Well, she wanted him to do it. She had some distorted view of Unmod, like some center of shock-jock humor cultivation or something. It was just an unmoderated forum with only punishable offenses being law-breaking posts or flooding.
Oh...well...in that case, shame on both of them.
But singing this remix is Star Salzman, a funny guy who would probably have submitted this to VGMix if it were up right now.
Whoopsie. I must have misunderstood when you blabbed about DJP laying off the thesaurus.
In any case, this remix is, at best, so-so. It's put together well, I'll grant it that...amazingly well...but the lyrics just don't jive with me all that much, and neither does the actual music itself. You can put together crap in the most fantastic way imaginable, yet at the end of the day it'll still be crap. This isn't crap, but it's not the most wonderful thing either.