This thread is, in essence, a hodgepodge...pod?...of various odd cutscenes here and there that may or may not be accesible by the player...usually this is the result of moving too fast through an area...for example, the Zeal Throneroom cutscene featured as the first only occurs if the player waits ten seconds after entering the throne room, rather than simply proceeding directly.
In other words, these scenes offer enrichment of the world without affecting the story, as nothing contained within is truly required.
So, let us begin:
BEGIN Number One: "The Queen's Discussion"
*player steps into the Zeal throneroom and does not move an inch*
{delay 10}
*Discussion begins. Once this occurs the player is unable to move until it
is over*
{Schala}: Mother...I...{full break}
{Queen Zeal}: What is it, Schala?!{full break}
*Schala looks away, back to Zeal, away again, then back to Zeal*
{Schala}: Janus...{delay 03}Janus and I are worried about you{line break}
Mother...your behavior has been odd...Janus is quite concerned{line break}
as am I.{full break}
{Prophet}: .{delay 01}.{delay 01}.{delay 01}{page break}
You worry about nothing, girl!{full break}
*Queen Zeal starts laughing*
{Queen Zeal}: He speaks out of turn!{full break}
*Queenie glares at the Prophet*
{Queen Zeal}: Do NOT answer for me again!{full break}
*Prophet bows or otherwise does some animation that shows humility and
{Prophet}: Of course, Your Majesty...forgive my discretion.{full break}
*Dalton looks away*
{Dalton}: Hah!{full break}
*Zeal looks at Schala*
{Queen Zeal}: Worry not, my daughter! Everything is well with{line break}
me! Our Kingdom is approaching a glorious new will{line break}
understand, my dear, in time...all in time.{page break}
*She goes back into her laughing animation*
Hahahahaha!{full break}
*She halts as Schala looks away*
{Schala}: I hope so, mother...for your sake...{full break}
{Queen Zeal}: Prophet! I trust that there was no uprising{line break}
during today's slave gathering?{full break}
*Prophet shakes his head no*
{Prophet}: No, Your Higness...the Earthbound Ones have finally{line break}
learned not to rebel against us.{full break}
{Queen Zeal}: Good...I would hate to see valuable slaves throw{line break}
away their lives in such a futile effort!{full break}
*She goes into her laughing animation yet again for a brief moment*
{Queen Zeal}: How is the construction of the Ocean Palace{line break}
proceeding?{full break}
*Dalton nods in Queenie's direction*
{Dalton}: Your Majesty, the Ocean Palace is nearing completion.{line break}
I estimate not more than a day until it is operational.{full break}
{Queen}: Wonderful...have the Mammon Machine moved to the{line break}
Ocean Palace immediately.{full break}
{Dalton}: Of course, Your Majesty.{full break}
*Dalton turns to leave and sees the party*
{Dalton}: Ah...I see you've decided to show yourselves. Not{line break}
a good decision on your part.{full break}}
*rest of scene proceeds as it went if the party did not wait, with the Prophet line before Dalton's cut, of course*
END Number One: "The Queen's Discussion"
BEGIN: Number Two "Medina Square"
*party approaches Medina square at any time after EoT and steps up to see the chanting dancers*
{Fanatics}: Magus...Lord Magus...Our Savior Who Gave Us Hope...{page break}
We Love You Magus...Our Lord Magus...Save Us Once Again...{full break}
*PCs stop and blink at the statue*
(2nd PC)
{Marle}: W-what's going on? What's that odd chanting?{full break}
{Lucca}: What the...are they worshipping Magus?{full break}
{Robo}: ...this seems to be a worshipping ritual...but why are{line break}
the Mystics still worshipping Magus?{full break}
{Frog}: Magus is worshipped even now?! Fools!{full break}
*All the chanters/dancers stop and look at the PCs. The background chanting noise also stops*
{Fanatics}: Who are you?! How dare you defile our shrine?!{full break}
(3rd PC)
{Marle}: Uh-oh...we'd better get outta here!{full break}
{Lucca}: Oh crap...let's run before they try and kill us!{full break}
{Robo}: I suggest we leave immediately before they become{line break}
hostile...{full break}
{Frog}: We had best move on...they outnumber us and a battle{line break}
now would hold no meaning.{full break}
*Party auto-leaves the square
END "Medina Square"
BEGIN Number Three: "Heckran's Cave Water"
*party approaches the water*
(2nd PC)
{Marle}:'s a dead end?{full break}
{Lucca}: I thought there was supposed to be a way to Truce...{full break}
{Robo}: We seem to have reached a dead end.{full break}
(3rd PC)
{Marle}: Wait...what about this water vent thingy?{full break}
{Lucca}: Hold on a sec...there's a water vent here...{full break}
{Robo}: Perhaps this water vent will take us through an{line break}
underwater passage?{full break}
(If Robo Is in party)
{Marle}: But what about you, {Robo}? Won't you short out{line break}
or rust or something?{full break}
{Lucca}: {Robo}...will your systems be affected?
{Robo}: Do not worry about me; my systems are protected from{line break}
immersion in water.{full break}
(If Robo is not in party)
{Marle}: ...I don't want to get wet...{full break}
{Lucca}: No choice, {Marle}. Come on!{full break}
*Party leaps into the water; each character has a reaction(these reactions apply to any and all times this is used, hence why Frog, Ayla, and Magus have lines)*
{Marle}: Here we go!{full break}
{Lucca}: Wooooah!{full break}
{Robo}: Let us go!{full break}
{Frog}: Oooooh!{full break}
{Ayla}: {Ayla} have fun!{full break}
{Magus}: Why me...{full break}
END "Heckran's cave water"
BEGIN Number Four "Magic Cave bits"
*PCs stop upon entrance to the cave and the third PC comments*
(3rd PC)
{Marle}: ...hey, this looks like Heckran's Cave in my time...{full break}
{Lucca}: This place looks the cave we went{line break}
through in the Millennium...{full break}
{Robo}: This cavern system appears to be identical to the one{line break}
we traversed in 1000 A.F.{full break}
*player proceeds to the water*
(3rd PC)
{Marle}: Oh man...we gotta get wet again?{full break}
{Lucca}: Great...more water...{full break}
{Robo}: It would seem we have to proceed through the water{line break}
yet again.{full break}
{Frog}: We have no choice! Let us proceed.{full break}
*party approaches the skellies and stops*
{Skeleton}: Gyaaah?! Intruders?! Halt! You defile the holy{line break}
ground of our Lord Magus!{full break}
{Frog}: You mean UN-holy ground! We have come to destroy your{line break}
"Lord" and end this war!{full break}
{Skeleton}: Never! We of the "Crimson-Tainted Blades" will send{line break}
you to Hell personally!{full break}
*boss fight!*
(3rd PC)
{Marle}: Woah...that was kinda hard...{full break}
{Lucca}: Wow...that was a lot harder than I expected...{full break}
{Robo}: That battle was quite difficult.{full break}
{Frog}: It was nothing compared to what awaits us in the{line break}
castle itself. Let us move on!{full break}
END "Magic Cave bits"
BEGIN Number Five "Cursed Woods commentary"
*PCs stop upon entrance if they did not speak to Toma*
(2nd PC)
{Marle}: ...this place is like a huge maze!{full break}
{Lucca}: Wow...the mist everywhere makes it impossible to see{line break}'s like a huge maze...{full break}
{Robo}: These woods appear to be one large maze.{full break}
(3rd PC)
{Marle}: C'mon...{Frog}'s gotta be in here somewhere...{full break}
{Lucca}: We'll find our way through...{full break}
{Robo}: Even so, we must find our way through if we are to meet{line break}
with {Frog}.{full break}
END "Cursed woods commentary"