you may have noticed for a few months you've seen zero movement on my fan project base. this is due to me having a job and a number of off site commissiones with have steadly taken my focus away. I have however, been writing up new chapters to my A.S.L.A.T. script, and have also been working with a friend of mine for a, brace yourself: Batman/Spiderman/Chrono cross comic mess.
After a couple of erratic runs with the water color brushes I recently purchased, I made a somewhat unique cover for A.S.L.A.T.
meanwhile as the commissions list build, me and my friend both decided on a comic idea, and so far its taken us to this.
We've begun work on a script (well he has.) and it will feature Serge and Kid (in the corner) though not in the first comic.
so I have been doing things, just .... not as quickly as I'd hopped. also, I'm still looking for help to build the website, so if anybody wants to help, gimme a call on my aim.