Author Topic: Programmers needed  (Read 1822 times)

Corey Taylor

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Programmers needed
« on: November 16, 2006, 11:54:43 pm »
I'm learning to write programs and I need ZeaLitY or Ramsus or even Radical_Dreamer to tell me how to make this work.
I've added BASIC commands but I was not informed on what program or even where to put these commands. Would anyone care to help out? I'm running on Windows XP. A 2006 model.

Below is a simple command to make the computer ask "Why dost thou shiite ones toe?". If an answer other than Potatoe is given, the word stupid should appear. I need to know how to run this. These are BASIC commands, I didn't feel like learning C or C++ although the program would run faster and take less space using C/C++. I'm just testing this out and I'm clueless on to what I should use. All I was instructed to do was type "RUN" and the computer should execute the program. But it doesn't work.
10  PRINT "Why dost thou shiite ones toe?"
20  INPUT A$
30  IF A$ = "Potatoe" THEN PRINT "Correct"
40  IF A$ < > "Potatoe" THEN PRINT "Stupid"
50  END


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Re: Programmers needed
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 01:07:14 am »
I have quite a bit of experience with BASIC. It was my first programming language, and one I used in some form for a good five years, starting on my old Apple IIc some ten years ago and continuing through MS Visual Basic 4. Naturally I'm a little rusty, but I may be able to help.

What you're missing is a program that converts the code into a form the computer can understand. Usually such a program is called a compiler. I used Microsoft QuickBasic* for a while, and I think that might work for you. A quick Google search should net you a copy. When you open it you are presented with a window where you can enter your code. There is a Run menu which you can use to execute your code. I just tried your code in QuickBasic 4.5, and it works fine.

Let me know if I can be any more help, or if I'm being no help at all. In the meantime, I suddenly have the urge to
fling explosive bananas at gorillas. :mrgreen:

*To be more accurate, QuickBasic is a programming environment that has a compiler embedded in it.

Corey Taylor

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Re: Programmers needed
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 01:23:03 am »
I wasn't sure if MS Visual Basic 4 was a program or a requirement. But you have helped out a lot. But it's good to know the code works. Now I can add a more complex algorithm. But I haven't a clue on how to create FlowCharts.

Corey Taylor

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Re: Programmers needed
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2006, 01:48:32 am »
Antoher persistant problem is an error stating that it was an invalid start up when I opened the program. It told me to check the .pif file.


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Re: Programmers needed
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2006, 05:20:40 pm »
Hm...I seem to recall encountering that once, but I don't remember how I fixed it. My two suggestions:

1. Try downloading QuickBasic from somewhere else.

2. Try a different program. I came across an open source project called FreeBASIC that might work. Otherwise there's a list of software at Wikipedia.


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Re: Programmers needed
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2006, 09:01:36 pm »
Would that have anything to do with a 16 vs 32 bit??

Corey Taylor

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Re: Programmers needed
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2006, 02:20:44 am »
I have no clue which one mine is. I guess it's not meant to program. I downloaded the freebasic. I used the DOS command if I wanted to use a program like that. All it did was tell me to type fbc. I did. So a f*** load of unfamiliar options appeared an I only had the choice to search for a file. WTF?!


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Re: Programmers needed
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2006, 02:36:56 am »
I have no clue which one mine is. I guess it's not meant to program. I downloaded the freebasic. I used the DOS command if I wanted to use a program like that. All it did was tell me to type fbc. I did. So a f*** load of unfamiliar options appeared an I only had the choice to search for a file. WTF?!

if your just learning to program i suggest learning VB first it does alot of code for you and its easy to use BASIC is fine to learn first but use VB if you having so much trouble getting a compiler for it.