He's not directing it. And he was banned for an inflammatory remark in the remixing forum when someone challenged his authority on mixing stuff I believe. He's training to be a professional audio engineer; that doesn't justify flaming, but it's not a bannable offense. The admins and moderators also get off free with flaming, so it's a double standard. If there's one thing I vehemently hate about other websites and organizations, it is that they're often headed by corrupt, self-serving idiots or short-sighted, removed-from-reality buffoons. The Chrono Compendium works because it is an enlightened despotism. As long as I and my advisors struggle to hear all requests and be perfect administrators, there is room for change and the Compendium will survive. The complete opposite, Wikipedia, works as well, since administrative power is given to arbitrators only after extensive review and election by the rest of the website.
I mean, I'm no champion of enlightened despotisms, but they work for fansite operation (only if the one in power is "enlightened," and has a work ethic and other qualities). I can never be perfect, but struggling and working hard to create the site and be a good steward has at least accomplished more for us than hiring random staff members and waiting for help would have. And I'm perfectly accessible; I'm not like site administrators who seem distant and remote, and neither do I encourage a cult of personality. Everything on the Compendium should be valued by logical, rational merit alone. I believe governing in this style keeps one totally grounded in reality and aware of concerns. I just wish I could get more feedback and suggestions time to time.
But yes, this is why I'm often dissatisfied with most websites / online organizations I find. With almost all, I end up finding flaws in the system or evidence of double standards, which I press until I'm eventually drummed out or ostracized for inquiring.
Or maybe because I can't stand seeing an enterprise being done in a manner which I could do better...