Reld has finished his work on his fork of Temporal Flux 3.04, which we have decided to call "version 3.04 R1" for revision 1. As the about screen states though, it can also be called the "Blame Reld Edition".
The original Temporal Flux editor was last updated in 2017, and is unlikely to be updated again. Geiger, if you are reading this, and you want to incorporate these changes, you are more than welcome to. Thanks for creating such a great base to work from.
3.04 R1 fixes a couple of minor bugs and expands the utility to be able to handle enemies and music outside of the normal range that were added through romhacking. It expands the music editing to allow editing of instruments, drum table, volume, and echo buffer, and streamlines the placement of music into maps and events.
3.04 R1 also detects if your rom has the Chrono Trigger Soundtrack Expansion patch applied, and if so, adds new options. The new songs are available to select in the dropdown box, and the location properties will allow you to specify the random battle music on each map.
Here are some screenshots, followed by the release notes.

v3.04 R1 (2022.12.14)
Blame Reld Edition
- Misc. Settings . No longer writes $0000 to $00F2D2 when Startup Location patch is not applied
- Music . Instrument "(3E) Cuica" is now selectable from the Music panel (US version)
- Music . Instrument "(09) Shamisen" is now "(09) Timpani)"
- Music . Instrument "(27) Closed Hi-hat" is now "(27) Crash Cymbal"
- Changing the Party Menu music now works as intended. If you choose a different song, the code to skip the fade-out/fade-in if that song is also updated. If you choose "FF - No Music Set", it will skip the fade-out/fade-in entirely.
- Loc Events . Enemies FA through FE are now selectable via the Load Sprite command
- Loc Props . Location Music is now selectable from the Location Properties panel
- Music . Music panel has been disconnected from Locations and is now available from Window > Music instead of Window > Locations > Music
- Music . Editing capability has been added for the Percussion Table, Echo Buffer, and Master Volume for each song
- Music . Echo Buffer setting can optionally be automatically calculated based on total size of selected instruments
- Added support for Chrono Trigger Soundtrack Expansion hack
- Patch is auto-detected if applied
- Extra songs are selectable in Loc Props, Loc Events, Overworld Events, and Music panel
- Loc Props . "Battle Music" dropdown added if CTSE is applied
EDIT: I added the attachment This time.