Author Topic: Hacking Do's and Don'ts for Temporal Flux  (Read 3294 times)


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Hacking Do's and Don'ts for Temporal Flux
« on: April 05, 2007, 12:03:09 am »
This guide is design to help newbie and old TF users. This helps people out in hacking and not to cause any bugs in there own hacks. Well, really cut back on bugs.

Make sure everything works before releasing any finished/beta/demo's! But you should already know that.

Now to the juice of the fruit. More updates coming soon, or if you wanna add anything to it. start by numbering them 4 and so on, as to not confuse anyone. Thank you.

Chrono Trigger Hacking Do's and Don'ts for Temporal Flux

By Shinrin

1) When changing the length of the Item or Tech descriptions, do not in to much or when you go to the item or tech in the game, The game will crash.

I also beleave it's possible to lengthen the descriptions if a different smaller font is used, but then again, it might not. But the crash happens when the text goes off screen. You'll know when the game crashes if you go over the limit.

Solution: Shorten the length of the descriptions.

2) Changing battle music is easy as pie, Assign a value to the memory location 1FA, and you're done. But if you assign the battle music to be the same as the map music you will encounter this bug. If you do this, the sound effects in battle will be messed up, by playing an annoying sound that does go away until you select a command, and other weird noises.

Sound effects go back to normal after the battle ends.

Solution: Either change the battle music to something else, or tell the battles to use the map music in the battle properties. Yes, you'd have to do it for every battle that's in the event packet.

Note: some areas don't use 1FA for setting up the battle music, you can add it in the event code if you want. If it's not in the code, it will only play the default battle music.

3) Adding party members into the active party when you have 3 people, this will cause a glitch with the 3rd character in the party. This game is design only to have 3 characters in party, though the game does handle this well if this does happen but causes some graphical glitches.

Let's say, for example, you have Crono, Magus and Frog in your party and you go to leene square to get marle, every thing runs fine and dandy. until she's put into the active party. the 3rd party member will glitch as well as the 4th party member taking place of both by switching sprites between them while moving around.

The game handles this part bizzare but go into the menu, you'll see that you only have 3 characters, and Frog should be missing and you have marle instead. The game forces the current 3rd party member out of the party and replaces it with the other.

When you leave the menu, your chacters might be in weird positions, like Magus might be under a tent or the trees, or marle might be in a post that holds the bell up. but they will walk around the map and through objects and people as you move around the map. But frog disappears from the map totally after leaving the menu. The game play normally after this, just leave the area and the character should follow you normal. No other bugs have been found or any side effects.

Solution: Put the third party member in reserve.

Note: I don't know what happens to the other party member after he/she/it is replaced by the other. They could be auto put in reserve or "deleted" from the whole party all together.


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Re: Hacking Do's and Don'ts for Temporal Flux
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 12:08:49 am »
Nice!  That helps with some stuff.