The as we know it might already be here. I have a certain feeling in my gut that tells me its coming.
here are some reasons-
1: Diseases killing people all over the world.
The great plague in Athens; The Black Death (which, ironically, led to an increase in the use of linen underwear, thus an increase in linen writing materials, thus an increase in printing and literacy); the toll upon native peoples by foreign diseases; the great flu epidemic at the end of WWI which killed more people than the war had.
Those are just major occurrances. There is no great epidemic right now, and surely no apocalyptic sign.
2: Angry A$$ storms destroying are society in some places.
As I said in the other thread... natural disasters, too, have always taken their toll. Look at the destruction of Thera, for one. Or here's wacky weather: 100 years ago the Thames froze.
3: war amongst our selfs. (THE WORLD)
THAT'S something new, eh? Want me to start rattling off names? Narmer's conquest of Egypt; the wars amongst the Mesopotamian city states; Egypt's rivalry with the Hittites, at the battle of Kadesh, for example; Canae, where 80,000 men died. How is that any indication of any 'end', when they've been there since the beginning? Again I say, and since you're talking religiously about the apocalypse I'll paraphrase the Bible: when you hear rumour of wars, do not be alarmed. That's Jesus talking, not some obscure book rightfully placed at the end of the Bible.
4: curupt society's
In Rome the topic of societal corruption was commonly enough addressed in rhetoric that it was considered one of the major points to practice arguing. 'Oh, how have the youth fallen.' Then great Cicero stands before the Senate, denouncing Cataline and crying 'O tempora! O mores!' - 'Oh the times! Oh the customs!' There exists no corruption that has not always been there. If you think so, I suggest you pick up a copy of Hesiod's Works and Days, written in about 700BC, where Hesiod complains about how the regional governers showed undue favouritism to his brother Perses in the inheritance. He declaims the corruption of the barons of his time.
5: Greed and fighting for power insdead of sharing. (taught from our mommy's)
No, inborn within us. The desire for power and mastery is a natural one, innate and not learned. I am certain if you examine your own life you will see enough evidence of this, proving how difficult it is to exorcise. But is it a sign of the end? Heck, no! Otherwise you'd have prophesied that when Sargon was vying for the power of the Mesopotamian states.
6: this guy came to my doorstep last week and gave my a newz thing that saying stuff about the revalations, (wacko
thats some of the weird reasons. I can go on for a long time.
Yes, but they don't follow. People were saying it is near the end already in a thousand BC. Likely even earlier. Read Ecclesiastes - there is nothing new under the sun. It's a tired and old world it presents. One that feels as though at the end of its life. Humans, it seems, are naturally doom-sayers. We always think the worst of fortune, and that the end must be coming.
Hope none of this happens, CAUSE I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!! 
according to my age and the way I'm planning for a succesful futer. The age 17 is too damn young to die. when a life span is averedgelly 80 (i think?) thats pretty young. Unless a persondies of a disease or get into some type of accident. (car crash).
No one is too young to die, if they live well. If you're saying 'I can't die yet', you're not living as you ought. Death can come for any of us at any time. Instead of worrying about death, worry about living life, because death will come when it will, in despite of all you can do.