Author Topic: Zealian Library & World Books (old)  (Read 5306 times)


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2007, 02:27:08 pm »
That sounds interesting. I was thinking maybe a book on Nu, but I'm not sure if one already exists in the game or not.

Yea, I'll do some here sometime, just getting back from Florida from Spring Break so I have a ton of school work to do this week. Anyways, yea aeons is fine in context.

I'm still going through all the posts of Zakyrus and yours. I still need to look over the crazy ideas thread, and add my own crazy ideas, and read over your script and add to it, or correct typos w/e.


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2007, 11:10:59 pm »
To my knowledge, there is no Nu book. Besides the "Life begins with Nu and ends with Nu." -- maybe we can expand this book? Great idea Glennleo. If you want to write any books go for it, Kyronea will probaly revise it for you though.  :wink:


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2007, 12:02:06 am »
Mineral Encyclopedia: Ores,
vol 5. ch. 3{page break}
{"1}Adamantium{"2} is an extremely rare compound. Little is known about this
unusual metal except that it can be enchanted with elemental power. {page break}
One such ore which was discovered by an EarthBound One, and was
quickly rushed to Kajar Magic Lab for more detailed research.{page break}
It was the Guru of Life who discovered the elemental abilities
of this ore. Unlike, {"1}Dreamstone{"2}, which acts as a focus to dream energy,
Adamantium acts as a focus for raw Elemental energy.{page break}
The Guru created a sword enchanted with the element of Water.
This sword became known as the {"1}Tsunami Sword{"2} because of it's
ability to literally strike with a wall of water.{page break}
This weapon of unfathomable strength was to be sealed in the North Temple
because elemental power became obsolete after the discovery of Lavos.{null}

Mineral Encyclopedia: Gems and Minerals,
vol 4. ch. 2{page break}
Dreamstone is a rare mineral, characterized by a unique red hue{line break}
and crystalline structure. It is amazingly useful for{line break}
channeling energy, especially magical and spirtual energy.{page break}
Dreamstone has often been used by Zeal in the construction{line break}
of magical machines and weaponry. The largest and most{line break}
recent machine built from Dreamstone is the Mammon Machin{line break}
which is used to channel the energy of Lavos.{page break}
Curiously, Dreamstone also can channel dreams themselves{line break}
and if a person is powerful enough magically, they can create{line break}
a new creature.{page break}
Dreamstone is ultimately one of the most useful resources{line break}
the Kingdom of Zeal can utilize. One must only hope that it{line break}
is never used for evil.{page break}
It all began aeons ago, when man's ancestors picked up a shard of a
strange red rock...{full break}
Its power, which was beyond human comprehension, cultivated dreams...
In turn, love and hate were born...{full break}
Only time will see how it all ends.{null}

« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 12:04:23 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2007, 12:08:24 am »
It all began aeons ago, when man's ancestors picked up a shard of a
strange red rock...{full break}
Its power, which was beyond human comprehension, cultivated dreams...
In turn, love and hate were born...{full break}
Only time will see how it all ends.{null}
No. That was referring to the Frozen Flame, not Dreamstone. Consider the phrasing of the statement, and how we know the Frozen Flame accelerated evolution after a certain point in humans. Dreamstone, on the other hand, hand nothing to do with it.

That said, I do want that statement still somewhere...perhaps as a fragment of a note  referring to the Frozen Flame.


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2007, 12:12:01 am »
The Frozen Flame...a mysterious object thought to be the{line break}
catalyst for human evolution into the species we are today{line break}
it had been considered mythological until rediscovered twenty{line break}
years ago by a Zealian explorer.{page break}
Unlike the Sun Stone, it could not be used directly as a source{line break}
of power and thus was merely an object of curiosity to be{line break}
studied, until the discovery of Lavos, when it was realized that{line break}
the energy it emits is identical to that of Lavos.{page break}
As such, the Frozen Flame is used as the core of the Mammon{line break}
Machine now, to focus the energies of Lavos into a useful{line break}
form all of Zeal can use as power.{page break}
Currently, only one who can bond with the Flame magically is{line break}
able to control it and the Mammon Machine. Only Schala Zeal{line break}
the crown princess and heir to the throne is magically powerful{line break}
enough to bond with the Flame.{page break}
The origins of the Frozen Flame are unknown. Many suspect it{line break}
is a fragment of Lavos, though how or why it would come into{line break}
existance remains to be explained, though some use it to suggest{line break}
Lavos intentionally used it to turn us into what we are now.{page break}
As such, they suggest that Lavos is a god to be worshipped{line break}
though many scientists discount this as mere foolishness.{page break}
We may never know the origin of the Frozen Flame, but it is a{line break}
powerful tool in keeping our glorious kingdom prosperous, and{line break}
and as such should be kept safe at all costs.{full break}
It all began aeons ago, when man's ancestors picked up a shard of a
strange red rock...{full break}
Its power, which was beyond human comprehension, cultivated dreams...
In turn, love and hate were born...{full break}
Only time will see how it all ends.{null}


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2007, 12:16:37 am »
Aye...should be kept apart from it though, not as part of the same exact book, but a book nearby...

Or better yet, as a poetic introduction to the book, rather than stuck at the end.


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2007, 12:17:54 am »
Intro? That's works well. I'll remember to re-arrange it when I get to the 2nd half of the game.


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2007, 12:20:44 am »
Right. Don't worry too much yet...these books probably need to be refined at some point...I suppose after the break when I'm done with the endings, I'll get to refining them and creating new entries for various subjects. I'll probably rename the thread to "Informational Archives Thread" or something like that, since I'll use it not just for the books in the Zealian library, but for the books elsewhere throughout the game, including computer entries and Reptite stone tablets.


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2007, 12:30:25 am »


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Re: Zealian Library Books
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2007, 10:07:30 am »

Since I am adding new dialouge. I might as well begin adding a few new other things...
Books will be bookshelves in areas that you can check with the A button.

It will say:
"There are many books here...
...only few are of interest."{page break}
Read which book?
      Book 1
      Book 2
      Book 3{null}

Example 2:
Read which book?
      {"1}Magic Cave Mining{"2}
      {"1}Prehistoric Wonders{"2}
      {"1}Indestructable Ore{"2}{null}

* some bookshelves only have 2 books, I'll specify. I have always wanted to add lots of books to the game. Books alone tell a fragment of a story. They are also there for those that *really* explore a game.
Books can be 3 to X number of sentances long, X being paragraphs(please not longer than 2 paragraphs).
I went through all the locations and checked to see which places had bookshelves, I want to add stuff to all of them! (omitting Zealian areas - we more than have that covered until I make the Library accessable (that alone will have a dozen books!).

I making books for the following areas:
I wrote a few that I came up with down. Books can be anything from a random history event that happened in the timeline to items or ANYTHING for that matter. (I got all item-books covered though such as Jadeleaf or Quartz, or even Diamond) History books can "change" as you change things in the timeline!

Lucca's Workshop:

Lucca's Room:

Lucca's Room: (for Lucca & Lara flashback only, if you're smart enough to read shelf)
??? - Mineral: Amber

Medina Elder's House:
??? History of Medina?
??? Founding of Medina?
??? History of Mougun?

Melchior's Workshop: (2 bookshelves)

Bookshelf 1:

Magic Cave Mining (Talks about Quartz abundance in Magic Cave)

"Throught the centuries, it has been known by many explorers that
the Magic Cave (now known as Heckran Caverns), is rich in Quartz mineral.

This material used in the synthesis process is sought by many a collector.

Prehistoric Wonders (Talks about Searing Chasm theory)
*** needs improvement
"it is theorized that an entire cave flowing hot with magma, was filled with countless gems being created and melted down every half an hour.

Indestructable Ore (Talks about Impervium)
* complete book
...this substance is believed to be the hardest known element in the universe.
This ore has extremely high catalistic properties, making the most ideal synth material ever known. Impervium has only been found in small traces within Meteorites. It is hypothesized that if one possessed enough Meteorite, they could create a sword of unfathomable power, capable of slicing through nearly anything. However, due to the extreme rarity of Meteorite, the synth process and items required to do so are unknown at this time.

Bookshelf 2:
Synth Process (I'll write this whenever I figure out synth shop)

Porre Mayor's House 1F (Present)

Manoria Storage:
(there is one Bookshelf in that room that isn't covered up by treasure chests)

Choras Carpenter's Residence 2F (Middle Ages)