And what in the world makes you presume that you do not need anyone else to think? The very concept of a "cognitive system" is among the information used to form your "opinion" which is itself among that information.
I still don't really know what you want to tell opinion is information filtered throught the Cog Sys? Yeah, and? Do you want to say my way of thinking about opinions is wrong or something? Is my opinion on opinion to high? I got that you are arguing on the biological way, "opinion" is not really an "opinion" but information...yet I never said something different, or did I? Information="opinion", yet more or different information can change that "opinion", can't it?
About this thinking thing...did we learn to think by patrents/society, or do we learn it on our own? Maybe I need someone else to think about something, yet not to think itself, this is at least what I believe, or said in a different way, my "opinion" on it.
Now, is it really your brain that makes the work or is it inevitably conditioned to do such work by the context your cognition finds itself at? Your judgement is bound to your "opinion", not to say that "judgement" and "opinion" are the same thing, so it should be as valid as the "opinion" itself, otherwise there would be no coherence in this line of thought. You judge, and act accordingly to that judgement. You have an opinion and then act accordingly to this opinion. Or vice-versa.
Well, the thing is, people don't act accordingly to their "own opinion", they often act like others do, just to be like them. If you think for example gaybashing is wrong, do you help someone who gets bashed? If you do, I have another reason to like you. If you don't, it is not good, yet it is how most people act. This is something I hate, too, people who don't stand for what they think is right.