We are not giving out any plot details to non-members. This thread will not be replied to or watched by any of the Chrono Rae Devteam. If you are interested in joining, when you join the Chrono Rae Forum either hide you e-mail address, or an admin wil do it for you. If you unhide it, your account will be deleted. If your are a member of this forumwho wishes to join, and have an unhidden e-mail, you must either:
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Sorry if we are causing you trouble, but we can't let SE have any way to send us a C&D letter.
Site URL:
http://chronorae.proboards105.com/index.cgi?board=apply&action=display&thread=1144635649Other Edit: Hey. We are not giving up. If noone fills these positions, sure there will be serious delays in development, but we will lear all pertinent skills needed to pull the game off with flare. The ultimate goal of this project is to surpass CT in every way, and give the player an expirience worthy of an official Chrono Series Game. We already have excellent Audio Specialists (Composers write the music, but don't execute it into the real world as sound). Bottom line is: This project will not tank. Even if every one else quits, I'd continue development solo.
Okay... This topic will be watched by the CR Devteam. Because it's stupid and counterproductive not to. Since you all want plot details, here's the basic premise. The game will not be a direct sequel to any Chrono Series Game. It operates under a modified version of the Nanaki Universe. In other words, it assumes the Lavoid that was sent to earth was a middle ranking member of the lavoid race. Rather than lavos being a god of destruction or some such. The story does not take place on the CT/C planet at all. It follows, initally, Amadeus Rae Arcani... You know what, I'll give you guys an alphascript of the first scenario, Kay? I starts out in the middle of a scenario as to not give away to many details.
Chrono Rae Script
Arc: Introduction
Dramatis Personae{INCOMPLETE}:
Megan Arcani, Mother of Amadeus Rae Arcani
Amadeus Rae Arcani(?), main protagonist
Celeste Raethe, Friend of Amadeus
Areso Vespuci, Friend of Amadeus
Scenario: Fiesta de la Noche
Amadeus: I can't believe it! I was born in time to see the first night in hundeds of years!
Celeste: Yeah... I wonder what stars look like...
Areso: You two... can't you see that stars are just made-up bullshit created by our ancestors cause they couldn't take the darkness?
Celeste: You just don't want to get your hopes up.
Areso: Reversal.
Amadeus: Guys, stop arguing! Stars or not, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Lets make the most of it.
Areso: Yeah, I guess you're right...
Amadeus: Then lets go! I'm looking foward to the Tournament of Day's Last Breath!
Controll is now given to the player.
When arriving at the tournament area, the combat system tutorial starts.
<Tournament announcer filler text>
Announcer: And now for the final round! Lets hear it for our finalists: AMADEUS, aaannnnnnnnnddddddd ARESO!
Crowd: (Generalized Cheering)
Amadeus: Good luck, Areso.
Areso: To you as well.
Anoucer: 3, 2, 1, FI--
(Blinding Flash, everything but Amadeus becomes sepia-toned)
A Humanoid Lavoid Appears.
Humanoid Lavoid:(Lavos Scream)>