If anything, game comparison would support the Schala/Time Devourer concept.
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 10:59 pm    Post subject:     

RIKC made the "Lucca has tits, therefore she must be the entity" post...
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 Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:20 am    Post subject:   

Well, it looks like the "Entity=The Planet" won out. This thread should be archived soon.
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 Posted: Mon 07-14-03 10:50 pm    Post subject:   

I think the entity is the player, considering your the one who controls everyone.
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 Posted: Sun 07-20-03 12:37 am    Post subject:   


I'm very hesitant to do this, but we require arguments for certain positions on the identity of the Entity. Choose one you believe you can support from here:

Give it your best shot; you may have to play devil's advocate. I'm currently rummaging through the Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger board, although it looks to be a hopeless endeavour (Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger forum is a toilet swirl of personal insults amidst a few actual gems of debate).

Just post your argument here after you're done constructing it, and I'll add it to the Entity debate summary page.

END UPDATE; REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS HTREI'm very hesitant to do this, but we require arguments for certain positions on the identity of the Entity. Choose one you believe you can support from here:

Give it your best shot; you may have to play devil's advocate. I'm currently rummaging through the Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger board, although it looks to be a hopeless endeavour (Gamefaqs Chrono Trigger forum is a toilet swirl of personal insults amidst a few actual gems of debate).

Just post your argument here after you're done constructing it, and I'll add it to the Entity debate summary page.


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 Posted: Sun 07-20-03 1:33 pm    Post subject:   

c0mbatw0mbat at Chrono Compendium wrote:
NOTE: This may be fundamentally flawed, since I HAVE NOT played through Chrono Cross fully. If so, I am sorry for making you waste your time reading this.

I am going to highlight important parts and expand on them.

ROBO: After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not be responsible for the gates.

There, why would they make Robo contradict himself by making Lavos responsible for the gate, and therefore the 'entity.'

ROBO: I have come to think that someone, or something wanted us to see all this. The different events over time, that we have witnessed. It is almost as if some entity wanted to relive its past.

Well, whos past could that be. Schala as the Time Devourer, that COULD be her past, as she is fused with Lavos. Lavos came to the earth in 65,000,000 BC, which is one of the periods that the heroes visit. 12,000 BC is another, the next time Lavos surfaces. 600 AD Lavos surfaces again. 1000 AD is the starting point of the game, nothing takes you there, you start there. 1999 AD is the Day of Lavos, obviously an important day. 2300 AD is part of Lavos's past, as his offspring, his legacy, continue to live then.

AYLA: Ayla know! When people die, elders say, see whole life pass by!

I don't see why this is so important, it is just common superstition / fact, when you are going to die your life flashes before your eyes.

FROG: Lavos playeth an integral role in the fortunes of this Entity...

He does, as Schala gives him sentinence, and Lavos DOES make the gates, although he does not do it on purpose. When Lavos first lands, a gate is left in his wake. When Lavos comes in 600 AD he creates a huge gate. Schala, with the power to create gates, makes them with a purpose, to allow the heroes to defeat Lavos.

LUCCA: Yeah. I get the feeling that the "Entity" is finally at rest.

Schala is finally at rest, her goal accomplished, Lavos was defeated and the world was saved. Serge, however, is an attempt of Schala to save herself from being killed, along with Lavos, in 1999 AD.

Now, I am going to put this all together. Your life flashes before your eyes when you are about to die. So Chrono Trigger is the 'Entitys' life flashing before its eyes. You are going through the Entitys past. When is the Entity about to die? 1999 AD, when Chrono is about to kill it. Therefore it follows that everything before that is the entitys past. Schala is a part of the 'Entity' when Chrono fights Lavos, correct? Since she can transcend time, she could see that in 1999 AD she/Lavos would die. Then she set about to save herself, therefore Chrono Cross. She is separated from Lavos again then, and Chrono Triggers storyline remains unaltered.

And the parts of this that do not make sense yet, I will clarify. "How would Chrono be able to go to 2300 AD if that was AFTER Lavos was defeated?" Well, Schala created the gates with a PURPOSE, and Lavos created them wherever he went. Schala needed them to go to 2300 AD, perhaps to understand the seriousness of their quest, perhaps to meet Robo, perhaps both. Since Robo himself says: Someone wanted us to experience this," that means that the entity wanted EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE GROUP to experience those events. Maybe it would not work out otherwise, Robo must have had a part to play that was fundamental to the heroes getting farther in their quest, such as doing something no one else could.

OK, here's my counter to all this.

First of all, c0mbatw0mbat does not seem to be truly in favor of one position exclusively. It becomes very unclear if his position is that the Entity is Lavos or that the Entity is Schala.

Second of all, the issue of the gates. In A.D. 1000, it may be true that nothing sends you to that era, as you start there. However, why would there be three gates there that lead to the other eras? There must have been some reason to connect to that world, if it was Lavos's doing, especially unintentionally. In other words, if the gates were created in the other eras because of their importance to Lavos, why do they lead to 1000? What happened with Lavos then? In A.D. 600, the gate existed prior to Magus summoning Lavos, and nearly halfway across the world. Why would Magus summoning Lavos in his castle create a gate some time previous to said event in a completely different location? The same goes for 65,000,000 B.C. and 12,000 B.C. Finally, if Lavos was unwittingly responsible for the gates, how did he create those gates in A.D. 2300? This problem is the same as with 1000: There was no major event in either time period involving Lavos to "accidentally" create the gates. And mi


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Re: Age old discussion
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2006, 05:26:20 am »


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Ybrik Metaknight
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 Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:19 am    Post subject: CT/RD/CC/CB Topic: Magus & Time Travel   

OK, new thread, new topic:

Lucca's letter mentioned that Magus (OK, so she said Janus) might be looking for Kid (Schala) in A.D. 1020. It has also been theorized that Magus may be in CC in some way (behind the scenes activities, Magus is Guile, blah blah blah). So my question is this:

How exactly would Magus have traveled through time? Did he have access to the Epoch? Did he have further contact with Gaspar? Or did the gates not really permanently close? Finally, could Magus have maybe figured out a way to use his Dark Magic for time travel?
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 Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 1:04 am    Post subject:     

Well, from the ending of Chrono Trigger, we know that Janus indeed traveled to 12,000 B.C. Interesting points here that Janus might have exploited:

-Residents of Zeal survived the fall, perhaps retaining some of that expansive knowledge found in Zeal's libraries.
-A Nu is present as well.
-Remnants of Zeal exist, since one can be found in Lynx's manor in Radical Dreamers. (The only problem with this is that Janus is surprised to see it, so I'm sure that he probably hasn't encountered remnants in the CC dimensions as well)

I believe that the Epoch was dismantled after Crono found his mother (revealed to have the name Gina in the Japanese version. Nifty) and cat (who carries some of Alfador's genes, also a sweet piece of trivia). As far as we know, Crono, Lucca, and Marle were still streaking through time at the end of the game, so it is quite possible that they may have picked up Magus along the way.

The third point that would allow him to arrive in 1000 A.D. => Onward is his magic. I believe Janus was rumored to be stronger than Schala on this subject; Janus is quite possibly the strongest user of magic in the entire world of the Chrono series. It is apparent that he has some control over spacetime, evident in his later spells; namely Black Hole and Dark Matter, that which scientists believe fills the rest of the unseen universe. It is not unlikely that Janus also has the ability to influence and/or control time to an extent.

As for the gates, the planet did undergo amazing events in 12,000 B.C., and perhaps a weak gate may remain due to the sheer imprint of Lavos and the Black Omen on the planet's history.

The possibility of Gaspar influencing or helping Janus is wide open; anything is possible. Gaspar did recognize Janus upon seeing him, and even had an interest to speak with him. As I stated above, anything goes.

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 Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:17 pm    Post subject:   

Remember, though, that to go by the PSX cutscene, Lucca found Kid in Guardia Forest. Who's to say that she wouldn't have informed Janus of this discovery? And to do so, she'd most likely have used a rebuilt Epoch, since the Gates are all closed off by Lavos's defeat. If anyone could rebuild the Epoch, it's Lucca.

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 Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:25 pm    Post subject:   

She also might not have gotten around to dismantling the epoch yet, I really doubt any of the CT team would have been able to dismantle it, it would be too much of a fond memory kind of thing, so when Lucca begins to suspect who kid is it's very likely that she would go after Janus
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 Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 6:07 pm    Post subject:   

JustinS1985 wrote:
She also might not have gotten around to dismantling the epoch yet, I really doubt any of the CT team would have been able to dismantle it, it would be too much of a fond memory kind of thing, so when Lucca begins to suspect who kid is it's very likely that she would go after Janus

That's entirely possible.

Yeah, I really don't think that the team would've dismantled the Epoch. I think that, if nothing else, they would've kept it (in hiding, of course) just in case, as Lucca worried, someone tried to undo their efforts or seek revenge.

Hmmm.....maybe the fall of Guardia was caused by such a person. Thoughts?

And I think that it makes sense that Lucca would tell Magus about Kid.

I still think Magus found a way to use his magic to travel through time.
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 Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 12:26 am    Post subject:     

That seems to be the most popular theory, since we're left with virtually nothing about the fate of the Epoch (except the comment about dismantling it, and the neo-Epoch built by Belthasar. No relation I believe)
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 Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 9:08 pm    Post subject:     

Well, if nothing else can be said, I'll go ahead and txt archive it.
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Re: Age old discussion
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2006, 05:27:10 am »
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Ybrik Metaknight
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 1:01 am    Post subject: CT/RD/CC/CB Thread--Time Crash & End of Time   

OK, everyone, just before ZeaLitY implemented this new system, I posted a question: "Why did the staff of Chronopolis not end up at the End of Time after the Time Crash?"

We were making a little headway with this discussion when ZeaLitY shook things up a bit (a Solt and Peppor reference there  ), and then the discussion sort of fell off. Therefore, I'm going to try to recap the theories so far and bring the discussion back to life.


Ybrik Metaknight wrote:
Hey, I have a question: Why didn't everyone in Chronopolis end up at the End of Time? I mean, there were WAY more than 3 people traveling through time on that one...

Canjo wrote:
Well, they are ghosts, aren't they? Maybe that's why.

Ingonyama wrote:
I think the process they used was different than the Gates Crono and crew played with. Those were caused by Lavos, while the Time Crash theory was being implemented over 500 years after 1999 AD, when Lavos went boom. I don't think the End of Time theory applies to them. Besides that, the Crash was an accident, which means that the rulebook was thrown out the window.

Just MHO.

ExcelHyatt wrote:
Ingonyama wrote:
stuff...see above

Yeah. Also, Chrono Cross was made by Balthasar and I don't think it's any mistake that mr guru gave that little egg to Serge. Well, not really, but he did lead Serge to it.

I'm thinking that Balthasar or some other guru made the Chrono Cross just so that they can help mend the time split crisis. That's what gurus are for I guess..


To sum up, the current theories are as follows:
1)They're all ghosts
2)Lavos' (or perhaps the Entity's...see related thread here) gates vs. Time crash processes
4)Belthasar's handiwork
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:12 am    Post subject:     

Since Chronopolis had to have implemented its dimension monitoring technology after the split, its ghosts must either still have the capacity to work, or FATE is able to manipulate the physical world. I do believe the residents were alive at one time, in order to dispense El Nido's ancestor pioneers; perhaps after the first generation that came with the Time Crash, each human, after dying, simply because a shadow that we see now.

I'm going with the nature of the Time Crash being different from that of Lavos' gates; can the Time Crash be considered such a passageway? It seems more of a reset of the timeline than an instance of travel, but I still have to research this.

I wonder what happened to the End of Time (referring to Gaspar's dwelling)? Did Gaspar allow himself to be permanently shut off from everything, or could he have entered a timeperiod? Ah, let us reserve these for another time.
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 Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 6:59 pm    Post subject:   

ZeaLitY wrote:
Since Chronopolis had to have implemented its dimension monitoring technology after the split, its ghosts must either still have the capacity to work, or FATE is able to manipulate the physical world. I do believe the residents were alive at one time, in order to dispense El Nido's ancestor pioneers; perhaps after the first generation that came with the Time Crash, each human, after dying, simply because a shadow that we see now.

This is certainly a valid possibility. The game does state that the workers of Chronopolis eventually became the first humans to colonize El Nido. However, there is still the possibility that while some went on to colonize the archipelago, others may have stayed to continue their work. In any case, the temporal energies from the crash probably enabled them to become ghosts after they died, rather than simply fade out of existence, or something like that.

ZeaLitY wrote:

I'm going with the nature of the Time Crash being different from that of Lavos' gates; can the Time Crash be considered such a passageway? It seems more of a reset of the timeline than an instance of travel, but I still have to research this.

Yeah, that theory seems to be the most likely.

ZeaLitY wrote:

I wonder what happened to the End of Time (referring to Gaspar's dwelling)? Did Gaspar allow himself to be permanently shut off from everything, or could he have entered a timeperiod? Ah, let us reserve these for another time.

OK, this is gonna be pretty out there, so just bear with me. Perhaps the End of Time went to the El Nido Archipelago where it became the Bend of Time. The reason it would go there is to follow the massive temporal energies of Chronopolis after the Time Crash.

As for Gaspar, who knows? Perhaps he did go into a time period, or perhaps he simply died of old age, which of course begs a question that was probably going to be asked at some point anyway...

How does time pass within the End of Time? It's fairly obvious that time does in fact pass, or else your party would always be coming into contact with itself there. This is possibly related to the fact that you can't travel back and forth within an era.

Thoughts, anyone?
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:51 am    Post subject:   

After looking through the posts, I thought of an interesting theory. Maybe they're ghosts, but not in the spiritual sense. After the Time Crash, maybe the staff of Chronopolis repeats it's actions, just prior to the accident, forced to re-live the Crash, in a plane beyond the normal time stream, infinitely (insert chills here). After all, they repeated the incident before the crash to Serge, that's apparent from all of their dialogue, and the head director with his foreboding about the experiment at the docks. And the Crash may only occur within the confines of the Sea of Eden, leaving the outside world unaffected.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:24 am    Post subject:     

Ah, I forgot about the Bend of Time. My only problem is that I refuse to believe that Gaspar could become one of those El Nido retarded punching bang balloon creatures.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:32 am    Post subject:   

Not too prejudiced, eh Zeality? 

As for Gaspar, I think he left with the others to live out a life in another time period. Maybe he joined Belthasar in the revamped future? Or became a royal advisor to King Guardia XXI in 600 AD? I doubt he went as far back as 65,000,000 BC, but it's possible. Most likely, though, I bet he went back to the Last Village to help them rebuild civilization after the fall of Zeal.

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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:36 am    Post subject:   

Or he's still in the End of Time, and the Bend of Time are two separate areas. The Bend of Time may just be a temporal distortion created by the split in dimensions, since it only appears in one of the dimensions. Had it existed in both, I'd say it was there for another reason.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:43 am    Post subject:   

But it does. Once you can travel inter-island in both dimensions (after Norris joins your party), you can visit the Bend of Time in both Home and Another World.

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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:49 pm    Post subject:   

I remember it only being accessable to one dimension, and it can't be entered from the other.
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Ybrik Metaknight
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:55 pm    Post subject:   

RabidTurtle wrote:
I remember it only being accessable to one dimension, and it can't be entered from the other.

Hate to say it, but you're just plain wrong on this one. You can visit it from both dimensions, after you get past the Dead Sea.

And I seem to remember one of the ghosts saying something about purposefully recreating the events of the Time Crash, perhaps to reverse the process. I could be wrong, but I played through that part only about two weeks ago, and I'm pretty sure about this one. Now, this could very well be a careless plothole, but if it's not just a mistake then it sort of botches the theory about everyone being forced to relive the crash (a la Groundhog's Day or Majora's Mask) by some other power, quite possibly FATE. Also, it is known that some of the original staff left to colonize El Nido. Furthermore, the staff observes the two dimensions in present times, which would not be possible if your theory is to hold true.

Now, if the staff left and was not forced by FATE to relive the Time Crash over and over again, what about the ghosts? Another possible theory is that the events of the crash or of an attempt to recreate the crash so as to reverse its effects were recorded by FATE and replayed for Serge after being triggered by Serge's entrance, or Lynx/Dark Serge's entrance. However, this also does not fit with the observation of the two dimensions.

I think that the most likely explanation is that some of the staff stayed on Chronopolis while the rest colonized El Nido. The staff that stayed, instead of dying, simply phased out of physical existance, and became the "ghosts" that we see, possibly due to the temporal disruption.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:32 pm    Post subject:     

Ybrik Metaknight wrote:

I think that the most likely explanation is that some of the staff stayed on Chronopolis while the rest colonized El Nido. The staff that stayed, instead of dying, simply phased out of physical existance, and became the "ghosts" that we see, possibly due to the temporal disruption.

I'll go with this. If you count the ghosts, notice that there are enough to sufficiently man each machine; no extras are shown. FATE may have also opted for a skeleton crew to increase the El Nido population more quickly; notice that the desk before the entry to the main part of Chronopolis lacks a secretary.

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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:35 pm    Post subject:   

ZeaLitY wrote:
If you count the ghosts, notice that there are enough to sufficiently man each machine; no extras are shown. FATE may have also opted for a skeleton crew to increase the El Nido population more quickly; notice that the desk before the entry to the main part of Chronopolis lacks a secretary.

Yeah, I noticed all of that as well. It's entirely possible that FATE may have had something to do with colonizing El Nido while keeping enough staff on hand to manage the facilities at Chronopolis.
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:39 pm    Post subject:   

Now, getting back to the topic of the End of Time...I still believe that the End of Time and the Bend of Time are one and the same, or at least closely connected. They're too similar to not be. I, for one, support the idea that Gaspar went out into the world, or possibly retains the ability to travel through the eras even though the gates are inaccessible, while the End of Time was pulled by the Time Crash to El Nido, where monsters seemed to come towards it (and how exactly did Ozzie, Slash and Flea end up there anyway?).
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 Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:56 pm    Post subject:     

Since there is no other explanation, this is viable. Gaspar probably envisioned the End of Time as being able to take on a separate function, and installed a simple keeper. As for the Ozzie Crew, all I can think of is that they were homeless after 600 A.D., and perhaps discovered a gate. Ozzie might have a few time tricks up his sleeve
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 12:10 am    Post subject:   

ZeaLitY wrote:
Since there is no other explanation, this is viable. Gaspar probably envisioned the End of Time as being able to take on a separate function, and installed a simple keeper. As for the Ozzie Crew, all I can think of is that they were homeless after 600 A.D., and perhaps discovered a gate. Ozzie might have a few time tricks up his sleeve 

Good theory, I like it. Any others, anyone?
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 Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 12:43 pm    Post subject:   

Well...we don't know what happened to Ozzie and crew after CT. Last we saw was him falling down that big hole after the cat jumped onto the switch. Maybe that hole was a time portal of some kind? And when you fight him, Flea, and Slash, they run away from you, usually before you can beat them. Though it seems unlikely that time travel is among their powers, it's conceivable that a resonance with Lavos interfered with it to throw them off course. After all, that's fairly late in the game, when things are coming to a head, and in 600 AD, the last major event that happened was Lavos creating a Gate to 12,000 BC after being summoned by Janus. I'd think after an event like that, teleportation magic of any kind would be thrown seriously off-kilter.

While we're on the subject, what IS Flea? Man? Woman? Hermaphrodite? He/She looks way too feminine to be the guy he/she claims to be when you fight him/her in the Bend of Time.

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 Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:06 am    Post subject:   

I always have, and always will, thought (think) of Flea as a female character. She's a female, and simply a bit gender-confused.

And your bit about teleportation magic going out-of-whack seems logical to me.
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 Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 5:56 pm    Post subject:   

OK, let's try to recap again...

Time Crash & events at Chronopolis: The Chronopolis Military Research Institute didn't end up at the End of Time because the mechanics of the Time Crash worked very differently from those of the gates. After the Crash, the Chronopolis staff may or may not have spent some time trying to reverse its effects and end up back in A.D. 2400, but after failing to do that (or even simply not trying in the first place), most of them went out and colonized the El Nido archipelago while the FATE supercomputer kept a skeleton crew on staff to observe time-space phenomena (such as the dual dimensions) and run the Chronopolis facilities. That skeleton crew did not die but instead phase out of this physical plane of existence, perhaps due to the massive temporal energies from the Crash, and became the ghosts we see there now.

End of Time, Bend of Time: The Bend of Time (which CAN be accessed from both dimensions) is probably the End of Time, which was either drawn to El Nido thanks to the Time Crash's temporal energies or had a gate directly to it established there for the same reason. Then, monsters from all over the archipelago began to flock to it, possibly because Ozzie & Co. were calling them, or something.

Gaspar: Probably went out into the world in some era.

Ozzie & Co.: After being defeated again by Crono's party, they were on the run, and either a) stumbled upon a new gate to the End of Time (or Bend of Time) or b) tried to teleport somewhere and after Magus's summoning Lavos and the events that followed directly thereafter, that teleport magic went all whacky and they ended up there. I prefer the second option, myself.

Does all this sound good? Did I leave anything out?
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 Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 3:47 pm    Post subject:   

OK, if no one has anything to add, I'm just gonna archive this thread tonight and abandon it to die.
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