alright well me and a couple of people from 4chan are planing on making a few origami characters: mainly, chrono cross origami characters. only problem: we need the original models to make the packs.
so, do any of you know how I could yank the various battle models from the game to make a couple of model packs to send to the peron helping me?
Er... You could always try studying the Status screens of each character to get an idea of their proportions and stances and such. Not really sure if there's a way you can easily rip them like, say, Super Nintendo games -- I would think that the new (well, new
er) generations of hardware would have moved past layering by now. Or perhaps RPGamer or some other RPG or Crono series review and/or art site would have something you could use.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help -- it's an amazing idea, nonetheless. Makes me wonder how a 4channer could think it up with the average level of intelligence on that board...