Author Topic: Adding new .spcs  (Read 4492 times)


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Adding new .spcs
« on: April 16, 2006, 04:17:47 pm »
A lot of us are not experienced rom hackers. Temporal Flux fixes most of that, and I'm sure as time progresses, more tutorials will appear and the program will be used to the fullest extent. There's one thing I'd like to learn myself, however, so that I can make a tutorial on it specifically and free it up (it can't be done in TF). It's adding new .spcs. JLukas wrote this:

Grab the Offsets Guide from Geiger's Crypt (
Place your imported SPC in an UNUSED SPACE area
Change an SPC pointer to point to the new song
Change the instruments to what the new song uses

...and there might be something else.

I'm going to have some free time coming up, and I'd like to learn how to import .spcs. I won't begin yet, but when I do, I'll ask questions here that anyone can answer at their discretion and time. I think the process is relatively simple; it's just a matter of trying something new for me. Once I pull it off, I'll tutorialize it and also try out Radical Dreamers stuff.


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Adding new .spcs
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2006, 09:34:01 pm »
Heh, adding new .spc's would completely change the Chrono Trigger universe as we know it =Þ.  So, if we can figure this out, then we'll probably expect more new projects coming out.  Also, good job on bringing this up, I almost forgot about it.